Qualification=Key of knowledge! (Q3097326)

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Project Q3097326 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Qualification=Key of knowledge!
Project Q3097326 in Romania


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    3,660,324.39 Romanian Leu
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    732,064.878 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    4,532,909.44 Romanian Leu
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    906,581.8880000002 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    80.75 percent
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    8 March 2021
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    7 March 2023
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    OBIECTIVUL GENERAL propus in proiect vizeaza la nivelul celor 7 regiuni mai putin dezvoltate, implementarea unor masuri destinate cresterii participarii la programele de formare profesionala continua, in special in domenii precum comert, tehnic, pentru 660 de persoane, inclusiv pentru acei adulti cu un nivel scazut de calificare si persoanele cu varsta de peste 40 ani, din zone rurale defavorizate, prin furnizarea de programe de formare profesionala si activitati de consiliere, interventie materializata pe perioada a 24 luni. Contributia proiectului la realizarea obiectivului specific al programului si apelului. Contributia proiectul la realizarea obiectivului specific al programului si apelului o regasim in faptul ca prin obiectivele specifice fixate si activitatile derulate, 660 angajati din cele 7 regiuni vor beneficia de consiliere, tutorat, formare profesionala, instrumente de dezvoltare. Concret, aceasta contributie o incadram astfel: 1. servicii de tutorat si consiliere profesionala pentru 660 persoane, 2. formare profesionala de tip calificare/recalificare pentru 180 persoane (120 angajati la cursuri de calificare de nivel 2 si 60 angajati la cursuri de calificare de nivel 3) si de tip initiere/specializare/perfectionare pentru 480 persoane/angajati. Astfel grupul tinta va beneficia de doua tipuri de interventie, particularizata, raspunzand nevoilor profesionale de dezvoltare ale fiecarui individ/angajat in parte, si o interventie ce vizeaza economia in ansamblu, ca un tot, un mecanism care trebuie sa devina flexibil si adaptabil la schimbari printr-o riguroasa planificare strategica pe termen lung. 1. Componenta ce priveste programele de formare profesionala este tratata distinct in cadrul a doua activitati: „A2.1 Organizarea si derularea programelor de formare profesionala In conformitate cu prevederile OG nr. 129/2000” – In cadrul acestei activitati vom furniza servicii de formare profesionala acreditata unui numar de 660 de persoane. - CALIFICARE / RECALIFICARE – 10 GRUPE NIVEL 2 – 120 PERSOANE: LUCRATOR IN COMERT, Comerciant marfuri nealimentare, Agent de curatenie, cladiri si mijloace de transport - CALIFICARE / RECALIFICARE – 5 GRUPE NIVEL 3– 60 PERSOANE: Ospatar/Chelner/Vanzator in unitati de alimentatie, ADMINISTRATOR DE CONDOMINII(IMOBIL), Oprator introducere prelucarre si validare date - INITIERE / SPECIALIZARE / PERFECTIONARE – ABSOLVIRE – 480 PERSOANE: COMPETENTE ANTREPRENORIALE, Competente digitale de utilizare a calculatorului, barman, etc „A2.2 Cursuri informale si activitati de tip “workshop”, “seminarii”, “conferinte”, “prelegeri”, “evenimente de informare”, si alte tipuri de cursuri relevante pentru atingerea obiectivelor proiectului” – In cadrul acestei activitati vom organiza urmatoarele, cu mentiunea catorva tematici: - 28 de workshop-uri (4 workshop-uri / REGIUNE (Romanian)
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    The GENERAL objective proposed in the project aims at the level of the 7 less developed regions, the implementation of measures aimed at increasing participation in continuous training programs, especially in areas such as trade, technical, for 660 people, including those low-skilled adults and people over 40 years old, from disadvantaged rural areas, by providing training programs and counselling activities, materialised for 24 months. Contribution of the project to the achievement of the specific objective of the program and call. The contribution of the project to the achievement of the specific objective of the program and call is that through the specific objectives and activities carried out, 660 employees from the 7 regions will benefit from counselling, mentoring, professional training, development tools. Specifically, this contribution is as follows: 1. tutoring and professional counseling services for 660 persons, 2. qualification/retraining type training for 180 persons (120 employees at level 2 qualification courses and 60 employees in level 3 qualification courses) and type of initiation/specialisation/perfection type for 480 persons/employees. Thus, the target group will benefit from two types of intervention, customised, responding to the professional development needs of each individual/employee in part, and an intervention aimed at the economy as a whole, a mechanism that must become flexible and adaptable to changes through a rigorous long-term strategic planning. 1. The component regarding vocational training programs is treated distinctly in two activities: “A2.1 Organisation and conduct of professional training programs in accordance with Government Order No 129/2000” – In this activity we will provide professional training services accredited to a number of 660 persons. — QUALIFICATION/REQUALIFICATION – 10 GROUPS LEVEL 2-120 PERSONS: Trader in COMERT, Trader of non-bankable goods, Cleaning agent, buildings and means of transport – CALIFICATION/requalification – 5 GRUPE NIVEL 3-60 PERSON: Waiter/Chelner/Seller in Food Units, Condominal ADMINISTRATOR (IMOBIL), Opractor input processing and validation data – INITIATION/SPECIALISATION/PERFECTIONATION – ABSOLVIRE – 480 PERSOANE: “A2.2 Informal courses and activities such as”workshop“,”seminars“,”conferences“,”lecturings“,”information events“, and other types of courses relevant to the achievement of the project objectives” – Within this activity we will organise the following, with mention of several topics: — 28 workshops (4 workshops/REGIUNE) (English)
    16 September 2021
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