Diversification of the activity SC Sylvania SRL (Q2747237)

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Project Q2747237 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Diversification of the activity SC Sylvania SRL
Project Q2747237 in Romania


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    3,581,490.815 Romanian Leu
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    716,298.1630000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    5,883,388.73 Romanian Leu
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    1,176,677.746 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    60.87 percent
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    3 May 2017
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    31 July 2020
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    OBIECTIV GENERAL Diversificarea activitatii Sylvania SRL prin demararea unei noi investitii în sectorul economic al turismului, sector cu rol economic important si cu influenta asupra ocuparii si cu potential mare de specializare inteligenta, care sa fie competitiva la nivel european, adaptata cerinþelor actuale de pe piaþa de turism si sa respecte principiile dezvoltarii durabile si a egalitaþii de sanse. Turismul are, pe de o parte, rol economic important si cu influenta asupra ocuparii identificat în Strategia Nationala de Competitivitate facând parte dintre cele 10 sectoare cu potential mare de specializare inteligenta, iar pe de alta parte este evidentiat în domeniile regionale de excelenta din Planul de dezvoltare a Regiunii Centru 2014-2020. Obiectivul general al proiectului va fi atins prin realizarea celor doua obiective specifice si a activitatilor proiectului, în urma carora, societatea noastra va fi beneficiarul unei investitii moderne - o pensiune turistica/unitate de turism competitiva la nivel european, adaptata cerintelor vremurilor în care traim, dedicata unei categorii cât mai variate de turisti români si straini, dotata cu echipamente moderne si prietenoase cu mediul înconjurator în vederea asigurarii de servicii turistice competitive si calitativ superioare concurentei locale si europene, respectând principiul egalitatii de sanse si a dezvoltarii durabile. Proiectul nostru contribuie la dezvoltarea economica si sociala a Regiunii Centru pe mai multe planuri,implementarea cu succes a acestui proiect va avea ca efecte imediate: - crearea unei noi unitati de servicii; - diversificarea activitatii noastre; - cresterea calitatii serviciilor de turism la nivel local si regional; - prin implementarea acestui proiect Sylvania SRL va crea minim 3 noi locuri de munca (dintre care minim unul din categorii defavorizate) si va deveni mai competitiva; - dotarile moderne si serviciile superioare pe care le oferim vor avea ca efecte pe termen lung cresterea atractivitatii locale pentru turistii români si straini; - de asemenea proiectul nostru contribuie la dezvoltarea economica prin cresterea veniturilor, a contribuþiilor la bugetul de stat, la îmbunatatirea mediului de afaceri prin sustinerea iniþiativei private, la dezvoltarea sociala prin faptul ca în cadrul implementarii acestuia se creeaza minim trei noi locuri de munca, si la dezvoltarea durabila prin promovarea dreptului la un mediu curat, a energiilor alternative si colectarii selective respectând principiile dezvoltarii durabile si a egalitaþii de sanse. Obiectivul general al proiectului nostru are la baza doua obiective specifice. Prin obiectivul general urmarim consolidarea societatii noastre în domeniile competitive identificate în Strategia Nationala de Competitivitate si în Planul de dezvoltare a Regiunii Centru 2014-2020. Obiectivul general va fi atins prin cele doua obiective specifice. Prin obiectivul specific nr. 1 urmarim diversificarea activitatii Sylvania S (Romanian)
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    GENERAL Objective Diversifying Sylvania SRL’s activity by starting a new investment in the economic sector of tourism, a sector with an important economic role and influence on occupation and with great potential for intelligent specialisation, to be competitive at European level, adapted to the current requirements on the tourism market and to respect the principles of sustainable development and equal opportunities. Tourism has, on the one hand, an important economic role and influence on the occupation identified in the National Competitiveness Strategy, being one of the 10 sectors with great potential for intelligent specialisation, and on the other hand it is highlighted in the regional areas of excellence in the Development Plan of the Centre Region 2014-2020. The general objective of the project will be achieved by achieving the two specific objectives and activities of the project, as a result of which our company will be the beneficiary of a modern investment – a tourist guesthouse/competitive tourism unit at European level, adapted to the requirements of the times we live, dedicated to a wide range of Romanian and foreign tourists, equipped with modern and environmentally friendly equipment in order to ensure competitive and qualitative tourism services superior to local and European competition, respecting the principle of equal opportunities and sustainable development. Our project contributes to the economic and social development of the Centre Region on several levels, the successful implementation of this project will have as immediate effects: creation of a new service unit; — diversification of our activity; — increasing the quality of tourism services at local and regional level; by implementing this project Sylvania SRL will create a minimum of 3 new jobs (of which at least one of the disadvantaged categories) and will become more competitive; the modern facilities and the superior services we offer will have the long-term effects of increasing local attractiveness for Romanian and foreign tourists; — our project also contributes to economic development by increasing revenues, contributions to the state budget, improving the business environment by supporting the private initiative, social development by creating a minimum of three new jobs, and sustainable development by promoting the right to a clean environment, alternative energies and selective collection respecting the principles of sustainable development and equal opportunities. The general objective of our project is based on two specific objectives. Through the general objective we aim to strengthen our society in the competitive areas identified in the National Competitiveness Strategy and the Center Region Development Plan 2014-2020. The overall objective will be achieved through the two specific objectives. Through specific objective no. 1 we aim to diversify the activity of Sylvania S (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Oraş Sovata, Romania
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