Quality in practice! (Q3097684)
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Project Q3097684 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Quality in practice! |
Project Q3097684 in Romania |
1,856,647.041 Romanian Leu
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2,221,438.74 Romanian Leu
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13 July 2018
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2 August 2020
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Obiectivul general al acestui proiect este reprezentat de crearea de competente si locuri de munca in unul din domeniile prioritare identificate in SNC (Tehnologia informatiei si comunicatiilor - TIC) si mai ales durabile pentru 250 de studenti, pe un sector de piata identificat generic sub denumirea „dezvoltare software la comanda” (planificare, management, dezvoltare, programare, arhitectura, testare, securitate si monitorizare software si aplicatii). Trebuie precizat ca Solicitantul este o universitate privata importanta si moderna, cu facultati din domeniul management, economic si TIC care pregatesc specialisti in aceste domenii. Partenerul 1, desi cu cifra de afaceri proprie relativ mica dar acoperitoare pentru bugetul alocat, are deja o experienta semnificativa prin membrii sai fondatori, psihologi, psihoterapeuti si profesori universitari de renume in activitatile de consiliere si orientare profesionala, testare psihologica, psihoterapie, dezvoltare personala, mentorat, in special in vederea angajarii. Expertii sai sunt autorizati si desfasoara permanent acest tip de activitati si prin cabinetele individuale de practica proprii. Ambii parteneri sunt puternic ancorati in mediul universitar si totodata in mediul de afaceri, prin prisma naturii activitatii lor. Proiectul propus, beneficiind de parteneriatul actual, contribuie direct la atingerea obiectivului specific 6.13 al apelului de proiecte (”Cresterea numarului absolventilor de invatamant tertiar universitar si non universitar care isi gasesc un loc de munca urmare a accesului la activitati de invatare la un potential loc de munca”) prin: - Formare practica reala in planificare, management, dezvoltare, testare, controlul calitatii, securitate, monitorizare software automatizata pentru 250 studenti cu profil de studii corelat cu TIC cu domiciliu sau resedinta din regiuni dezavantajate (altele decat Bucuresti-Ilfov), prin intermediul laboratorului de practica automatizat dezvoltat pe langa universitate, cu sprijinul partenerilor de practica si potentiali angajatori ai acesteia - SC Euro-testing Software Solutions SRL, unul din principalii potentiali angajatori ai absolventilor de practica (estimeaza ca va oferi locuri de munca pentru aproximativ 50 studenti absolventi ai stagiului de practica) si partenerul principal de practica al solicitantului, care asigura practica pentru toti cei 250 studenti in parteneriat cu S si P1, utilizeaza intern, pentru activitatea angajatilor sai, in principal uneltele si modulele integrate prezentate in oferta de pret anexata prezentului proiect. Personalul sau are experienta extinsa in utilizarea si performantele acestora iar prin laboratorul de practica integrat creat pe langa universitate se va pregati astfel forta de munca pregatita sa utilizeze aceste solutii performante si care poate fi integrata usor in productie dupa finalizarea practicii. Totodata se va asigura un transfer de cunostinte de nivel inalt catre profesorii din universitate, iar a (Romanian)
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The general objective of this project is to create skills and jobs in one of the priority areas identified in the CNS (Information and Communications Technology – ICT) and especially sustainable for 250 students, on a market sector identified generically as “command software development” (planning, management, development, programming, architecture, testing, security and monitoring software and applications). It should be noted that the Applicant is an important and modern private university with management, economic and ICT faculties that train specialists in these fields. Partner 1, although with its own relatively small but covering turnover for the allocated budget, already has a significant experience through its founding members, psychologists, psychotherapists and renowned university professors in the activities of counseling and professional guidance, psychological testing, psychotherapy, personal development, mentoring, especially for employment purposes. Its experts are authorised and carry out this type of activities permanently through their own individual practice practices. Both partners are strongly anchored in the academic environment and also in the business environment, due to the nature of their activity. The proposed project, benefiting from the current partnership, contributes directly to the achievement of the specific objective 6.13 of the call for projects (“Creating the number of tertiary and non-university education graduates who find a job due to access to learning activities to a potential job”) by: — Real practical training in planning, management, development, testing, quality control, security, automated software monitoring for 250 students with ICT-related profile with home or residence in disadvantaged regions (other than Bucharest-Ilfov), through the automated practice laboratory developed besides the university, with the support of its practice partners and potential employers – SC Euro-testing Software Solutions SRL, one of the main potential employers of the graduates of practice (estimates that will offer jobs for about 50 graduate students of the internship) and the applicant’s main practice partner, which provides practice for all 250 students in partnership with S and P1, uses internally, for the work of its employees, mainly the integrated tools and modules presented in the price offer attached to this project. His staff has extensive experience in their use and performance and through the integrated practice laboratory created around the university will thus prepare the workforce ready to use these high-performance solutions and which can be easily integrated into the production after the completion of the practice. At the same time, a transfer of high-level knowledge to university professors will be ensured, and a (English)
14 September 2021
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Judeţul Braşov, Romania
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Judeţul Timiş, Romania
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Judeţul Dolj, Romania
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Judeţul Cluj, Romania
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Judeţul Iaşi, Romania
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Judeţul Sibiu, Romania
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