Remediation of the old galvanic house of the former undertaking Jihlavan s.p. (Q62462)

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Revision as of 11:19, 26 February 2020 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: summary (P836): The purpose of the project is to clean up the old environmental burden resulting from the operation of the galvanic house in the former s.Mr Jihlavan in Jihlava. In the light of the survey work carried out and the risk analysis, contamination was detected mainly with chlorinated hydrocarbons and heavy metals. The ecological burden, which is spreading to unsaturated zones and to ground water, has a significant burden on people, groundwaters and s...)
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Project in Czech Republic financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
Remediation of the old galvanic house of the former undertaking Jihlavan s.p.
Project in Czech Republic financed by DG Regio


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    94,484,445.35 Czech koruna
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    3,779,377.814 Euro
    10 January 2020
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    111,158,171.0 Czech koruna
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    4,446,326.84 Euro
    10 January 2020
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    85 percent
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    30 November 2023
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    PK Drive s.r.o.
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    50°3'23.47"N, 14°32'7.30"E
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    Předmětem projektu je provedení sanace staré ekologické zátěže vzniklé v souvislosti s provozem galvanovny v bývalém s.p. Jihlavan v Jihlavě. Na základě provedených průzkumných prací a analýzy rizik byla zjištěna kontaminace především chlorovanými alifatickými uhlovodíky a těžkými kovy. Ekologická zátěž, která se z ohnisek šíří do nesaturované zóny a do podzemní vody, přestavuje značnou zátěž pro obyvatelstvo, podzemní i povrchové vody a ostatní ekosystémy. (Czech)
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    The purpose of the project is to clean up the old environmental burden resulting from the operation of the galvanic house in the former s.Mr Jihlavan in Jihlava. In the light of the survey work carried out and the risk analysis, contamination was detected mainly with chlorinated hydrocarbons and heavy metals. The ecological burden, which is spreading to unsaturated zones and to ground water, has a significant burden on people, groundwaters and surface waters and other ecosystems. (English)
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