Expanding PESTD for the development of tritium R & D applications – TRI-VALCEA (Q3100190)
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Project Q3100190 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Expanding PESTD for the development of tritium R & D applications – TRI-VALCEA |
Project Q3100190 in Romania |
69,692,891.95 Romanian Leu
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81,991,637.57 Romanian Leu
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16,398,327.513999999 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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2 July 2020
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31 December 2023
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Obiectivul general al proiectului este cresterea capacitatii de CDI a Institutului National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Tehnologii Criogenice si Izotopice - ICSI Ramnicu Valcea, intr-unul din domeniile de specializare inteligenta mentionate in Strategia Nationala de Cercetare, Dezvoltare si Inovare SNCDI 2014-2020, si anume in domeniul 3. „Energie, mediu si schimbari climatice”. Mai concret, proiectul urmareste extinderea capacitatilor de cercetare-dezvoltare ale ICSI Nuclear, ca parte autonoma din infrastructura nationala PESTD - Pilot Experimental pentru Separarea Tritiului si Deuteriului, astfel incat sa-si intareasca rolul de centru de excelenta in energie, iar prin rezultatele activitatilor de cercetare-dezvoltare si inovare sa contribuie la transpunerea tehnologiei de laborator intr-o instalatie de nivel semi-industrial, echivalenta cu o unitate de detritiere cuplata la sistemele D2O la un reactor CANDU. Astfel, proiectul este gandit pentru a “cataliza” rolul ICSI ca centru de competenta in domeniul de specializare inteligenta 3. Energie, mediu si schimbari climatice, subdomeniul 3.1.5 Instalatii energetice de generatie noua. Scopul proiectului este in concordanta cu Strategia de CDI a institutului pentru perioada 2017-2022 care stabileste pentru ICSI Nuclear, ca directie principala de actiune: „2. Tehnologii de separare izotopica pentru sustinerea Programului Nuclear”. Prin aceasta directie, se are in vedere dezvoltarea de procese noi si solutii imbunatatite pentru separari izotopice aplicabile la nivel de laborator sau in industrie. Astfel, se propune abordarea unor tehnologii noi de separare izotopica utilizand metode noi sau prin combinarea unor metode existente in scopul eficientizarii separarii, dezvoltarea de echipamente, precum si materiale aferente transferului izotopic (catalizatori, umpluturi). Domeniul de utilizare a rezultatelor cercetarilor este legat atat de fuziune, prin proiectele majore aflate in derulare (ITER, instalatii DEMO), cat si de fisiune, prin recuperarea tritiului in reactoare CANDU, si nu numai. Prezentul proiect reprezinta astfel o oportunitate si o conditie necesara pentru indeplinirea obiectivelor ICSI Nuclear. Activitatile de cercetare-dezvoltare desfasurate pana in prezent au pus in evidenta capacitatea ICSI Rm. Valcea de a proiecta, pune in functiune echipamentele specifice si mentine in functiune pe o perioada indelungata a unei instalatii de procesare a tritiului. S-au obtinut astfel date importante pentru transpunerea tehnologiei de laborator in instalatii de procesare a tritiului, fie ca este vorba despre instalatii de detritiere apa grea cuplate pe un reactor de fisiune CANDU, fie despre sisteme de detritiere aferente reactorului de fuziune ITER. In acest context, noua facilitate de cercetare ar intregi gama de cercetari si dezvoltari in domeniul tritiului cu aplicatii tehnologice si de mediu, realizand astfel un centru local de CDI si cuprinzand majoritatea temelor de CD posibile (Romanian)
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The general objective of the project is to increase the RDI capacity of the National Institute for Research and Development for Criogenic and Isotopic Technologies – ICSI Ramnicu Valcea, in one of the areas of intelligent specialisation mentioned in the National Strategy for Research, Development and Innovation SNCDI 2014-2020, namely in field 3. Energy, Environment and Climate Change. More specifically, the project aims to expand the R & D capabilities of ICSI Nuclear, as an autonomous part of the national infrastructure PESTD – Pilot Experimental for the Separation of Tritium and Deuterium, so as to strengthen its role as a center of excellence in energy, and through the results of R & D and innovation activities to contribute to the translation of the laboratory technology into a semi-industrial installation, equivalent to a detriting unit coupled to D2O systems to a CANDU reactor. Thus, the project is designed to “catalyse” the role of ICSI as a competence center in the field of intelligent specialisation 3. Energy, environment and climate change, subarea 3.1.5 New generation energy installations. The aim of the project is in accordance with the Institute’s RDI Strategy for the period 2017-2022 which establishes for ICSI Nuclear, as the main direction of action: “2. Isotopic separation technologies to support the Nuclear Programme”. Through this direction, it is intended to develop new processes and improved solutions for isotopic separations applicable at laboratory or industry level. Thus, it is proposed to approach new isotopic separation technologies using new methods or by combining existing methods in order to streamline separation, develop equipment, as well as materials related to isotopic transfer (catalysts, fillers). The field of use of research results is related both to fusion, through major ongoing projects (ITER, DEMO installations) and fission, by recovering tritium in CANDU reactors, and beyond. The present project is thus an opportunity and a necessary condition for achieving the objectives of ICSI Nuclear. The research and development activities carried out so far have highlighted the capacity of ICSI Rm. Valcea to design, commission the specific equipment and keep in operation for a long period of a tritium processing plant. This has produced important data for translating laboratory technology into tritium processing facilities, be it heavy water detriting plants coupled to a CANDU fission reactor or detriting systems related to the ITER fusion reactor. In this context, the new research facility would complete the range of research and development in the field of tritium with technological and environmental applications, thus creating a local RDI center and encompassing most of the possible CD themes (English)
16 September 2021
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Municipiul Râmnicu Vâlcea, Romania
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