“The Promotors of Your Company (PROFIT) – for the Centre Region” (Q3096711)
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Project Q3096711 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | “The Promotors of Your Company (PROFIT) – for the Centre Region” |
Project Q3096711 in Romania |
7,388,899.517 Romanian Leu
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1,477,779.9034000002 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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8,722,301.38 Romanian Leu
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1,744,460.2760000003 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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84.71 percent
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16 January 2018
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16 December 2020
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Obiectivul general al proiectului este dezvoltarea competentelor antreprenoriale si crearea de noi afaceri in regiunea Centru (judetele Brasov, Sibiu, Mures, Covasna, Harghita si Alba), prin furnizarea de programe de formare profesionala si activitati integrate. Proiectul contribuie la promovarea culturii antreprenoriale si la optimizarea abilitatilor membrilor grupului tinta de a identifica in mod realist si de a aplica in practica idei de afaceri generand efecte pozitive pe termen lung, in mod concret, prin masuri profesioniste de formare in domeniul antreprenoriatului pentru 336 de persoane cu varsta peste 18 ani si reducerea decalajelor economice intre regiuni prin initierea a 36 de afaceri in diferite domenii non agricole. Totodata va creste numarul persoanelor instruite in TIC, creste gradul de informare si interes al factorilor de decizie din domeniile alese de membrii grupului tinta fata de impactul pozitiv al introducerii noilor tehnologii asupra mediului, creste performanta in management a grupului tinta facilitand optimizarea afacerilor pe care le gestioneaza si implicit posibilitatea de a crea noi locuri de munca, va incuraja antreprenoriatul in Regiunea Centru prin oferirea de servicii suport pentru noi start-up-uri. Obiectivul general (OG) al proiectului se obţine prin îndeplinirea tuturor obiectivelor specifice propuse (OS) şi, implicit, prin realizarea activităţilor prevăzute în Graficul activităţilor proiectului, care au ca rezultate anticipate valorile indicatorilor de realizare imediată (output), de rezultat (result), precum şi valorile indicatorilor adiţionali (output şi result). Valorile propuse pentru indicatorii de output şi rezultat exprimă, implicit, îmbunătățirea performanței și crearea de noi afaceri în regiunea Centru prin participarea la programe de formare şi dezvoltare a competențelor antreprenoriale și manageriale), ca rezultat general al proiectului. (Romanian)
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The general objective of the project is to develop entrepreneurial skills and create new businesses in the Centre region (Brasov, Sibiu, Mures, Covasna, Harghita and Alba counties), by providing professional training programs and integrated activities. The project contributes to promoting the entrepreneurial culture and optimising the abilities of the members of the target group to realistically identify and apply business ideas in practice, generating positive long-term effects, concretely, through professional training measures in the field of entrepreneurship for 336 people over 18 years of age and reducing economic disparities between regions by initiating 36 businesses in different non-agricultural fields. At the same time, the number of people trained in ICT will increase, increase the level of information and interest of decision makers in the fields chosen by the target group members in relation to the positive impact of the introduction of new technologies on the environment, increase the management performance of the target group by facilitating the optimisation of the businesses they manage and implicitly the possibility to create new jobs, will encourage entrepreneurship in the Center Region by providing support services for new start-ups. The general objective (GO) of the project is achieved by achieving all the specific objectives proposed (SO) and, implicitly, by carrying out the activities set out in the Chart of the project activities, which have as anticipated results the values of the immediate output indicators (output), result (result), as well as the values of additional indicators (output and result). The values proposed for output and result indicators express, implicitly, the improvement of performance and the creation of new businesses in the Centre region through participation in training and development programs of entrepreneurial and managerial skills), as a general result of the project. (English)
14 September 2021
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Municipiul Alba Iulia, Romania
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Municipiul Sibiu, Romania
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Municipiul Braşov, Romania
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Municipiul Târgu Mureş, Romania
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Municipiul Miercurea Ciuc, Romania
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