Support for the Local Action Group of Carei for Social Cohesion in order to implement the “Local Social Development Strategy of the Municipality of Carei, placed under the responsibility of the community” (Q3098240)

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Project Q3098240 in Romania
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Support for the Local Action Group of Carei for Social Cohesion in order to implement the “Local Social Development Strategy of the Municipality of Carei, placed under the responsibility of the community”
Project Q3098240 in Romania


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    946,076.97 Romanian Leu
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    189,215.394 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    995,870.5 Romanian Leu
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    199,174.1 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    1 October 2018
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    30 September 2023
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului îl reprezinta gestionarea sprijinului necesar functionarii Asociatiei Grupul de Actiune Locala Carei pentru Coeziune Sociala in vederea implementarii „Strategiei de dezvoltare locala sociala a municipiului Carei plasata sub responsabilitatea comunitatii” si animarii comunitatii vizate de aceasta, prin mobilizarea resurselor comunitare existente si generarea altora noi, pentru a sustine masurile si operatiunile integrate de dezvoltare locala, in perioada 2018-2023. Pe termen lung, proiectul contribuie la dezvoltarea municipiului Carei, prin reducerea numarului de persoane aflate in risc de saracie si excluziune sociala, in acord cu PROGRAMUL OPERAȚIONAL CAPITAL UMAN 2014-2020, Axa prioritară 5 - Dezvoltare locala plasata sub responsabilitatea comunitatii, Obiectivul tematic 9: Promovarea incluziunii sociale, combaterea saraciei si a oricarei forme de discriminare, Prioritatea de investitii Dezvoltare locala plasata sub responsabilitatea comunitatii, Obiectivul specific 5.1: Reducerea numarului de persoane aflate in risc de saracie si excluziune sociala, din comunitatile marginalizate (roma si non-roma) din orase cu peste 20.000 locuitori, cu accent pe cele, cu populație apartinând minoritatii roma, prin implementarea de masuri/ operatiuni integrate in contextul mecanismului de DLRC. O implementare eficienta si eficace a proiectului va genera un impact social pozitiv la nivelul comunitatii careiene, prin atingerea obiectivelor stipulate in documentul strategic. Prin implementarea strategiei, Asociatia si-a propus reducerea numarului de persoane aflate in risc de saracie sau excluziune sociala in zonele urbane marginalizate identificate la nivelul Municipiului Carei, respectiv trei zone urbane marginalizate cu o populație totală de 1.138 persoane, alaturi de impunatatirea calitatii vietii, cresterea coeziunii sociale, imbunatatirea mediului de viata si cresterea economica in teritoriul SDL. Implementarea proiectului va permite mobilizarea resurselor comunitare existente si generarea altora noi pentru a sustine masurile si operatiunile integrate ce vizeaza reducerea numarului de persoane cu risc de excluziune sociala. Efectele pozitive pe termen lung vizate prin acest proiect sunt cresterea standardului de viata pentru fiecare membru al comunitatii si crearea unei plase de siguranta astfel incat nicio persoana aflata in nevoie sa nu fie exclusa de la oportunitatile de sprijin social oferite de municipalitatea Carei si partenerii sai. Masurile de interventie integrata avute in vedere de SDL si, prin urmare, de operatiunile prevazute de proiectul propus, vizeaza patru directii de dezvoltare: 1. Imbunatatirea conditiilor de locure la nivelul comunitatilor ZUM de pe teritoriul SDL, ca raspuns la nevoia de dezvoltarea a facilitatilor rezidentiale modernizate, de tipul locuintelor sociale, care sa ofere conditii de locuit decente familiilor dezavantajate, modernizarea drumurilor publice din zonele urbane margina (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to manage the necessary support for the functioning of the Local Action Group for Social Cohesion Association in order to implement the “Local Social Development Strategy of Carei Municipality placed under the responsibility of the community” and the animation of the community concerned by mobilising existing Community resources and generating new ones, to support integrated local development measures and operations between 2018-2023. In the long term, the project contributes to the development of the municipality of Carei, by reducing the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion, in line with the CAPITAL OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME UMAN 2014-2020, Priority Axis 5 – Local development placed under the responsibility of the community, Thematic Objective 9: Promoting social inclusion, combating poverty and any form of discrimination, Investment Priority Local development under the responsibility of the community, Specific Objective 5.1: Reducing the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion, from marginalised communities (Roma and non-Roma) in cities with over 20,000 inhabitants, with a focus on those, with the population belonging to the Roma minority, by implementing measures/operations integrated in the context of CLLD mechanism. An efficient and effective implementation of the project will generate a positive social impact at the level of the careian community, by achieving the objectives stipulated in the strategic document. By implementing the strategy, the Association has proposed to reduce the number of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion in marginalised urban areas identified at the level of Carei Municipality, namely three marginalised urban areas with a total population of 1,138 people, along with imposing quality of life, increasing social cohesion, improving the living environment and economic growth in the SDL territory. The implementation of the project will allow mobilising existing community resources and generating new ones to support integrated measures and operations aimed at reducing the number of people at risk of social exclusion. The long-term positive effects of this project are increasing the standard of living for each member of the community and creating a safety net so that no person in need is excluded from the social support opportunities offered by the municipality of Carei and its partners. The integrated intervention measures envisaged by SDL and, therefore, the operations provided by the proposed project, target four development directions: 1. Improving the housing conditions at the level of ZUM communities on the territory of SDL, in response to the need to develop modernised residential facilities, such as social housing, which offer decent housing conditions to disadvantaged families, modernisation of public roads in urban areas border (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Municipiul Carei, Romania
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