Tech Ac@demy (Q3098059)

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Project Q3098059 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Tech Ac@demy
Project Q3098059 in Romania


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    3,966,824.08 Romanian Leu
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    793,364.8160000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    4,666,851.86 Romanian Leu
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    933,370.3720000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    85.0 percent
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    4 January 2021
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    3 January 2023
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    45°47'19.36"N, 26°53'1.68"E
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    45°26'1.75"N, 28°3'17.78"E
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    44°12'50.87"N, 23°40'9.23"E
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    43°53'45.28"N, 25°57'56.92"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului il reprezinta creșterea participării angajatilor din regiunile Sud Vest, Sud Muntenia si Sud Est, la programele de formare profesională continuă, prin oferirea in cadrul IT Bootcamp catre 660 de angajati (dintre care 200 vor fi din categoria angajatilor cu nivel scăzut de calificare, cu vârsta de peste 40 de ani sau care provin din mediul rural defavorizat) de cursuri de dezvoltare a competentelor digitale si prin promovarea importantei formarii profesionale si participarii la programe de formare profesionala continua. Obiectivul general al proiectului este astfel in linie cu Prioritatea de investitii 10.iii “ Imbunatatirea accesului egal la invatarea pe tot parcursul vietii pentru toate grupurile de varsta intr-un cadru formal, non-formal sau informal, actualizarea cunostintelor, a aptitudinilor si a competentelor fortei de munca si promovarea unor cai de invatare flexibile, inclusiv prin orientare profesionala si prin validarea competentelor dobandite” si cu Obiectivul specific 6.12. “Creșterea participării la programele de formare profesională continuă, cu accent pe acei adulți, cu un nivel scăzut de calificare și persoanele cu vârsta de peste 40 ani, din zone rurale defavorizate, inclusiv prin recunoașterea și certificarea rezultatelor învățării dobândite în contexte non-formale și informale”. Proiectul va constitui o premisa pentru solutionarea a trei din problemele specifice formarii profesionale din Romania: participarea redusa a adultilor la programe de IPV; lipsa de corelare a programelor de formare cu piata muncii; lipsa de informare a angajatilor (in special a celor mai in varsta si a celor cu un nivel dedus de educatie) cu privire la oportunitatile de formare. De asemenea, proiectul are in vedere contracararea efectelor negative ale digitalizarii manifestate de disparitia de locuri de munca, prin preluarea de catre roboti a executiei multor sarcini de tipul celor repetitive, periculoase sau obositoare fizic. Per ansamblu, insa, digitalizarea economiei si firmelor are efecte pozitive, odata cu disparitia anumitor locuri de munca, fiind create alte locuri de munca, legate de adoptarea noilor tehnologii. Pe termen mediu si lung, putem vorbi despre modernizarea calificarilor, dar si de o posibila polarizare a calificarilor, ceea ce ar putea avea ca rezultat noi forme de munca. Studiile arata ca, o crestere de 10% a gradului de digitalizare conduce la o scadere cu 1,02% a ratei somajului. Astfel, prin dezvoltarea competentelor digitale ale angajatilor acestia se vor putea adapta mult mai usor schimbarilor generate de digitalizare. Pe termen lung, beneficiile generate de proiect vizeaza cresterea adaptabilitatii si competitivitatii pe piata muncii pentru cei 660 de membri ai grupului tinta, prin furnizarea de actiuni de consiliere profesionala si tutorat pentru incurajarea participarii la programe de formare profesionala continua si prin furnizarea programului de formare profesionala de dezvoltare a com (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to increase the participation of employees from the regions of South West, South Muntenia and South East, in continuous vocational training programs, by offering in IT Bootcamp to 660 employees (of which 200 will be in the category of low-skilled, over 40-year-old employees or coming from disadvantaged rural areas) to develop digital skills and by promoting the importance of professional training and participation in continuous vocational training programs. The general objective of the project is thus in line with the Investment Priority 10.iii “Improving equal access to lifelong learning for all age groups in a formal, non-formal or informal setting, updating the knowledge, skills and competences of the workforce and promoting flexible learning pathways, including through professional guidance and validation of acquired skills” and Specific Objective 6.12. “Increase participation in continuous vocational training programmes, with a focus on those low-skilled adults and those over 40 years of age, in disadvantaged rural areas, including through the recognition and certification of learning outcomes acquired in non-formal and informal contexts”. The project will be a prerequisite for solving three of the specific problems of vocational training in Romania: reduced participation of adults in IPV programs; lack of correlation between training programmes and the labour market; lack of information for employees (especially older people and those with a deduced level of education) about training opportunities. The project also aims to counteract the negative effects of digitalisation manifested by the disappearance of jobs, by taking over many tasks such as repetitive, dangerous or physically exhausting tasks by robots. Overall, however, the digitalisation of the economy and firms has positive effects, with the disappearance of certain jobs, creating other jobs, linked to the adoption of new technologies. In the medium and long term, we can talk about modernising qualifications, but also about a possible polarisation of qualifications, which could result in new forms of work. Studies show that a 10 % increase in digitalisation leads to a 1.02 % fall in unemployment rate. Thus, by developing the digital skills of their employees, they will be able to adapt much more easily to the changes brought about by digitalisation. In the long term, the benefits generated by the project aim to increase adaptability and competitiveness on the labour market for the 660 members of the target group, by providing professional counselling and mentoring actions to encourage participation in continuous training programs and by providing the professional training program for the development of the com (English)
    16 September 2021
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