Endowment of the integrated outpatient of Baicoi City Hospital (Q2743504)

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Project Q2743504 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Endowment of the integrated outpatient of Baicoi City Hospital
Project Q2743504 in Romania


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    5,908,357.52 Romanian Leu
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    1,181,671.504 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    8,440,510.73 Romanian Leu
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    1,688,102.1460000002 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    70.0 percent
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    1 October 2019
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    31 December 2021
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    Analiza efectuata in documente nationale privind situatia sistemului de sanatate in Romania – ”Semestrul european 2018: evaluarea progreselor inregistrate in ceea ce privește reformele structurale, prevenirea și corectarea dezechilibrelor macroeconomice, precum și rezultatele bilanturilor aprofundate efectuate in temeiul Regulamentului (UE) nr. 1176/2011” – a dus la concluzii dramatice: finantarea insuficienta și utilizarea ineficienta a resurselor publice limiteaza eficacitatea sistemului de sanatate; cheltuielile pentru sanatate, calculate pe cap de locuitor, sunt printre cele mai scazute din UE; dependenta excesiva de serviciile medicale spitalicești in detrimentul centrelor de asistenta medicala primara și comunitara indica o alocare greșita a resurselor și limiteaza accesul la o asistenta medicala de calitate (Comisia Europeana, 2017a). Potrivit Planului regional pentru servicii de sanatate, Regiunea Sud Muntenia se confrunta cu 2 probleme majore, care sunt resimtite si la nivelul orasului Baicoi: - In regiune (Sud Muntenia), principalele unitati spitalicesti sunt localizate in principalii poli umani (Ploiesti, Pitesti), personalul medical tinde mai degraba sa opteze pentru a profesa in aceste orase si/sau Bucuresti, decat sa asigure servicii medicale intr-o localitate de dimensiuni mai mici; acest lucru determina un deficit de resurse umane la unitatile spitalicesti din orasele mici precum Baicoi; - Infrastructura si dotarile medicale din orasele mici si mijlocii din regiune este fie inexistenta, fie prezinta un grad avansat de uzura tehnologica si fizica; lipsa infrastructurii si dotarii corespunzatoare afecteaza negativ retentia specialistilor, care nu au conditii proprice pentru desfasurarea activitatii (prestarea serviciilor medicale pentru care s-au pregatit si au fost angajati): datele arata ca momentan doar jumatate din posturile normate pe ambulatoriu sunt ocupate. Lipsa dotarilor specifice necesare functionarii in parametri optimi si a resurselor umane specializate (la care se adauga infrastructura depaşita moral şi fizic) sunt factori importanti care afecteaza accesul populatiei orasului Baicoi si ale localitatilor inconjuratoare la servicii de sanatate. Ca urmare, s-a identificat ca fiind urgenta necesitatea realizarii unor investitii pentru dotarea cabinetelor medicale din structura ambulatoriului Spitalului Orasenesc Baicoi, astfel incat acestea sa poata furniza servicii medicale catre populatie – datele recente arata ca numarul consultatiilor inregistreaza in ambulatoriu in 2017 a fost de 20.991 consultantii/an. Obiectivul general al proiectului este cresterea accesibilitatii serviciilor de sanatatate in regim ambulatoriu pentru cetatenii orasului Baicoi si imprejurimi prin dezvoltarea capacitatii de diagnostic si tratament a Ambulatoriului Integrat al Spitalului Orasenesc Baicoi. Efectele implementarii proiectului vor fi: - Cresterea numarului de investigatii si interventii care se pot realiza in ambulatoriu. Ace (Romanian)
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    Analysis carried out in national documents on the health system situation in Romania -"European Semester 2018: the assessment of progress on structural reforms, the prevention and correction of macroeconomic imbalances and the results of in-depth reviews under Regulation (EU) No 1176/2011' – led to dramatic conclusions: insufficient financing and inefficient use of public resources limit the effectiveness of the health system; health expenditure, calculated per capita, is among the lowest in the EU; excessive reliance on hospital care to the detriment of primary and community care centres indicates a misallocation of resources and limits access to quality healthcare (European Commission, 2017a). According to the Regional Plan for Health Services, South Muntenia Region faces 2 major problems, which are also felt at Baicoi level: In the region (South Muntenia), the main hospital units are located in the main human poles (Ploiesti, Pitesti), the medical staff tends to opt to practice in these cities and/or Bucharest rather than to provide medical services in a smaller locality; this leads to a shortage of human resources in hospital units in small towns such as Baicoi; The infrastructure and medical facilities in small and medium-sized cities in the region are either non-existent or have an advanced degree of technological and physical wear; the lack of infrastructure and adequate facilities negatively affects the retention of specialists, who do not have proprice conditions for carrying out the activity (provision of medical services for which they were trained and employed): data shows that at the moment only half of the regular outpatient posts are occupied. The lack of specific facilities necessary for functioning in optimal parameters and specialised human resources (in addition to the moral and physical infrastructure) are important factors affecting the access of the population of Baicoi and the surrounding localities to health services. As a result, it was identified as urgent the need to make investments to equip the medical offices in the outpatient structure of Baicoi City Hospital, so that they can provide medical services to the population – recent data show that the number of outpatient consultations in 2017 was 20.991 consultants/year. The general objective of the project is to increase the accessibility of outpatient health services for the citizens of Baicoi and surroundings by developing the diagnostic and treatment capacity of the Integrated Ambulatory of Baicoi City Hospital. The effects of project implementation will be: — Increasing the number of investigations and interventions that can be carried out outpatiently. Needles (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Oraş Băicoi, Romania
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