PINE@SE — Integrated Educational Programme 651@SE (Q3097876)

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Project Q3097876 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
PINE@SE — Integrated Educational Programme 651@SE
Project Q3097876 in Romania


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    3,944,309.4 Romanian Leu
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    788,861.88 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    4,640,364.0 Romanian Leu
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    928,072.8 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    85.0 percent
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    1 April 2021
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    31 March 2023
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    45°47'19.36"N, 26°53'1.68"E
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    45°26'1.75"N, 28°3'17.78"E
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    45°16'17.80"N, 27°58'27.44"E
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    45°16'9.34"N, 26°46'29.35"E
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    44°10'36.19"N, 28°39'2.74"E
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    45°10'39.07"N, 28°48'5.87"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului este lmbunatatirea nivelului de competente profesionale si socio-personale pentru 651 angajati din Regiunea Sud Est, in scopul cresterii gradului de angajabilitate si imbunatatirii statutului pe piata muncii pentru 377 dintre acestia. Obiectivul General contribuie la indeplinirea Obiectivului Specific.6.12. - Cresterea participarii la programele de formare profesionala continua, cu accent pe acei adulti, cu un nivel scazut de calificare si persoanele cu varsta de peste 40 ani, din zone rurale defavorizate, inclusiv prin recunoasterea si certificarea rezultatelor invatarii dobandite in contexte non- formale si informale dupa cum urmeaza: - 651 de angajati vor fi recrutati, consiliati, tutorati si vor participa la programele de formare planificate in cadrul proiectului (4S114). Din acestia cel putin 196 de angajati vor fi din mediul rural sau/si au peste 40 ani sau/si nivelul acestora de calificare este scazut (>30% din 4S114). - 521 de angajati participanti la activitatile de formare isi vor imbunatatii competentele profesionale (4S110) reprezentand peste 80% din indicatorul 4S114. Din acestia cel putin 157 de angajati vor fi din mediul rural sau/si au peste 40 ani sau/si nivelul acestora de calificare este scazut (>30% din 4S110). - 377 de angajati consiliati, tutorati si participanti la sesiunile de formare isi vor imbunatatii statutul pe piata muncii (4S111) reprezentand peste 57% din indicatorul 4S114. Din acestia cel putin 114 angajati vor fi din mediul rural sau/si au peste 40 ani sau/si nivelul acestora de calificare este scazut (>30% din 4S111). - 66 de angajati consiliati, tutorati si participanti la sesiunile de formare cor urma alte studii/cursuri (4S112) reprezentand peste 10% din din 4S114. Din acestia cel putin 20 angajati vor fi din mediul rural sau/si au peste 40 ani sau/si nivelul acestora de calificare este scazut (>30% din 4S114). EFECTUL POZITIV pe termen lung, pentru membrii grupului tinta va fi sustinut de bagajul de informatii si competente pe care acestia l-au capatat ca urmare a implementarii proiectului. Astfel, chiar si dupa terminarea proiectului, datorita cursului de competente digitale, pe langa avantajele oferite in procesul de ocupare al orcarui post, beneficiarii finali vor putea sa isi realizeze/actualizeze CV-ul, vor putea sa analizeze ofertele de pe piata muncii in scopul fundamentarii deciziei de cautare a unui loc de munca, sa fie informatii cu privire la drepturile si obligatiile ce decurg din calitatea de angajat, etc. Cursul de Competente sociale si civice, tinand cont de natura cu grad ridicat de risc de marginalizare a grupului tinta (persoane necalificate, din mediul rural, cu grad educational scazut, peste 40 de ani), are si scopul, ca EFECT POZITIV pe termen lung, de a facilita insertia acestora in societate "prin ei insisi", de a le creste "respectul de sine" si a ii indeparta din zona de risc in care se afla. Activitatile care au ca scop calificarea persoanel (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to improve the level of professional and socio-personal skills for 651 employees from South East Region, in order to increase the employability and improve the status on the labour market for 377 of them. The General Objective contributes to the achievement of Specific Objective.6.12. — Increasing participation in continuous vocational training programs, with a focus on those adults with a low level of qualification and people over 40 years old, from disadvantaged rural areas, including by recognising and certifying the learning outcomes acquired in non-formal and informal contexts as follows: — 651 employees will be recruited, advised, tutored and will participate in the training programs planned under the project (4S114). Of these, at least 196 employees will be from rural areas or/and are over 40 years old or/and their qualification level is low (>30 % of 4S114). — 521 employees participating in training activities will improve their professional skills (4S110) representing more than 80 % of indicator 4S114. Of these, at least 157 employees will be from rural areas or/and are over 40 years old or/and their qualification level is low (>30 % of 4S110). — 377 employees advised, tutored and participants in training sessions will improve their status on the labour market (4S111) representing over 57 % of indicator 4S114. Of these, at least 114 employees will be from rural areas or/and are over 40 years old or/and their qualification level is low (>30 % of 4S111). — 66 employees advised, tutored and participants in the chorus training sessions followed other studies/courses (4S112) representing more than 10 % of 4S114. Of these, at least 20 employees will be from rural areas or/and are over 40 years old or/and their qualification level is low (>30 % of 4S114). The long-term POZITIVE effect for the members of the target group will be supported by the information and skills that they have acquired as a result of the implementation of the project. Thus, even after the end of the project, due to the digital skills course, in addition to the advantages offered in the employment process of any job, the final beneficiaries will be able to realise/update their CV, they will be able to analyse the offers on the labour market in order to substantiate the decision to seek a job, to be information about the rights and obligations arising from the status of employee, etc. it also aims, as a long-term POZITIVE EFECT, to facilitate their insertion into society “by themselves”, to increase their “self-respect” and to remove them from the risk area in which they are located. Activities aimed at the qualification of the person (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Judeţul Constanţa, Romania
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    Judeţul Vrancea, Romania
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    Judeţul Tulcea, Romania
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    Judeţul Galaţi, Romania
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    Judeţul Buzău, Romania
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    Judeţul Brăila, Romania
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