Rehabilitation, modernisation and outpatient expansion with enclosing building C8 (proposed for destination change from storage to outpatient) and interior arrangement (Q2747087)

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Project Q2747087 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Rehabilitation, modernisation and outpatient expansion with enclosing building C8 (proposed for destination change from storage to outpatient) and interior arrangement
Project Q2747087 in Romania


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    7,489,945.46 Romanian Leu
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    1,497,989.0920000002 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    10,699,922.06 Romanian Leu
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    2,139,984.412 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    70.0 percent
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    20 December 2019
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    31 May 2022
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    46°16'28.85"N, 23°3'54.11"E
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    Obiectivul strategic al POR consta in sprijinirea unei dezvoltari economice, sociale, durabile si echilibrate teritorial, a tuturor regiunilor Romaniei, potrivit nevoilor si resurselor specifice, cu accent pe sprijinerea dezvoltarii durabile a polilor urbani de crestere, imbunatatirea mediului de afaceri si a infrastructurii de baza. Axa prioritara 8 " Investiţiile in infrastructurile sanitare şi sociale care contribuie la dezvoltarea la nivel naţional, regional şi local, reducand inegalitaţile in ceea ce priveşte starea de sanatate şi promovand incluziunea sociala prin imbunataţirea accesului la serviciile sociale, culturale si de recreare, precum si trecerea de la serviciile institutionale la serviciile prestate de colectivitatile locale" Obiectivul specific al acestui domeniu major de interventie il constituie cresterea accesibilitati serviciilor de sanatate, comunitare si a celor de nivel secundar, in special in zonele sarace si izolate Scopul proiectului este modernizarea, reabilitarea si extinderea corpului de cladire ambulatoriu al Spitalului Orasenesc Abrud Obiectivul general - al proiectului este constituit din investiii care vor contribui la accesul sporit la serviciile de ingrijire medicala primara a persoanelor sarace si a celor cu acces redus si cresterea calitatii serviciilor medicale, cu respectarea principiilor dezvoltarii durabile, egalitatii de sanse, promovarii tehnologiei informatiei si transparentei in domeniul achizitiilor publice. Prin reabilitarea, modernizarea si extinderea la standarde europene a spatiilor ambulatoriului rezulta posibilitati crescute de igienizare si sterilizare, ceea ce confera un mai bun control al bolilor transmisibile, indeosebi intr-un spatiu cu frecventa ridicata a accesului public. In acest mod se reduc potentialele focare de raspandire de germeni. De asemenea sunt create conditii normale atat pentru efectuarea actului medical cat si din punct de vedere al serviciilor de care beneficiaza pacientii ambulatoriului. In aceeasi masura este creat un circuit functional eficient pentru derularea activitatilor ambulatoriului. (Romanian)
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    The strategic objective of the ROP is to support an economic, social, sustainable and territorially balanced development of all regions of Romania, according to specific needs and resources, with a focus on supporting the sustainable development of urban growth poles, improving the business environment and basic infrastructure. Priority Axis 8 “Investing in health and social infrastructure that contributes to development at national, regional and local level, reducing unequalities in health status and promoting social inclusion by improving access to social, cultural and recreational services, as well as the transition from institutional services to services provided by local authorities” The specific objective of this major area of intervention is to increase accessibility to health services, community and secondary level, especially in poor and isolated areas The goal of the project is to modernise, rehabilitate and expand the outpatient building body of the Abrud City Hospital The general objective of the project is the investments that will contribute to increased access to primary medical care services for the poor and those with reduced access and increase the quality of medical services, respecting the principles of sustainable development, equal opportunities, promotion of information technology and transparency in the field of public procurement. Rehabilitation, modernisation and extension to European standards of outpatient spaces result in increased possibilities of sanitation and sterilisation, which gives better control of communicable diseases, especially in a space with high public access frequency. In this way, the potential outbreaks of germ spread are reduced. Also, normal conditions are created both for performing the medical act and in terms of services that the outpatients benefit from. To the same extent, an efficient functional circuit is created to carry out outpatient activities. (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Oraş Abrud, Romania
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