Transition from school to labour market through internships and simulated enterprises (Q3098133)

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Project Q3098133 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Transition from school to labour market through internships and simulated enterprises
Project Q3098133 in Romania


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    2,871,184.53 Romanian Leu
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    574,236.906 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    3,377,864.14 Romanian Leu
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    675,572.8280000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.85 percent
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    2 November 2020
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    1 November 2022
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului: Facilitarea tranzitiei studentilor de la educatie la piata muncii prin implementarea de campanii de constientizare si informare, dezvoltarea unui sistem de stagii de practica functional pe baza de parteneriat activ cu reprezentantii mediului privat din sectoarele economice cu potențial competitiv si prin furnizarea de servicii de consiliere si orientare profesionala, respectiv prin operationalizarea unei retele de firme simulate conectate prin solutii inovatoare TIC de tipul plaforma virtuala. Obiectivul general al proiectului se inscrie in obiectivul major al Programul Operațional Capital Uman (POCU) 2014-2020, contribuind la dezvoltarea resurselor umane din regiunea Sud-Muntenia prin formarea competentelor practice pentru un numar de 208 studenti inmatriculati in cadrul universitatii solicitante la programele de studii: Drept, Management, Administrarea Afacerilor / Economia Comerțului Turismului și Serviciilor, Contabilitatea și Informatica de Gestiune, Finante si Banci, Kinetoterapie, Terapie Ocupationala, Horticultura, Informatica, Autovehicule Rutiere, Tehnologia Constructiilor de Masini, Electronica Aplicata / Retele de Software si Telecomuncatii si programe de studii de rezerva:Psihologie, Ingineria mediului și Energetica si tehnologii nucleare care sa conduca la cresterea ocupării in arealul de localizare a proiectului. De asemenea, prin obiectivul general, proiectul contribuie la atingerea obiectivului specific 6.13 al Axei prioritare 6 – Educaţie şi competenţe, vizand facilitarea tranziţiei de la educaţie la piaţa muncii pentru un numar de 208 studenti şi consolidarea pregatirii practice a acestora prin stransa colaborarare si interactiune cu mediul socio-economic. In acest sens, prin obiectivul general definit, un accent deosebit este pus pe parteneriatul activ intre potentialii angajatori si universitatea solicitanta, fiind urmarita atat dezvoltarea parteneriatelor existente, cat si dezvoltarea de noi parteneriate cu reprezentantii mediului privat din sectoarele economice cu potențial competitiv. si cresterea nivelului insertiei pe piata muncii a absolventilor de invatamant tertiar universitar. Prin obiectivul general al proiectului sunt vizate temele secundare FSE, definite in cadrul Axei Prioritare 6/ PI 10.iv, respectiv utilizarea solutiilor inovatoare TIC pentru dezvoltarea unei retele de firme simulate si pentru operationalizarea unui spatiu colaborativ virtual intre universitate si companii / mediul privat pentru a raspunde nevoilor actuale si viitoare ale pietei muncii. De asemenea, prin obiectivul general definit este vizata implementarea de campanii de constientizare a sanselor egale pe piata muncii si sesiuni de informare care urmaresc combaterea discriminarii in toate formele ei in mediul universitar si la intrarea pe piata muncii. Astfel, prin obiectivul general urmarit, proiectul va avea un impact major, pe termen lung, asupra grupului tinta al proiectului conducand la crester (Romanian)
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    General objective of the project: Facilitating the transition of students from education to the labour market by implementing awareness and information campaigns, developing a functional practice internship system based on active partnership with representatives of the private sector from economic sectors with competitive potential and by providing counselling and professional guidance services, respectively by operationalising a simulated network of companies connected through innovative ICT solutions such as virtual plaform. The general objective of the project is part of the main objective of the Human Capital Operational Programme (POCU) 2014-2020, contributing to the development of human resources in the South-Muntenia region by training the practical skills for a number of 208 students registered within the applicant university for study programs: Law, Management, Business Administration/Economics of Trade in Tourism and Services, Accounting and Management Informatics, Finance and Banks, Kinetotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Horticulture, Informatics, Road Vehicles, Machine Construction Technology, Applied Electronics/Software and Remoteunction Networks and Study Programs rezerva:Psihologie, Environmental Engineering and Energy and Nuclear Technologies leading to increased employment in the localisation area of the project. Also, through the general objective, the project contributes to the achievement of specific objective 6.13 of Priority Axis 6 – Education and skills, aiming at facilitating the transition from education to the labour market for 208 students and strengthening their practical training through close collaboration and interaction with the socio-economic environment. In this respect, through the defined general objective, a special focus is placed on the active partnership between potential employers and the demanding university, being aimed both at developing existing partnerships and developing new partnerships with representatives of the private sector from economic sectors with competitive potential. Through the general objective of the project are targeted the ESF sub themes, defined within Priority Axis 6/PI 10.iv, namely the use of innovative ICT solutions for the development of a simulated company network and for operationalising a virtual collaborative space between university and companies/private environment to meet the current and future needs of the labor market. Also, the general objective is to implement campaigns to raise awareness of equal opportunities on the labour market and information sessions aimed at combating discrimination in all its forms in the academic environment and entering the labour market. Thus, through the overall objective pursued, the project will have a major long-term impact on the target group of the project leading to growth (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Municipiul Piteşti, Romania
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