Development of MKDAA OPTI BOOST SRL activity through acquisition of 3D printer and ICT equipment (Q2746796)

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Project Q2746796 in Romania
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Development of MKDAA OPTI BOOST SRL activity through acquisition of 3D printer and ICT equipment
Project Q2746796 in Romania


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    547,182.4 Romanian Leu
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    109,436.48000000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    804,680.0 Romanian Leu
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    160,936.0 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    1 July 2019
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    31 October 2022
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    Viziunea firmei consta in oferirea unor produse de o calitate ireprosabila care sa permita mentinerea tendintelor de dezvoltare ale companiei. Odata cu implementarea prezentului plan de investitii, societatea doreste sa isi dezvolte resursele umane. Printr-o gestionare inteligenta a pozitiei castigate pe piata si a increderii partenerilor in produsele oferite de MKDAA Opti Boost SRL, societatea doreste sa isi dezvolte numarul de clienti prin dezvoltarea activitatii si anume, in intrarea pe piata produselor fabricate cu masina de imprimanta 3D metale. In prima faza se va concentra pe fabricarea produselor prototipice din metal in serii mici. Scopul fabricarii acestor produse este utilizarea lor la anumite teste de rezistenta si calitate, in urma careia producatorii pot decide daca sunt necesare modificari sau se poate initia productia in masa a produselor mentionate. Pe termen mediu si lung se doreste dezvoltarea activitatii si fabricarea de prototipuri in mai multe domenii, industria uneltelor, a pieselor de automobilistica, aeronautica, nautica, etc. Piata produselor, considerate ca si prototipuri functionale, este in dezvoltare iar utilizarea lor se considera a fi o metoda eficienta de dezvoltare a produselor la care se doreste productia de masa. Toate aceste aspecte trebuie sa conduca la o crestere a cifrei de afaceri si a cotei de piata detinuta de firma atat pe termen scurt cat si lung. Misiunea intreprinderii este aceea de a gestiona cu succes cerintele si exigentele clientilor prin oferirea unor produse de calitate superioara dar si produse care se considera a fi inovative pe piata locala si regionala. Acest scop va fi atins prin implementarea tehnologiei de imprimare in 3D metale care este noua si inovativa atat pe piata nationala cat si internationala. Prin profesionalism, dedicatie, utilizarea unor masini, echipamente si utilaje performante, inovative si o organizare eficienta a activitatilor, firma a reusit sa ocupe o pozitie importanta pe piata. Se doreste mentinerea acestei strategii pentru consolidarea pozitiei si pentru acapararea unor noi clienti si parteneri. Viziunea si misiunea firmei se valorifica in urmatoarele aspecte: • Oferirea unor produse noi, inovative si competitive sub aspectul raportului calitate-pret; • Pozitionarea pe o treapta inalta pe piata produselor realizate prin imprimare de 3D; • Asigurarea dezvoltarii si profitabilitatii organizatiei pe termen lung; • Asigurarea unor conditii de munca motivante si atractive pentru angajati; Principalele valori dupa care se ghideaza functionarea activitatii firmei MKDAA Opti Boost SRL sunt urmatoarele: • Profesionalism • Rapiditate • Durabilitate • Rentabilitate Misiunea, viziunea si valorile firmei ii vor permite acesteia cresterea durabila a companiei prin realizarea unor produse de calitate, oferite partenerilor sai. Obiectivul general al proiectului este cresterea competitivitatii firmei MKDAA Opti Boost SRL, ca urmare a introducerii de noi (Romanian)
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    The company’s vision consists of offering products of an irreproachable quality that will allow maintaining the company’s development trends. With the implementation of this investment plan, the company wants to develop its human resources. Through an intelligent management of the position gained on the market and the trust of partners in the products offered by MKDAA Opti Boost SRL, the company wants to develop its number of customers by developing its activity, namely, in the entry into the market of products manufactured with the 3D metal printer machine. In the first phase it will focus on the manufacture of metal prototyping products in small series. The purpose of the manufacture of these products is to use them for certain endurance and quality tests, as a result of which manufacturers can decide whether changes are necessary or the mass production of the mentioned products can be initiated. In the medium and long term, we want to develop the activity and manufacture of prototypes in several fields, the industry of tools, automotive parts, aeronautics, nauticals, etc. The product market, considered as functional prototypes, is under development and their use is considered to be an efficient method of developing the products to which mass production is intended. All these aspects must lead to an increase in the turnover and market share held by the company both in the short and long term. The company’s mission is to successfully manage customer requirements and demands by offering high quality products but also products that are considered to be innovative on the local and regional market. This goal will be achieved by implementing 3D metal printing technology that is new and innovative on both the national and international markets. Through professionalism, dedication, the use of advanced, innovative machines, equipment and equipment and an efficient organisation of activities, the company managed to occupy an important position on the market. We want to maintain this strategy to strengthen the position and to capture new clients and partners. The company’s vision and mission are valued in the following aspects: • Offering new, innovative and competitive products in terms of quality-price ratio; • Positioning on a high stage on the market of products made by 3D printing; • Ensuring the organisation’s long-term development and profitability; • Ensuring motivating and attractive working conditions for employees; The main values by which the operation of MKDAA Opti Boost SRL is guided are the following: • Professionalism • Rapidity • Sustainability • Profitability Mission, vision and company values will allow the company to grow sustainably by making quality products offered to its partners. The general objective of the project is to increase the competitiveness of MKDAA Opti Boost SRL, as a result of the introduction of us (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Municipiul Odorheiu Secuiesc, Romania
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