Extending the production capacity of TERMOTOTAL Prod S.R.L. in order to improve economic competitiveness (Q2745774)

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Project Q2745774 in Romania
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Extending the production capacity of TERMOTOTAL Prod S.R.L. in order to improve economic competitiveness
Project Q2745774 in Romania


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    3,826,181.568 Romanian Leu
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    765,236.3136 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    6,409,991.83 Romanian Leu
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    1,281,998.3660000002 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    59.69 percent
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    1 November 2016
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    31 October 2019
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    OBIECTIVUL GENERAL AL PROIECTULUI este „Cresterea competitivitatii companiei Termototal Prod S.R.L., ca urmare a dezvoltarii activitatii desfasurate”. Indeplinirea obiectivului general este masurata prin urmatorii indicatori SMART: - Productivitate a muncii crescuta cu 12,3%, de la 228.770 lei/angajat la 256.898 lei/angajat, in 3 ani de la finalizarea proiectului; - Cifra de afaceri crescuta cu cel puţin 24,77%, de la 8.235.721 lei în 201,6 la 10.275.931 lei, in 3 ani de la finalizarea proiectului. Obiectivul general al proiectului „Extinderea capacitatii de productie a TERMOTOTAL Prod S.R.L. in vederea imbunatatirii competitivitatii economice” contribuie la realizarea obiectivului specific al Programului, de „imbunatatire a competitivitatii economice prin cresterea productivitatii muncii in IMM-uri in sectoarele competitive identificate in Strategia Nationala pentru Competitivitate”, prin cresterea competitivitatii companiei Termototal ca urmare a extinderii capacitatii de productie a sticlei securizate si cresterea productivitatii muncii ca urmare a achizitionarii de echipamente si utilaje performante si care incorporeaza tehnologii BAT (Best Available Techniques), creand avantaje competitive fata de concurenta. Avantajele competitive ale beneficiarului, in urma implementarii proiectului de investitii, sunt date de competentele superioare de productie a sticlei securizate (securizarea sticlei de la 4 mm grosime, obtinere sticla securizata curbata si aplicare email ceramic pe sticla securizata). Activitatea de productie a companiei TERMOTOTAL Prod S.R.L. se adreseaza sectorului competitiv de Lemn si mobila identificat in Strategia Nationala pentru Competitivitate prin segmentul de piata tinta identificat de companie, cel al productiei de mobila, aceasta piata fiind in continua dezvoltare, cu o crestere medie anuala de 4% in perioada 2016 - 2020, conform unui studiu efectuat de Technavio. Productia de sticla securizata obtinuta prin proiect va fi destinata industriei constructiilor si a industriei de fabricare a mobilei, oferind un produs inovativ (sticla securizata curbata, sticla securizata colorata prin aplicarea de email ceramic, etc.) care va crea produse inovative in industria mobilei, oferind posibilitatea fabricarii de piese de mobilier cu componente din sticla securizata cu un design inovativ si caracteristici superioare menite sa duca la cresterea potentialului de competitivitate a industriei. Patrunderea companiei pe sectorul competitiv Mobila urmareste valorificarea bucatilor de dimensiuni mai mici de sticla rezultate in urma debitarii placilor jumbo (materia prima), în vederea diminuarii la sursa a deseurilor din sticla. Conform strategiei de marketing si a expertizei tehnice detinute în domeniu, solicitantul apreciaza ca proiectul va contribui la reducerea cu 10% a deșeurilor rezultate în urma procesului de productie. Termototal Prod SRL urmareste imbunatatirea capacitatilor de dezvoltare a produselor prin achizit (Romanian)
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    The GENERAL objective of the project is “Increasing the competitiveness of Termototal Prod S.R.L., as a result of the development of the activity carried out”. The achievement of the general objective is measured by the following SMART indicators: Labour productivity increased by 12.3 %, from 228.770 lei/employee to 256,898 lei/employee, in 3 years after the completion of the project; The turnover increased by at least 24.77 %, from 8.235.721 lei in 201,6 to 10,275.931 lei, in 3 years after the completion of the project. The general objective of the project “Extension of the production capacity of TERMOTOTAL Prod S.R.L. in order to improve economic competitiveness” contributes to the achievement of the specific objective of the Programme, of “improving economic competitiveness by increasing labour productivity in SMEs in the competitive sectors identified in the National Strategy for Competitiveness”, by increasing the competitiveness of Termototal as a result of the expansion of the production capacity of the secure glass and increasing the productivity of the work as a result of the acquisition of advanced equipment and equipment and incorporating BAT technologies (Best Available Techniques), creating competitive advantages over the competitor. The competitive advantages of the beneficiary, following the implementation of the investment project, are given by the superior production skills of the safety glass (securisation of glass from 4 mm thickness, obtaining curved secure glass and ceramic enamel application on safety glass). TERMOTOTAL Prod S.R.L.'s production activity is addressed to the competitive wood and furniture sector identified in the National Strategy for Competitiveness through the target market segment identified by the company, that of furniture production, this market being continuously developing, with an average annual growth of 4 % between 2016 and 2020, according to a study conducted by Technavio. The production of secure glass obtained through the project will be dedicated to the construction industry and the furniture manufacturing industry, offering an innovative product (curved glass, coloured safety glass through the application of ceramic enamel, etc.) that will create innovative products in the furniture industry, offering the possibility of manufacturing furniture parts with secure glass components with innovative design and superior features designed to increase the competitiveness potential of the industry. The company’s penetration into the competitive sector Furniture aims to capitalise on smaller pieces of glass resulting from the cutting of the jumbo plates (first matter), in order to reduce the source of glass waste. According to the marketing strategy and technical expertise in the field, the applicant appreciates that the project will contribute to the 10 % reduction of waste resulting from the production process. Termototal Prod SRL aims to improve product development capabilities through purchase (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Municipiul Gherla, Romania
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