Academy of Training and Entrepreneurship – Excellence and Performance through People (Q3095965)

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Project Q3095965 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Academy of Training and Entrepreneurship – Excellence and Performance through People
Project Q3095965 in Romania


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    1,489,978.144 Romanian Leu
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    297,995.6288 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    1,752,915.44 Romanian Leu
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    350,583.088 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    85.0 percent
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    15 May 2018
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    14 May 2019
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    47°29'58.13"N, 26°54'16.52"E
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    Obiectiv general (OG): cresterea cu 405 persoane a numarului de angajati care beneficiaza de instrumente, metode, practici etc., standard de management al resurselor umane si de conditii de lucru imbunatatite, in vederea adaptarii activitatii lor la dinamica sectoarelor economice cu potential competitiv identificate cf. SNC (domeniilor de specializare inteligenta cf. SNCDI), din regiunea de dezvoltare Nord Est (RD NE), pe parcursul a 12 luni de implementare a proiectului. Prin OG, proiectul propus contribuie la atingerea obiectivului specific 3.8, prin faptul ca sprijina dezvoltarea ablitatilor, competentelor si cunostintelor ale unui nr. de 405 persoane din grupul tinta (GT) - manageri, angajati din departamentul de resurse umane si antreprenori (indicator 4S16) , astfel incat acestia sa poata raspunde nevoilor de crestere ale intreprinderilor din sectoarele ec. cu potential competitiv in care sunt angajati, pentru a spori valoarea adaugata a acestora sau a sustine activitatea pe termen mediu, printr-o imbunatatire a competitivitatii prin inovare si dezvoltarea pietei. Efecte pozitive generate pe termen lung: - proiectul coreleaza invatarea si competentele dobandite in institutiile formale cu cele dezvoltate la locul de munca si mai ales cu cele dobandite in urma participarii la cursurile/workshopurile/ conferintele realizate in activitatile propuse - abilitatile&cunostintele dobandite de GT pot fi aplicate cu succes in viata profesionala dar si in cea de familie – spre ex. comunicarea non-verbala, nediscriminarea, aplicabilitatea principiilor dezvoltarii durabile – lucruri estentiale intr-o economie bazata pe cunoastere, contribuind in mare masura la atingerea dezideratului concilierii intre viata profesionala si cea personala a GT - prin paleta de cursuri si metode implementate, asiguram instrumente si tehnici inovative care faciliteaza: -digitizarea afacerilor, - adaptarea GT la retehnologizari si la infiintarea unor noi locuri de munca/ modificarea cerintelor locurilor de munca actuale, odata cu adaptarea activitatilor intreprinderii la domeniile de specializare inteligenta cf. SNCDI - cursurile organizate prin proiect isi propun sa stimuleze creativitatea GT, ai GT sa isi imbunatateasca performantele proprii, dar mai ales sa contribuie la dezvoltarea de noi servicii/produse si extinederea activitatii intreprinderii pe noi piete in conditii de competitivitate - activitatile proiectului propun o abordare integrata si interconectata intre proiect-mediul privat-comunitate: - abilitatile&cunostintele dobandite de GT se propaga atat in organizatia din care fac parte, dar si in familie, - sistemele/ instrumentele/ metodele/ practicile/ standardele de management al resurselor umane implementate la nivelul celor 47 de organizatii beneficiare (indic4S17) vor face parte din strategia pe termen lung a fiecareia, se vor integra in cultura organizationala a acestora si vor asigura conditii de lucru imbunatatite - cresterea adaptabilitatii GT de m (Romanian)
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    General objective (GO): increasing by 405 people the number of employees benefiting from tools, methods, practices, etc., standard human resources management and improved working conditions, in order to adapt their activity to the dynamics of economic sectors with competitive potential identified. SNC (Intelligent Specialisation Areas cf. SNCDI), North East Development Region (RD NE), during 12 months of project implementation. Through the GO, the proposed project contributes to the achievement of specific objective 3.8, by supporting the development of the ablities, skills and knowledge of a number of 405 people from the target group (GT) – managers, employees from the human resources department and entrepreneurs (indicator 4S16), so that they can meet the growth needs of enterprises in the ec. sectors with competitive potential in which they are employed, in order to increase their added value or to support the activity in the medium term, by improving competitiveness through innovation and market development. Long-term positive effects: — the project correlates the learning and competences acquired in formal institutions with those developed at the workplace and especially those acquired as a result of participating in the courses/workshops/conferences realised in the proposed activities – the skills gained by GT can be successfully applied in both professional and family life – e.g. non-verbal communication, non-discrimination, applicability of the principles of sustainable development – aesthetics in an economy based on knowledge, contributing largely to achieving the goal of reconciling the professional and personal life of GT – through the implementation of innovative tools and techniques: —digitisation of business, – adapting GT to retrofitting and setting up new jobs/change of current job requirements, with the adaptation of enterprise activities to the fields of intelligent specialisation cf. SNCDI – the courses organised through the project aim to stimulate the creativity of GT, the GT to improve its own performance, but especially to contribute to the development of new services/products and the expansion of the enterprise activity on new markets in competitive conditions – the project activities propose an integrated and interconnected approach between the project-private-community environment: — the skills gained by GT are propagated both in the organisation of which they belong, but also in the family, – the human resources management systems/instruments/methods/practices/standards implemented at the level of the 47 beneficiary organisations (indic4S17) will be part of each’s long-term strategy, will be integrated into their organizational culture and will ensure improved working conditions – increasing the adaptability of the GT of m (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Judeţul Bacău, Romania
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    Judeţul Vaslui, Romania
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    Judeţul Iaşi, Romania
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    Judeţul Botoşani, Romania
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    Judeţul Suceava, Romania
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    Judeţul Neamţ, Romania
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