Everything will be fine at Campulung Pneumophysiology Hospital (Q3099250)

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Project Q3099250 in Romania
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Everything will be fine at Campulung Pneumophysiology Hospital
Project Q3099250 in Romania


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    2,677,504.17 Romanian Leu
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    535,500.834 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    2,677,504.17 Romanian Leu
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    535,500.834 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    1.0 percent
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    23 September 2020
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    22 April 2021
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului il reprezinta cresterea capacitatii de tratare si gestionare a crizei COVID-19 in timp util si eficient, prin dotarea Spitalului Pneumoftiziologie Campulung cu aparatura medicala, dispozitive si echipamente de protectie necesare tratarii pacientilor infectati cu COVID-19 si prevenirea raspandirii infectiei cu virusul SARS CoV-2. Prin investiile propuse prin proiect, acesta va contribui la indicatorul de rezultat al programului, respectiv Capacitate suplimentara de ingrijire si tratament a cazurilor de infectie cu virusul COVID-19 prin reducerea timpului de raspuns privind diagnosticarea principala si secundara si tratarea pacientilor suspiciosi si/sau COVID, imbunatatirea actului medical si o imbunatatire a capacitatii de tratament in cazul agravarii situatiei pacientilor(electrocardiograf, monitor functii vitale, concentrator oxigen), asigurarea unui mediu mai sigur prin scaderea riscului de infectare cu peste 80% cu ajutorul sistemelor de dezinfectie si sterilizare (carucior transport pacienti, targi pliabile, autoclav vertical, lampa UV – dispozitiv dezinfectie UV). Prin dotarea cu echipamente de protectie corespunzatoare pentru pacienti si personalul medical, precum si prin dotarea spitalului cu echipamente medicale performante, proiectul contribuie la indicatorul de rezultat al POIM 2S132 - Capacitate adecvata de îngrijire si tratament a cazurilor de infectie cu virusul SARS-CoV-2/ de gestionare a crizei sanitare. Indicatorul este unul calitativ: Inainte de interventia POIM: NU; Ulterior interventiei POIM: DA. Prin dotarea cu echipamente de protectie care vor fi utilizate in mod direct atat pentru prevenirea infectarii cat si in tratarea infectarii cu COVID-19, se va imbunatati capacitatea de ingrijire si tratament a pacientilor Cele trei pavilioane ale secției I și respectiv secției II (cu o capacitate de 87 de paturi) au fost desemnate să desfășoare activitate medicală, astfel: Pavilion Grant - destinat pacienților suspecți cu virusul SARS-CoV-2; Pavilion Stătescu și pavilion Drăghiceanu - destinat pacienților cu forme asimptomatice, devenite asimptomatice sau cu forme ușoare și fără factori de risc. Asistența medicală este asigurată doar de personalul medical al spitalului, și ținand cont de faptul că sunt secții pavilionare de monospecialitate, ne-am confruntat și ne confruntăm cu o serie de nevoi. Cu Prin dotarea cu echipamente de protectie corespunzatoare pentru pacienti si personalul medical, precum si prin dotarea spitalului cu echipamente medicale performante, proiectul contribuie la indicatorul de rezultat al POIM 2S132 - Capacitate adecvata de îngrijire si tratament a cazurilor de infectie cu virusul SARS-CoV-2/ de gestionare a crizei sanitare. Indicatorul este unul calitativ: Inainte de interventia POIM: NU; Ulterior interventiei POIM: DA. că formele de boală erau cele specificate în ordin, în spital au fost și sunt internați pacienți cu forme medii și cu comorbidități. N (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to increase the capacity to treat and manage the COVID-19 crisis in a timely and efficient manner, by equipping Campulung Pneumophysiology Hospital with medical devices, protective devices and equipment necessary to treat patients infected with COVID-19 and preventing the spread of SARS CoV-2 virus infection. Through the investments proposed through the project, it will contribute to the result indicator of the program, namely the additional capacity for care and treatment of COVID-19 cases by reducing the response time regarding the main and secondary diagnosis and treatment of suspicious and/or COVID patients, improving the medical act and improving the treatment capacity in case of worsening the situation of patients (electrocardiograph, vital function monitor, oxygen concentrator), ensuring a safer environment by reducing the risk of infection by over 80 % by using disinfection and sterilisation systems (patient transport cart, foldable ranges, vertical autoclave, UV lamp – UV disinfection device). By equipping with appropriate protective equipment for patients and medical staff, as well as by equipping the hospital with performing medical equipment, the project contributes to the result indicator of LIOP 2S132 – Appropriate capacity for care and treatment of cases of infection with SARS-CoV-2/health crisis management. The indicator is qualitative: Before the LIOP intervention: NO; After the LIOP intervention: YEAH, YEAH, YEAH. By equipping with protective equipment that will be used directly both for the prevention of infection and in the treatment of COVID-19 infection, it will improve the patient care and treatment capacity The three pavilions of Section I and Section II (with a capacity of 87 beds) were designated to carry out medical activity, as follows: Pavilion Grant – for suspected patients with SARS-CoV-2 virus; Pavilion Stătescu and pavilion Drăghiceanu – intended for patients with asymptomatic forms, become asymptomatic or light shapes and without risk factors. Medical care is provided only by the hospital’s medical staff, and taking into account the fact that they are flag sections of monospecialty, we have faced and are facing a number of needs. By equipping with appropriate protective equipment for patients and medical staff, as well as by equipping the hospital with performing medical equipment, the project contributes to the result indicator of LIOP 2S132 – Appropriate capacity for care and treatment of cases of infection with SARS-CoV-2/health crisis management. The indicator is qualitative: Before the LIOP intervention: NO; After the LIOP intervention: Yes. that the forms of disease were those specified in the order, patients with medium forms and comorbidities were and are hospitalised. N (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Municipiul Câmpulung, Romania
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