Project Phase Integrated Waste Management System in Alba County (Q3095636)

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Project Q3095636 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Project Phase Integrated Waste Management System in Alba County
Project Q3095636 in Romania


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    58,588,056.88 Romanian Leu
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    11,717,611.376000002 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    68,927,125.74 Romanian Leu
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    13,785,425.148 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    85.0 percent
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    1 January 2016
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    31 December 2020
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    46°10'45.08"N, 23°37'18.59"E
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    45°54'13.61"N, 23°24'11.66"E
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    46°12'0.43"N, 23°56'44.74"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului vizeaza continuarea lucrarilor incepute in perioada de programare 2007-2016 in vederea completarii infrastructurii si echipamentelor existente cu investitii care vor conduce la realizarea unui sistem de management integrat al deseurilor (SMID ) in judetul Alba, prin care se vor atinge standardele minime de conformitate cu cerintele legislatiei UE in sectorul de mediu, precum si indeplinirea angajamentelor pe care Romania si le-a asumat prin Tratatul de aderare. In ceea ce priveste obiectivele specifice ale proiectului, acestea au fost stabilite pe baza obiectivelor Programului Operational Infrastructura Mare 2014-2020 si ale Strategiei 2020 (Obiectiv tematic 06 - Conservarea și protecția mediului și promovarea utilizării eficiente a resurselor), respectiv: - Reducerea cantitatii de deseuri depozitate; - Promovarea utilizarii deseurilor pentru productia de materii prime alternative, prin cresterea cantitatii de deseuri reciclate/valorificate; - Crearea unor conditii de viata decente prin stabilirea unor structuri eficiente de management al deseurilor si asigurarea unui mediu de viata curat. In acest context, proiectul SMID Alba– Faza a II-a vizeaza continuarea investiţiilor în sectorul de gestionare a deşeurilor solide, începute prin POS Mediu 2007-2013, respectiv:  Finalizarea construirii Statiei de transfer deseuri tartaria si a Statiei de transfer deseuri Blaj;  Finalizarea construirii Statiei de sortare si Statiei TMB din cadrul CMID Galda de Jos;  Finalizarea construirii Depozitului ecologic Galda de Jos;  Achizitia utilajelor aferente Depozitului ecologic Galda de Jos (compactor si incarcator frontal);  Finalizarea inchiderii Depozitului neconform de deseuri Alba Iulia;  Supervizarea lucrarilor, verificare proiectului aferent depozitului ecologic de deseuri , asistenta tehnica din partea proiectantului pentru depozitul ecologic de deseuri, aferente lucrărilor din faza 2.  Finalizarea construirii drumurilor de acces (cheltuieli neeligibile): finalizarea construirii drumului de acces la CMID Galda de Jos, Construirea drumurilor de acces la Statia de transfer deseuri Taratria si statia de transfer deseuri Blaj.  Finalizarea racordurilor de alimentare cu energie electrică a următoarelor obiective de investiţie (cheltuieli neeligibile): CMID Galda de Jos, Staţiile transfer deseuri Tartaria si Blaj, Depozitele neconforme de deseuri: Abrud, Aiud, Alba Iulia, Blaj si Ocna Mures (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to continue the works started in the 2007-2016 programming period in order to complete the existing infrastructure and equipment with investments that will lead to the realisation of an integrated waste management system (SMID) in Alba County, which will achieve the minimum standards of compliance with the requirements of EU legislation in the environmental sector, as well as the fulfilment of the commitments Romania has made under the Accession Treaty. As regards the specific objectives of the project, they were established on the basis of the objectives of the Large Infrastructure Operational Programme 2014-2020 and of the 2020 Strategy (Thematic Objective 06 – Conservation and protection of the environment and promotion of resource efficiency), namely: — Reducing the amount of waste stored; — Promoting the use of waste for the production of alternative raw materials, by increasing the amount of recycled/valorified waste; — Creating decent living conditions by establishing efficient waste management structures and ensuring a clean living environment. In this context, SMID Alba – Phase II project aims to continue investments in the solid waste management sector, started by SOP ENV 2007-2013, namely: Completion of the construction of the Tartaria Waste Transfer Station and Blaj Waste Transfer Station; Completion of the construction of the sorting station and TMB station within CMID Galda de Jos; Completion of the construction of Galda de Jos Ecological Warehouse; Purchase of equipment related to Galda de Jos Ecological Warehouse (compactor and front loader); Completion of the closure of Alba Iulia’s non-compliant landfill; Supervision of the works, verification of the project related to the ecological landfill of waste, technical assistance from the designer for the ecological landfill, related to the works in phase 2. Completion of construction of access roads (ineligible expenditure): completion of the construction of the access road to CMID Galda de Jos, Construction of access roads to the Taratria Waste Transfer Station and Blaj Waste Transfer Station. Completion of the electricity supply connections of the following investment objectives (ineligible expenditure): CMID Galda de Jos, Waste Transfer Stations Tartaria and Blaj, Non-compliant Waste Warehouses: Abrud, Aiud, Alba Iulia, Blaj and Ocna Mures (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Sâncel, Romania
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    Municipiul Alba Iulia, Romania
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    Galda de Jos, Romania
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    Săliştea, Romania
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