Mother’s round, Ul. railway line 3, Levoča, Elocated workplace, Ul. GA para Haina 36, Levoča reducing the energy intensity of public buildings (Q3100683)

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Revision as of 13:53, 28 September 2021 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: summary (P836): The subject of the project is to reduce the energy intensity of the Maternity School building located on G. Haina Street 36 in Levoča. The aim of the project is to reduce energy consumption in the operation of the G. Haina kindergarten building, thereby ensuring a reduction in heating costs, an extension of the lifetime of the structures and the efficiency of the building at the low-energy building level. Main activities of the project:- Reducin...)
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Project Q3100683 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
Mother’s round, Ul. railway line 3, Levoča, Elocated workplace, Ul. GA para Haina 36, Levoča reducing the energy intensity of public buildings
Project Q3100683 in Slovakia


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    505,998.51 Euro
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    595,292.37 Euro
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    85.0 percent
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    1 August 2017
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    1 May 2018
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    Mesto Levoča
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    49°1'33.67"N, 20°35'19.97"E
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    Predmetom projektu je zníženie energetickej náročnosti budovy Materskej školy nachádzajúcej sa na ulici G. Haina 36 v Levoči. Cieľom projektu je zníženie spotreby energie pri prevádzke objektu materskej školy G. Haina, čím sa zabezpečí zníženie nákladov na vykurovanie, predĺženie životnosti konštrukcií a hospodárnosť budovy na úrovni nízkoenergetickej budovy. Hlavné aktivity projektu:- Zníženie energetickej náročnosti budovy MŠ G. Haina SO 01- I. stupeň.- Zníženie energetickej náročnosti budovy MŠ G. Haina SO 03- II. stupeň.V rámci uvedených aktivít sa zrealizuje zníženie spotreby energie zlepšením tepelno-technických vlastností obvodového plášťa, strešného plášťa a otvorových konštrukcií, vyregulovaním vykurovacej sústavy, zriadením rekuperácie, modernizáciou vnútorného osvetlenia a zavedením OZE pri výrobe tepla.Projektom sa dosiahne zníženie skleníkových plynov, zníži sa konečná spotreba a potreba energie v objektoch MŠ, zníži sa produkcia NOx, PM 10, SO2 a zabezpečí sa zníženie ročnej spotreby primárnej energie, objekty budú zaradené z hľadiska potreby tepla do energetickej triedy A1. (Slovak)
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    The subject of the project is to reduce the energy intensity of the Maternity School building located on G. Haina Street 36 in Levoča. The aim of the project is to reduce energy consumption in the operation of the G. Haina kindergarten building, thereby ensuring a reduction in heating costs, an extension of the lifetime of the structures and the efficiency of the building at the low-energy building level. Main activities of the project:- Reducing the energy intensity of the building MŠ G. Haina SO 01-I. degree.- Reducing the energy intensity of the building MŠ G. Haina SO 03-II. Degree. Within the above activities, the reduction of energy consumption will be realised by improving the thermal-technical properties of the external casing, roofing and opening structures, regulating the heating system, setting up recuperation, modernisation of indoor lighting and the introduction of RES in heat production.The project will achieve a reduction of greenhouse gases, reduce the final consumption and energy demand in the buildings of the MS, reduce the production of NOx, PM 10, SO2 and ensure a reduction of the annual primary energy consumption, the objects will be classified in energy class A1 in terms of heat demand. (English)
    28 September 2021
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