Gives a chance to life – National Maternity and Child Care Program – Stage I (Q3097949)

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Project Q3097949 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Gives a chance to life – National Maternity and Child Care Program – Stage I
Project Q3097949 in Romania


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    8,280,027.417 Romanian Leu
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    1,656,005.4834000003 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    9,917,534.82 Romanian Leu
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    1,983,506.9640000002 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    83.49 percent
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    31 August 2018
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    28 February 2022
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului este CREȘTEREA NUMĂRULUI DE PERSOANE CARE BENEFICIAZĂ DE PROGRAME DE SĂNĂTATE ȘI DE SERVICII ORIENTATE CĂTRE PREVENȚIE, DEPISTARE PRECOCE (SCREENING), DIAGNOSTIC ȘI TRATAMENT PRECOCE PENTRU PRINCIPALELE PATOLOGII prin imbunatatirea cadrului tehnic si metodologic, a cunostintelor si a competentelor personalului implicat in furnizarea serviciilor de ingrijire a gravidei si copilului din toate cele 8 regiuni ale Romaniei. OG contribuie la indeplinirea OS4.9 Cresterea numarului de persoane care beneficiaza de programe de sanatate si de servicii orientate catre preventie, depistare precoce (screening) prenatal prin: 1) imbunatatirea cadrului tehnic si methodologic. Pentru dezvoltarea metodologiei de preventie, depistare precoce, diagnostic si tratament precoce prenatal si procedurilor de lucru la nivel national, INSMC va organiza discutii de lucru/workshopuri la nivelul celor 8 regiuni cu reprezentantii spitalelor din regiunea respectiva care au in structura sectii/compartimente de obstetrica-ginecologie si au nivelul 3 de ierarhizare, conform Ordin nr. 1881/2006. 2) imbunatatirea cunostintelor si a competentelor personalului implicat in furnizarea serviciilor de ingrijire a gravidei si copilului din toate cele 8 regiuni ale Romaniei (376 de specialiști) Vor fi puse la dispozitie, spre implementare nationala in cadrul Programelor regionale de ingrijire a gravidei şi copilului - etapa II, urmatoarele: -metodologia de prevenție, depistare precoce, diagnostic și tratament precoce prenatal si procedurile de lucru dezvoltate -registrul național de prevenție, depistare precoce, diagnostic și tratament precoce prenatal -curiculele si materialele de curs, ghidurile educationale si cele de practica si modulele de formare pentru cele 6 cursuri disponibile pe platforma de e-learning INSMC -ghidurile de interventie, informare, educare si constientizare la nivel national, linia verde (call-center) de screening prenatal si mijloacele de comunicare si informare folosite (pentru cresterea nivelului de constientizare in randul femeilor privind importanta controalelor medicale pre-natale). (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to CREAT THE NUMBER OF PERSONS WHICH BENEFICIATED OF HEALTH PROGRAMES AND ORIENTED SERVICES TO PREVENTION, PRECOCE DEPISTATION (SCREENING), DIAGNOSTIC AND PRECOCE Treatment FOR PRINCIPAL Pathologies by improving the technical and methodological framework, knowledge and skills of the personnel involved in the provision of maternity and child care services in all 8 regions of Romania. OG contributes to the achievement of OS4.9 Increasing the number of people benefiting from health programs and services oriented towards prevention, early detection (screening) prenatal by: 1) Improving the technical and methodological framework. In order to develop the methodology of prevention, early detection, diagnosis and early prenatal treatment and working procedures at national level, INSMC will organise working discussions/workshops at the level of the 8 regions with representatives of hospitals in the region that have in the structure of departments/compartments of obstetrics-gynecology and have level 3 ranking, according to Order no. 1881/2006. 2) Improvement of the knowledge and competences of the staff involved in the provision of maternity and child care services in all 8 regions of Romania (376 specialists) will be made available, for national implementation within the framework of the Regional Pregnant and Child Care Programs – Stage II, the following: —the methodology for prevention, early detection, diagnosis and early prenatal treatment and developed working procedures -the national register of prevention, early detection, diagnosis and early prenatal treatment -curricular and course materials, educational and practice guides and training modules for the 6 courses available on the INSMC e-learning platform -intervention guides, information, education and awareness at national level, the green line (call-center) of prenatal screening and the means of communication and information used (to increase the level of awareness among women on the importance of pre-natal medical checks). (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Municipiul Bucureşti, Romania
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    Judeţul Timiş, Romania
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    Judeţul Dolj, Romania
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    Judeţul Constanţa, Romania
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    Judeţul Prahova, Romania
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    Judeţul Cluj, Romania
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    Judeţul Iaşi, Romania
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    Judeţul Mureş, Romania
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