Modernisation and equipping of the specific education infrastructure in the field of Systems Engineering in order to increase the capacity for socio-professional integration on the labour market of future specialists. (Q2747488)

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Project Q2747488 in Romania
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Modernisation and equipping of the specific education infrastructure in the field of Systems Engineering in order to increase the capacity for socio-professional integration on the labour market of future specialists.
Project Q2747488 in Romania


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    1,485,281.21 Romanian Leu
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    297,056.242 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    1,856,601.51 Romanian Leu
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    371,320.302 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    1 June 2018
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    31 March 2022
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    44°26'10.10"N, 26°6'9.79"E
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    Prezentul proiect îsi propune sa contribuie la rezolvarea uneia dintre cele mai acute probleme cu care se confrunta învatamântul si anume insuficienta unitatilor de învatamânt dotate la standarde moderne care sa asigure accesul la un proces educational de calitate. Obiectivul general al proiectului îl constituie îmbunatatirea calitatii infrastructurii de educatie si a dotarii Facultatii de Hidrotehnica, pentru asigurarea unui proces educaţional la standarde europene şi a creşterii participării studentilor la procesul educational, totodata participand la atingerea obiectivelor orizontale în domeniul egalităţii de şanse, protejarea mediului si dezvoltare durabila. Scopul proiectului este cresterea calitatii sistemului de invatamant si imbunatatirea infrastructurii si oferirea de conditii adecvate desfasurarii procesului instructiv - educativ in Facultatea de Hidrotehnica. Importanta obiectivului de investitii deriva din necesitatea punerii la dispozitie a resurselor materiale necesare pentru asigurarea minimului de dotari si a spatiilor adecvate desfasurarii activitatilor educaţionale, impunandu-se astfel investiţii pentru reabilitarea, îmbunătăţirea, si echiparea infrastructurii educaţionale din învăţământul superior. Scopul investiţiei reprezinta reabilitarea, modernizarea si dotarea cladirii Facultatii de Hidrotehnica din cadrul Universitatii Tehnice de Constructii Bucuresti, prin realizarea lucrarilor de modernizare si dotarea cu echipamente didactice, echipamente pentru pregătirea profesională si echipamente IT, precum si modernizarea utilităţilor, inclusiv crearea de facilităţi speciale pentru persoanele cu dizabilităţi, pentru cresterea calitatii invatamantului si a procesului educational. Concluzionand, modernizarea si dotarea laboratorului de informatica existent va avea un impact social major prin imbunatatirea calitatii invatamantului, si a calitatii vietii studentilor incercand totodata de a stimula frecventarea cursurilor, reducand astfel tendintele de abandon scolar. Investitia urmareste modernizarea si dotarea existenta prin aducerea la standarde de functionare actuale (refacerea dotarilor sanitare, a salii de laborator, etc) precum si introducerea unor functiuni necesare functionarii curente a constructiei (lift, platforma pentru persoane cu dezabilitati locomotorii etc). (Romanian)
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    This project aims to help solve one of the most acute problems faced by education, namely the insufficiency of educational units equipped at modern standards to ensure access to a quality educational process. The general objective of the project is to improve the quality of the education infrastructure and the endowment of the Faculty of Hydrotechnics, in order to ensure an educational process at European standards and to increase the participation of students in the educational process, also participating in the horizontal objectives in the field of equal opportunities, environmental protection and sustainable development. The aim of the project is to increase the quality of the education system and to improve the infrastructure and to provide adequate conditions for the development of the educational – educational process in the Faculty of Hydrotechnics. The importance of the investment objective derives from the need to provide the necessary material resources to ensure the minimum endowments and spaces appropriate to the performance of educational activities, thus imposing investments for rehabilitation, improvement, and equipping the educational infrastructure in higher education. The purpose of the investment is the rehabilitation, modernisation and equipping of the building of the Faculty of Hydrotechnics within the Technical University of Construction Bucharest, by carrying out the modernisation works and equipping with teaching equipment, equipment for professional training and IT equipment, as well as the modernisation of utilities, including the creation of special facilities for people with disabilities, for increasing the quality of education and the educational process. Concluding, the modernisation and endowment of the existing computer laboratory will have a major social impact by improving the quality of education, and the quality of life of students, while trying to stimulate the attendance of courses, thus reducing school dropout trends. The investment aims to modernise and equip the existing by bringing to current operating standards (restoration of sanitary facilities, laboratory room, etc.) as well as the introduction of functions necessary for the current functioning of the construction (lift, platform for people with locomotor disabilities, etc.). (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Municipiul Bucureşti, Romania
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