Reducing the energy intensity of the school building block B,C at the airport of Lower Hričov University of Žilina (Q3110552)

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Revision as of 15:12, 28 September 2021 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: summary (P836): The aim of the project is to reduce the energy intensity of the school building block B,C at Dolný Hričov airport, which are defined as education and research buildings. Both blocks are primarily used to ensure the teaching process of university studies, namely at the Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications – Department of Air Transport. Construction objects consist of expansion units with two floors, with direct conne...)
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Project Q3110552 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
Reducing the energy intensity of the school building block B,C at the airport of Lower Hričov University of Žilina
Project Q3110552 in Slovakia


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    660,455.16 Euro
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    777,006.07 Euro
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    85.0 percent
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    5 January 2019
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    3 January 2020
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    Žilinská univerzita v Žiline
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    Q3121969 (Deleted Item)
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    49°12'23.87"N, 18°46'19.88"E
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    Cieľom projektu je zníženie energetickej náročnosti školskej budovy blok B,C na letisku v Dolnom Hričove, ktoré sú definované ako budovy pre školstvo na vzdelávanie a výskum. Oba bloky sú primárne využívané na zabezpečenie vyučovacieho procesu vysokoškolského štúdia, konkrétne na fakulte prevádzky a ekonomiky dopravy a spojov – katedra leteckej dopravy.Stavebné objekty sa skladajú z dilatačných celkov s dvomi nadzemnými podlažiami, s priamym napojením na miestnu komunikáciu. Tvar a charakteristika objektov ostane nezmenená. Dôjde k zatepleniu obvodového plášťa, soklíka, k stavebným úpravám okolia /spevnené plochy, zamurovaniu niektorých okien, výmene okenných a fasádnych otvorov, výmene oplechovania.Súčasťou predkladaného projektu je aj výmena vykurovacích telies a rozvodov ústredného vykurovania, výmena jestvujúceho osvetlenia za LED svietidlá, inštalácia solárnych panelov na fasáde bloku C. Jestvujúce bloky boli naposledy rekonštruované v priebehu  rokov 2010-2015, kedy okrem iného došlo aj k vostavbe v rámci bloku B. Oba bloky súhrnne disponujú zastavanou plochou s rozlohou  1 162,65 m2, konkrétne:blok B: 593,23 m2blok C: 569,42 m2Oba bloky sú napojené na všetky inžinierske siete. Využívané sú na výučbové a výskumné aktivity pre študentov spolu so zázemím pre učiteľov a výskumníkov.  Navrhované stavebné úpravy predstavujú zateplenie obvodových stien, vrátane výplní otvorov, zateplenie strešnej konštrukcie, výmenu svietidiel, reguláciu vykurovacieho systému a inštaláciu solárnych panelov na fasáde bloku C. . Navrhované zmeny znížia celkovú energickú náročnosť budovy zo súčasnej energetickej triedy D  (globálny ukazovateľ - Primárna energia) na energetickú triedu A1, budova sa stane realizáciou projektu ultranízkoenergetická. (Slovak)
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    The aim of the project is to reduce the energy intensity of the school building block B,C at Dolný Hričov airport, which are defined as education and research buildings. Both blocks are primarily used to ensure the teaching process of university studies, namely at the Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications – Department of Air Transport. Construction objects consist of expansion units with two floors, with direct connection to local communication. The shape and characteristics of the objects remain unchanged. There will be insulation of the outer casing, soklík, building modifications of the surrounding area/paved surfaces, the covering of some windows, the replacement of window and facade openings, the replacement of the sheeting.The project also includes the replacement of heaters and distributions of central heating, the replacement of existing lighting for LED lamps, the installation of solar panels on the facade of block C. The remaining blocks were last reconstructed during the years 2010-2015, when, among other things, the construction took place within block B. Both blocks collectively have built-up area with an area of 1162.65 m², konkrétne:blok 593,23 m2block C: 569,42 m2Oba blocks are connected to all utilities. They are used for teaching and research activities for students along with the background for teachers and researchers.  The proposed building modifications represent insulation of perimeter walls, including filling holes, insulation of the roof structure, replacement of luminaires, regulation of the heating system and installation of solar panels on the facade of block C. The proposed changes will reduce the overall energy intensity of the building from the current energy class D (global indicator – Primary energy) to energy class A1, the building will become the implementation of the ultra-low-energy project. (English)
    28 September 2021
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