Integrated regional program for prevention, early detection (screening), diagnosis and treatment targeting of patients with chronic liver diseases secondary to viral infections with liver viruses B/D and C in the North-East and South-East regions – LIVE(RO) 2 – TSE (Q3097755)

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Project Q3097755 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Integrated regional program for prevention, early detection (screening), diagnosis and treatment targeting of patients with chronic liver diseases secondary to viral infections with liver viruses B/D and C in the North-East and South-East regions – LIVE(RO) 2 – TSE
Project Q3097755 in Romania


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    44,537,892.62 Romanian Leu
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    8,907,578.524 Euro
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    52,397,520.56 Romanian Leu
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    10,479,504.112000002 Euro
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    46°7'31.22"N, 27°25'17.40"E
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    46°7'31.22"N, 27°25'17.40"E
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    47°29'58.13"N, 26°54'16.52"E
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    45°14'35.56"N, 27°13'29.46"E
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    45°34'47.21"N, 26°21'12.35"E
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    45°10'39.22"N, 28°48'18.11"E
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    [OG] OBIECTIVUL GENERAL AL PROIECTULUI Obiectivul general al proiectului il reprezinta furnizarea de servicii medicale de prevenire, depistare precoce (screening), diagnostic și direcționare către tratament al pacienților cu boli hepatice cronice secundare infecțiilor virale cu virusuri hepatitice B/D și C din regiunile de dezvoltare Nord-Est și Sud-Est, respectiv din judetele Bacau (BC), Botosani (BT), Iasi (IS), Neamt (NT), Suceava (SV), Vaslui (VS), Braila (BR), Buzau (BZ), Constanta (CT), Galati (GL), Tulcea (TL) si Vrancea (VN). Acest obiectiv general raspunde unei teme de interes national in domeniul sanatatii, respectiv: Reducerea incidenţei bolilor transmisibile prioritare: hepatite B şi C şi asigurarea accesului pacienţilor la tratamente antivirale (Obiectiv 2.5 din Strategia Nationala de Sanatate 2014-2020) ce indica masuri concrete de urmat in directiile: Creşterii rolului şi capacitaţii furnizorilor de servicii de sănătate de prima linie de prevenire, diagnostic precoce şi tratament a infecţilor cu virusul hepatic B, conform competenţelor specifice; Minimizarii riscului biologic ocupaţional la personalul din sistemul medical şi din sistemul de asistenţă socială; Creşterii gradului de cunoaştere a profilului epidemiologic al infecţiei HVB şi HVC în populaţia generală sau în anumite grupuri populaţionale prin studii de prevalenţă, cercetări epidemiologice, dezvoltarea registrului național al pacienţilor infectați cu HVB/HVC. Valoarea adaugata (VA) exprimata prin efectele pozitive socio-economice ale realizarii proiectului, poate fi cuantificata pe urmatoarele directii: (VA1) beneficii destinate grupului tinta din regiunile Nord-Est și Sud-Est: participarea la testarea/screening-ul gratuit pentru hepatite virale; informarea privind riscurile de infectare proprie si de diseminare a infectiei catre alte persoane; informarea si constientizarea efectelor negative majore asupra vietii a persoanei infectate cronic cu hepatita B/D sau C; asigurarea diagnosticului precis prin stadializare, gratuit pentru pacientii pozitivi depistati la testarea rapida; (VA2) beneficii suplimentare pentru grupurile vulnerabile regiunile Nord-Est și Sud-Est: gratuitatea accesului la diagnostic rapid (screening) si diagnostic de stadializare; asigurarea serviciilor de acompaniere catre si de la centrele de preventie; indrumarea catre modalitatile legale de asigurare a persoanelor neasigurate pentru a putea beneficia de tratamentul decontat de CNAS. (VA3) impact asupra grupului tinta din regiunile Nord-Est și Sud-Est: asigurarea premiselor pentru o viata sanatoasa si diminuarea riscurilor de diseminare a bolilor transmisibile in societate; (VA4) impact asupra grupurile vulnerabile regiunile Nord-Est și Sud-Est: tratament egal cu persoanele nevulnerabile, asigurarea premiselor pentru obtinerea tratamentului si eradicarea profilului de hepatita C in randul populatiilor vulnerabile cele mai expuse riscului de infectie. (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to provide medical services for prevention, early detection (screening), diagnosis and treatment of patients with chronic liver diseases secondary to viral infections with hepatitis B/D and C viruses in the North-East and South-East development regions, respectively in Bacau (BC) counties, Botosani (BT), Iasi (IS), Neamt (NT), Suceava (SV), Vaslui (VS), Braila (BR), Buzau (BZ), Constanta (CT), Galati (GL), Tulcea (TL) and Vrancea (VN). This general objective responds to a theme of national interest in the field of health, namely: Reducing the incidence of priority communicable diseases: hepatitis B and C and providing patients with access to antiviral treatments (Objective 2.5 of the National Health Strategy 2014-2020) that indicate concrete measures to be followed in the directions: Increasing the role and capacity of first-line health service providers for prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of liver B virus infections, according to specific competences; Minimising occupational biological risk in healthcare and social care personnel; Increased knowledge of the epidemiological profile of HVB and HVC infection in the general population or in certain population groups through prevalence studies, epidemiological research, development of the national registry of HVB/HVC-infected patients. The added value (VA) expressed by the positive socio-economic effects of the project implementation can be quantified on the following directions: (VA1) benefits for the target group in the North-East and South-East regions: participation in free testing/screening for viral hepatitis; information on the risks of self-infection and dissemination of the infection to other persons; information and awareness of the major negative effects on life of the person chronically infected with hepatitis B/D or C; ensuring accurate diagnosis through staging, free of charge for positive patients detected during rapid testing; (VA2) additional benefits for vulnerable groups North-East and South-East regions: free access to rapid diagnosis (screening) and diagnosis of staging; providing accompanying services to and from prevention centers; guidance to the legal means of insurance of uninsured persons in order to benefit from the treatment settled by the CNAS. (VA3) impact on the target group in the North-East and South-East regions: ensuring the prerequisites for a healthy life and reducing the risks of disseminating communicable diseases in society; (VA4) impact on vulnerable groups North-East and South-East regions: equal treatment with non-vulnerable people, ensuring the premises for obtaining treatment and eradicating the hepatitis C profile among vulnerable populations most at risk of infection. (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Judeţul Bacău, Romania
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    Judeţul Vrancea, Romania
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    Judeţul Tulcea, Romania
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    Judeţul Constanţa, Romania
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    Judeţul Buzău, Romania
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    Judeţul Brăila, Romania
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    Judeţul Vaslui, Romania
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    Judeţul Suceava, Romania
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    Judeţul Neamţ, Romania
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    Judeţul Iaşi, Romania
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    Judeţul Botoşani, Romania
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