Upgrading the county road infrastructure between the localities: Focsani – Golesti – Vârtescoiu – Odobesti with direct connectivity to the TEN-T network (Q2741920)
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Project Q2741920 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Upgrading the county road infrastructure between the localities: Focsani – Golesti – Vârtescoiu – Odobesti with direct connectivity to the TEN-T network |
Project Q2741920 in Romania |
39,212,299.04 Romanian Leu
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46,132,116.51 Romanian Leu
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85.0 percent
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24 December 2015
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30 October 2022
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Obiectivul general: Creșterea nivelului de accesibilitate a orașului Odobești și a comunelor Golești, Cotești, Cîrligele, Cimpineanca și Vîrteșcoiu la rețeaua TEN-T – drum european E 85, prin reabilitarea și modernizarea drumului județean DJ 205C. Rezultatele planificate și activitățile propuse vor conduce la realizarea obiectivului specific al Axei Prioritare 6: Îmbunătățirea infrastructurii rutiere de importanță regională, Prioritatea de investiții 6.1, Stimularea mobilității regionale și terțiare la infrastructura TEN-T, prin contribuția acestora la atingerea indicatorilor de program și impactul derulării cu succes a proiectului asupra evoluției socio-economice a zonei adiacente străbătute de drumul județean DJ 205C și asupra nivelului de trai a populației din localitățile adiacente. Avand in vedere lucrarile propuse pe 15,187 km din drumul județean DJ 205C inclusiv reabilitarea a 2 poduri, pentru realizarea OS1, se propune imbunatatirea parametrilor drumului modernizat astfel: - Va creste viteza de deplasare pe sectorul de drum județean reabilitat cu 30%; Viteza de proiectare a fost impusa la 40 km/h. In momentul de fata pe portiunea de drum pietruit se circula anevoios, în periodele umede drumul fiind impracticabil.Modernizarea segmentului de drum pietruit va putea asigura o viteza de deplasare constantă, viteza de proiectare a tronsonului fiind de 50 km/h, reprezentand o crestere de peste 30% fata de viteza cu care se circula in acest moment (5-10 km/h). - Va creste capacitatea portanta a drumului județean DJ 205C la clasa de trafic IV; Avand in vedere ca prin lucrarile de modernizare se va asigura o imbracaminte asfaltica pe tot traseul, acest lucru va conduce la cresterea capacitatii potante a întregului drum, mai ales pe sectoarele care sunt afectate puternic de actiunea fenomenului de inghet dezghet si care prezinta o sensibilitate la umezire permitand patrunderea apei in patul drumului. - Va creste gradul de siguranta rutiera Montarea parapetilor de siguranta, realizarea stabilizarilor de teren si realizarea semnalizarii verticale si orizontale are ca efect sporirea gradului de siguranta a circulatie, lucrări de refacere a marcajelor, a indicatoarelor rutiere, de realizare a 180 metri parapeților metalici cu nivel de protectie ridicata.Semnalizarea verticala si orizontala se va face in conformitate cu seria de standarde 1848. In ceea ce priveste OS 2 si OS3, sunt avute in vedere elementele de siguranta rutiere sau componente de instructura conexa ce asigura protectia drumului judetean modernizat pe parcursul exploatarii si protectia utilizatorilor insfrastructurii rutiere (participanti la trafic sau pietoni). De aceea, proiectul prevede realizarea de investitii pentru siguranta rutiera, inclusiv semnalistica luminoasa verticala pentru treceri de pietoni, cu alimentare fotovoltaica, dar si pentru alveolele mijloacelor de transport in comun. Se are în vedere: - lucrări de amenajare a 13.594 mp trotuare. - amenajare (Romanian)
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General objective: Increasing the accessibility of Odobesti and Goleşti, Cotești, hooks, Cimpineanca and Vîrteșcoiu to the TEN-T network – European road E 85, through rehabilitation and modernisation of DJ 205C county road. The planned results and proposed activities will lead to the achievement of the specific objective of Priority Axis 6: Improving road infrastructure of regional importance, Investment Priority 6.1, Boosting regional and tertiary mobility to TEN-T infrastructure, by contributing to the achievement of programme indicators and the impact of successful project implementation on the socio-economic evolution of the adjacent area crossed by the county road DJ 205C and on the living standards of the population in adjacent localities. Taking into account the works proposed on 15,187 km from the county road DJ 205C including the rehabilitation of 2 bridges, in order to achieve OS1, it is proposed to improve the parameters of the modernised road as follows: — Will increase the speed of travel on the county road section rehabilitated by 30 %; The design speed was imposed at 40 km/h. At the moment on the cobbled road section there is a difficult circulation, in the wet periods the road being impracticable. Modernisation of the cobbled road segment will ensure a constant travel speed, the design speed of the section being 50 km/h, representing an increase of more than 30 % compared to the speed at which it is currently circulating (5-10 km/h). — Will increase the bearing capacity of the county road DJ 205C in traffic class IV; Given that the modernisation works will ensure an asphalt clothing throughout the route, this will increase the potent capacity of the entire road, especially on the sectors that are heavily affected by the action of thaw frost phenomenon and which exhibit a sensitivity to dampening allowing water to enter the road bed. — The level of road safety will increase The installation of the safety rails, the construction of field stabilisers and the realisation of vertical and horizontal signaling has the effect of increasing the level of traffic safety, rebuilding the markings, road signs, making 180 meters of metal parapets with high level of protection. Vertical and horizontal signaling will be done in accordance with the 1848 series of standards. Regarding OS 2 and OS3, road safety elements or related infrastructure components that ensure the protection of the county road upgraded during operation and protection of road infrastructure users (traffic participants or pedestrians) are taken into account. Therefore, the project provides for investments for road safety, including vertical light signalling for pedestrian crossings, with photovoltaic power, but also for the alveoli of public transport means. Consideration is given to: — works of arrangement of 13.594 sqm sidewalks. — fitting-out (English)
14 September 2021
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Goleşti, Romania
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Câmpineanca, Romania
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Vârteşcoiu, Romania
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Cârligele, Romania
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Coteşti, Romania
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