Acquisition of woodworking machinery within SC LILIODENDRON TULIP SRL (Q2745564)

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Project Q2745564 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Acquisition of woodworking machinery within SC LILIODENDRON TULIP SRL
Project Q2745564 in Romania


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    563,243.1491 Romanian Leu
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    112,648.62982000002 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    828,298.74 Romanian Leu
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    165,659.74800000002 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    68.0 percent
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    2 June 2016
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    31 December 2018
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    47°22'5.63"N, 24°40'27.01"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului: propus spre realizare il reprezinta cresterea competitivitatii societatii Liliodendron Tulip SRL, in vederea consolidarii pozitiei pe piata, contribuind astfel la dezvoltarea si modernizarea sectorului de prelucrare a lemnului, consolidarea mediului de afaceri din regiune, utilizarea resurselor locale, absorbtia surplusului de forta de munca din regiune si realizarea unei activitati productive eficiente. Investitia are ca obiectiv principal dezvoltarea activitatii de productie, mai precis introducerea in nomenclatorul de produse a unei noi game de produse, in vederea dezvoltarii activitatii Societatii Liliodendron Tulip SRL si contribuirii la dezvoltarea sectorului productiv al judetului Bistrita-Nasaud. Proiectul initiat de Liliodendron Tulip SRL este corelat cu obiectivul general al POR privind cresterea competitivitatii si imbunatatirea conditiilor de viata ale comunitatilor locale si regionale printr-o utilizare mai buna a resurselor umane si a factorilor de productie, contribuind astfel la gestionarea mai eficienta a resurselor si valorificarea potentialului de inovare si asimilare a procesului tehnologic. SC Liliodendron Tulip SRL este o intreprindere care doreste sa isi consolideze pozitia pe piata prin introducerea de tehnologii moderne in procesul de productie si prin dezvoltarea activitatii. Acest deziderat se incadreaza in obiectivul specific al POR de consolidare a pozitiei pe piata a IMM. Noile echipamente ce vor fi achizisionate vor conduce la dezvoltarea activitatii productive desfasurate de catre societate. (Romanian)
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    General objective of the project: proposed to achieve is to increase the competitiveness of Liliodendron Tulip SRL, in order to strengthen the market position, thus contributing to the development and modernisation of the wood processing sector, strengthening the business environment in the region, using local resources, absorbing surplus labour in the region and achieving an efficient productive activity. The main objective of the investment is to develop the production activity, namely the introduction into the product nomenclature of a new range of products, in order to develop the activity of Liliodendron Tulip SRL and to contribute to the development of the production sector of Bistrita-Nasaud county. The project initiated by Liliodendron Tulip SRL is correlated with the general objective of ROP to increase competitiveness and improve the living conditions of local and regional communities through better use of human resources and production factors, thus contributing to more efficient management of resources and valorisation of the innovation and technological process uptake potential. SC Liliodendron Tulip SRL is an enterprise that wants to strengthen its position on the market by introducing modern technologies in the production process and by developing its activity. This is within the specific objective of the ROP to strengthen the market position of SMEs. The new equipment that will be purchased will lead to the development of the productive activity carried out by the company. (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Oraş Sângeorz-Băi, Romania
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