A chance for the beginning of your career! — Programme of integrated second chance measures for NEETs in the South-Muntenia Region (Q3098063)

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Project Q3098063 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
A chance for the beginning of your career! — Programme of integrated second chance measures for NEETs in the South-Muntenia Region
Project Q3098063 in Romania


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    4,106,476.74 Romanian Leu
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    821,295.3480000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    4,606,833.12 Romanian Leu
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    921,366.6240000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    89.14 percent
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    15 June 2021
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    14 December 2023
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    Obiectivul General al proiectului este identificare si readucerea in sistemul de educaþie si formare, a 411 de tineri NEETs proveniti din medii, comunitati si etnii diverse si cu vârste si necesitati educationale variate, care nu au urmat sau nu au finalizat nivelul de educatie obligatorie printr-un program integrat ce vizeaza dezvoltarea de programe tip a doua sansa. Obiectivul general, vizeaza imbunatatirea si integrarea in sistemul de educatie si formare a unui numar de 411 tineri NEETS in cadrul programului de reintegrare scolara „a doua sansa” bazat pe o educatie incluziva . Facilitarea accesului la programul de reintegrare scolara ADS a unui numar de 411 de tineri NEETS se realizeaza in urma incheierii parteneriatului reprezentat de SC Eco Rural Consulting SRL si ASOCIATIA " ACOPERAMANTUL MAICII DOMNULUI " avand ca scop, asigurarea infrastructurii educationale adecvate si a unor medii de invaþare care sa raspunda nevoilor specific ale tinerilor NEETS care au parasit prematur sistemul de educatie, prin abordari organizaþionale si pedagogice care sa ii atraga pe acestia, caracterizate prin grupuri mici de studiu, de predare personalizata, adaptata vârstelor cursantilor si trasee educationale si de pregatire profesionala flexibile cu caracter inovativ. Astfel, proiectul contribuie pe termen lung la diversificarea si extinderea la nivel naþional a programelor functionale integrate de tip „a doua sansa” prin consilierea persoanelor din afara sistemului de educaþie (tineri NEETS care nu au urmat sau au parasit sistemul de educatie), avand ca rezultat reintegrarea/integrarea tinerilor in sistemul de educatie, bazat pe o educatie incluziva si de reducere a cazurilor de discriminare si segregare scolara etnica, statut social, dizabilitati sau alte criterii care afecteaza tinerii si adultii proveniti din grupuri dezavantajate. Activitatile dezvoltate in cadrul proiectului prin asigurarea de materiale didactice, manuale, rechizite si hrana elevilor pe timpul cursului, precum si acordarea subventiilor pentru participare acordate pe nivele de studiu, au scopul de de a îmbunatati, în mod substantial, calitatea invaþamântului primar si secundar inferior ADS si totodata vor atrage tot mai mulþi tineri NEETS la cursuri in cadrul programelor ADS, reprezentand pe termen mediu si lung un model motivational pentru tineri determinandu-i sa se reintoarca la soala in sistemul educational. (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to identify and bring 411 NEETs from backgrounds, communities and ethnic backgrounds with diverse ages and educational needs into the education and training system, who have not followed or completed the level of compulsory education through an integrated program aimed at developing second chance programs. The overall objective is to improve and integrate into the education and training system a total of 411 NEETS young people within the “second chance” school reintegration program based on inclusive education. Facilitating access to the ADS school reintegration program of a number of 411 NEETS young people is achieved following the conclusion of the partnership represented by SC Eco Rural Consulting SRL and ASOCIATIA “The Covering of the Mother of the LORD” aiming to ensure adequate educational infrastructure and learning environments that meet the specific needs of NEETS young people who have left the education system prematurely, through organisational and pedagogical approaches to attract them, characterised by small study groups, personalised teaching, adapted to the ages of learners and educational paths and flexible vocational training with innovative character. Thus, the project contributes in the long term to the diversification and extension at national level of integrated functional programs of the “second chance” type by advising people outside the education system (young NEETs who have not followed or left the education system), resulting in the reintegration/integration of young people into the education system, based on inclusive education and reducing the cases of discrimination and ethnic school segregation, social status, disabilities or other criteria affecting young people and adults from disadvantaged groups. The activities developed within the project through the provision of teaching materials, textbooks, school supplies and food for students during the course, as well as the awarding of grants for participation on study levels, aim to substantially improve the quality of the primary and secondary education lower ADS and will also attract more and more NEETs to courses within the ADS programs, representing in the medium and long term a motivational model for young people, causing them to return to the school system. (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Judeţul Ialomiţa, Romania
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    Judeţul Giurgiu, Romania
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    Judeţul Teleorman, Romania
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    Judeţul Prahova, Romania
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    Judeţul Dâmboviţa, Romania
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    Judeţul Călăraşi, Romania
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    Judeţul Argeş, Romania
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