Secure your future (Q3096102)

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Project Q3096102 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Secure your future
Project Q3096102 in Romania


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    1,861,665.76 Romanian Leu
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    372,333.152 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    2,130,053.43 Romanian Leu
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    426,010.68600000005 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    87.4 percent
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    2 May 2018
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    31 December 2018
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului/Scopul proiectului Integrare pe piața muncii a tinerilor Neets, în special a celor care nu au un loc de muncă, educație sau formare, inclusiv a tinerilor cu risc de excluziune socială și a tinerilor din comunitățile marginalizate (romi sau din mediul rural). In vederea atingerii obiectivului, propunerea noastra este ca prin implementarea activitatilor proiectului sa folosim metode, practici si tehnici inovative, utile in cresterea sanselor de ocupare a tinerilor Neets (251 de șomeri din care 38 de etnie romă și 51 din zona rurala). Prezentul proiect contribuie la atingerea obiectivului general al POCU “Dezvoltarea resurselor umane”, prin activitatile ce vizeaza dezvoltarea de competente, evaluarea de competente si sprijin profesional pentru accesarea unui loc de munca pentru un grup tinta de minimum 251 de șomeri – tineri Neets care isi au resedinta/domiciliul in regiunile Centru, Sud Muntenia și Sud Est in contextul unei piete a muncii mai competitive. Prin proiect se creaza oportunitati crescute tinerilor Neets, datorita asistentei si activitatilor de sprijin derulate in cadrul proiectului. Scopul final al proiectului este ca prin educatie non formala si informala, dar recunoscuta pe piata muncii din România, bazata pe inovare si transfer de competente, sa creasca abilitatea acestora de a se integra/reintegra pe piata muncii, fapt ceva contribuie la atingerea obiectivului tematic 8-Axa prioritara 8.ii-POCU. Pe termen lung, efectul pozitiv al proiectului este dat de: dezvoltarea abilitatilor si competentelor, prin cresterea increderii in sine prin certificarea competentelor non formal si informal ale tinerilor Neets sprijiniti in cadrul proiectului. Prin deprinderea de noi competente și prin asimilarea de informatii privind modul de abordare a piatei muncii, putem afirma ca contribuim la dezvoltarea durabila a acestora si participam la atingerea obiectivelor specifice ale Axei prioritare 8.ii, prin cresterea numarului de tineri Neets ocupati care si-au imbunatatit nivelul de competente. Toate cele descrise mai sus conduc la o sustenabilitate a ocuparii fortei de munca dar si la o crestere a calitatii resursei umane ceea face ca proiectul nostru ca fie in cooncordanta cu obiectivul general al POCU dar mai ales cu cel tematic 8 al POCU. (Romanian)
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    General objective of the project/Project Purpose Integration into the labour market of young Neets, especially those not in employment, education or training, including young people at risk of social exclusion and young people from marginalised communities (Roma or rural). In order to achieve the objective, our proposal is that by implementing the project activities to use innovative methods, practices and techniques, useful in increasing the employment chances of young Neets (251 unemployed out of which 38 Roma and 51 from the rural area). This project contributes to the achievement of the general objective of POCU “Human Resources Development”, through activities aimed at developing skills, assessing skills and professional support for accessing a job for a target group of minimum 251 unemployed – young Neets who have their residence/domicile in the Central, South Muntenia and South East regions in the context of a more competitive labour market. The project creates increased opportunities for young Neets, thanks to the assistance and support activities carried out within the project. The final goal of the project is that through non-formal and informal education, but recognised on the Romanian labour market, based on innovation and transfer of skills, to increase their ability to integrate/reintegrate into the labour market, something contributes to the achievement of the 8.ii-POCU priority objective. In the long term, the positive effect of the project is given by: developing skills and competences, by increasing self-confidence through certification of non-formal and informal skills of young Neets supported within the project. By learning new skills and assimilation of information on how to approach the labor market, we can say that we contribute to their sustainable development and participate in achieving the specific objectives of Priority Axis 8.ii, by increasing the number of occupied Neets young people who have improved their level of competence. All of the above described leads to a sustainability of employment but also to an increase in the quality of human resources, which makes our project consistent with the overall objective of POCU but especially with the thematic 8 of POCU. (English)
    16 September 2021
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