Be qualified! Aid for access to the labour market in Valea Jiului microregion (Q3098396)

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Project Q3098396 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Be qualified! Aid for access to the labour market in Valea Jiului microregion
Project Q3098396 in Romania


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    1,625,641.99 Romanian Leu
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    325,128.39800000004 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    1,912,519.98 Romanian Leu
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    382,503.99600000004 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.85 percent
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    27 November 2020
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    26 May 2022
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului consta in imbunatatirea nivelului de competente profesionale a 101 someri si/sau persoane inactive, cu accent pe somerii de lunga durata, lucratorii varstnici (55-64 ani), persoane cu dizabilitati, persoane cu nivel redus de educatie, din microregiunea Valea Jiului (Petrosani, Petrila, Aninoasa) si cresterea gradului de ocupare in corelare cu nevoile pietei muncii. Proiectul urmareste implementarea unui set complex de masuri personalizate si integrate, care vizeaza imbunatatirea accesului la piata muncii, precum si cresterea gradului de insertie profesionala si indirect, sociala, prin imbunatatirea aptitudinilor si competentelor grupului tinta vizat. Proiectul va contribui la realizarea obiectivului specific al programului si apelului prin furnizarea de servicii de informare si consiliere profesionala, servicii de mediere a muncii, precum si organizarea si derularea de programe de formare profesionala continua corelate cu nevoile pietei muncii pentru un numar de 101 persoane, in scopul cresterii gradului de ocupare a somerilor si persoanelor inactive din microregiunea Vaii Jiului. Obiectivul proiectului contribuie direct la obiectivul major al POCU prin promovarea unei ocupari sustenabile si de calitate a fortei de munca, sustinand imbunatatirea nivelului de competente a 101 de someri si/sau persoane inactive, prin masuri personalizate si integrate pentru toti membrii grupului tinta, reducand saracia si excluziunea sociala prin calificarea fortei de munca si facilitarea accesului acesteia pe o piata a muncii competitiva. Dezvoltarea resurselor umane, respectiv valorificarea potentialului fortei de munca, reprezinta unul dintre elementele fundamentale ale cresterii accesului la servicii accesibile, durabile si de inalta calitate, fiind pilonul incluziunii sociale si al combaterii saraciei. Pe termen lung, proiectul are efecte pozitive prin imbunatatirea accesului pe piata muncii a anumitor categorii dezavantajate (someri si/sau persoane inactive), dezvoltarea potentialului profesional din microregiunea Vaii Jiului, reducerea numarului de someri si persoane inactive, precum si dezvoltarea economica si sociala a zonelor din care provin membrii grupului tinta. Masurile propuse in cadrul proiectului (informare, consiliere profesionala, mediere pe piata muncii, programe de formare profesionala) asigura facilitarea insertiei membrilor grupului tinta pe piata muncii, precum si actualizarea si dezvoltarea competentelor capitalului uman, in functie de nevoile identificate in cadrul sesiunilor de consiliere si in functie de necesitatile reale din piata muncii. (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to improve the level of professional competence of 101 unemployed persons and/or inactive persons, with a focus on long-term unemployed, older workers (55-64 years old), people with disabilities, people with low educational levels, from the microregion Valea Jiului (Petrosani, Petrila, Aninoasa) and increasing the employment rate in line with the needs of the labour market. The project aims to implement a complex set of personalised and integrated measures aimed at improving access to the labour market, as well as increasing the degree of professional and indirect social insertion, by improving the skills and competences of the target group. The project will contribute to the achievement of the specific objective of the program and call by providing professional information and counselling services, labor mediation services, as well as organising and conducting continuous training programs related to the needs of the labour market for a number of 101 people, in order to increase the employment rate of unemployed people and inactive people in the Jiu Valley microregion. The objective of the project contributes directly to the main objective of POCU by promoting a sustainable and quality employment of the workforce, supporting the improvement of the level of competence of 101 unemployed persons and/or inactive persons, through personalised and integrated measures for all members of the target group, reducing poverty and social exclusion by skilling the workforce and facilitating its access to a competitive labour market. Human resources development, i.e. capitalising on labour potential, is one of the fundamental elements of increasing access to affordable, sustainable and high-quality services, being the pillar of social inclusion and combating poverty. In the long term, the project has positive effects by improving the access to the labour market of certain disadvantaged categories (individuals and/or inactive persons), developing the professional potential in the microregion of Vaii Jiului, reducing the number of unemployed persons and inactive people, as well as the economic and social development of the areas from which the members of the target group come. The measures proposed within the project (information, professional counselling, labor market mediation, vocational training programs) ensure the facilitation of the insertion of the target group members into the labour market, as well as the updating and development of human capital skills, depending on the needs identified in the counseling sessions and according to the real needs of the labour market. (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Municipiul Petroşani, Romania
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    Oraş Petrila, Romania
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    Oraş Aninoasa, Romania
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