Developing TUIASI ICT infrastructure to support e-learning and mixed education – ELEARN4ALL (Q3100523)
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Project Q3100523 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Developing TUIASI ICT infrastructure to support e-learning and mixed education – ELEARN4ALL |
Project Q3100523 in Romania |
6,124,894.29 Romanian Leu
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7,205,757.99 Romanian Leu
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1,441,151.5980000002 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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1 September 2021
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31 August 2022
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Obiectivul general al proiectului il reprezinta dezvoltarea infrastructurii TIC de predare-invatare a Universitatii Tehnice ”Gheorghe Asachi” din Iasi pentru a asigura desfasurarea in bune conditii a activitatilor didactice in scenariul online sau hibrid si pentru a asigura egalitatea de sanse in aceste scenarii pentru toti studentii universitatii. Pentru a atinge acest obiectiv, in proiectul de fata, TUIASI isi propune sa asigure adoptarea de tehnologii educationale de ultima generatie, integrand dispozitive hardware si platforme educationale pentru crearea de lectii digitale, predare-invatare-evaluare si pentru educatie digitala caracterizata prin colaborare, invatare activa si aplicata, distribuirea facila a continutului didactic dintre cadre didactice si studenti, functionale in toate scenariile de invatare: on-line, fata in fata, hibrid. Prin proiectul propus, TUIASI va asigura echipamentele necesare de lucru, conectivitate si interactivitate pentru toti studentii universitatii care indeplinesc conditiile pentru acordarea de burse sociale. De asemenea, se va asigura dezvoltarea infrastructurii digitale de predare din cadrul universitatii, prin dotarea unui numar de 67 sali de predare/invatare, ce vor reprezenta resurse de predare de baza in scenariul online sau hibrid, si prin asigurarea conectivitatii acestora la Internet. (Romanian)
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The general objective of the project is to develop the ICT teaching-learning infrastructure of the Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi” in Iasi to ensure the smooth development of teaching activities in the online or hybrid scenario and to ensure equal opportunities in these scenarios for all students of the university. To achieve this goal, in this project, TUIASI aims to ensure the adoption of state-of-the-art educational technologies, integrating hardware devices and educational platforms for creating digital lessons, teaching-learning-evaluation and for digital education characterised by collaboration, active and applied learning, easy distribution of teaching content between teachers and students, functional in all learning scenarios: online, face-to-face, hybrid. Through the proposed project, TUIASI will ensure the necessary work equipment, connectivity and interactivity for all university students who meet the conditions for social scholarships. It will also ensure the development of the digital teaching infrastructure within the university, by equipping a number of 67 teaching/learning rooms, which will represent basic teaching resources in the online or hybrid scenario, and by ensuring their connectivity to the Internet. (English)
16 September 2021
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Municipiul Iaşi, Romania
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