Start-From School to Safe Work (Q3098033)
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Project Q3098033 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Start-From School to Safe Work |
Project Q3098033 in Romania |
1,905,066.26 Romanian Leu
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381,013.25200000004 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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2,359,215.22 Romanian Leu
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471,843.04400000005 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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0.81 percent
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20 July 2020
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19 July 2022
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Obiectivul general consta in dezvoltarea competentelor profesionale ptr 165 de elevi din invatamantul secundar si tertiar non-universitar, filiera tehnologica, domeniile electric, electronica automatizari si mecanica din judetele Brasov si Covasna prin: - derularea de activitati de invatare aferente stagiilor de practica ptr cresterea numarului absolventilor care gasesc un loc de munca, - acces la serviciile de informare, consiliere si orientare profesionala in vederea cresterii sanselor de angajare in specializarile studiate, intr-o perioada de 24 de luni. Stagiile de practica se vor organiza in sectoare cu potential competitiv, asa cum au fost acestea identificate in Strategia Nationala ptr Competitivitate (Prioritatea 4) si in Strategia CDI 2014 – 2020 (domenii de specializare inteligenta); agentii economici vizati ptr efectuarea stagiilor de practica vor fi din domeniu precum: industria auto si componente, energie si management de mediu, acestea fiind 2 dintre cele 10 sectoare de viitor. Proiectul se subscrie Prioritatii de investitii 10.iv (POCU 2014-2020), prin care se urmareste formarea si dezvoltarea de competente profesionale si transversale cerute pe piata muncii ptr elevi, prin elaborarea de parteneriate de practica, prin participarea la programele de invatare la locul de munca a elevilor din invatamantul secundar, cu accent pe sectoarele economice cu potential competitiv identificate conform SNC si din domeniile de specializare inteligenta conform SNCDI si participarea elevilor la servicii de consiliere si orientare profesionala cu scopul cresterii sanselor de integrare pe piata muncii din Regiunea Centru, regiune mai putin dezvoltata. Proiectul contribuie la atingerea obiectivului specific al apelului (OS 6.14) intrucat isi asuma: a) participarea a 165 de elevi (ISCED 2-4) din licee cu filiera tehnologica, scoli profesionale, scoli postliceale, inclusiv invatamant dual din judetele Brasov si Covasna la stagii de practica la agenti economici. Astfel este atinsa si depasita tinta minima (140 persoane) a indicatorului de realizare 4S131. Toti cei 165 de elevi vor beneficia si de servicii de informare, consiliere si orientare profesionala. Din cei 165 de elevi minim 15% vor fi de sex feminin si vor beneficia de actiuni care contribuie la implementarea temei secundare 02“Inovare sociala” (cu o pondere de 5,75%/proiect) si tema orizontala a “Egalitatii de gen” a POCU/AP6/ PI 10.iv/OS 6.14. De asemenea, din GT stabilit, minim 11% dintre elevi vor fi din mediul rural sau apartinand minoritatii rome. b) 165 elevi vor beneficia de formare profesionala in concordanta cu noile norme europene si cu cerintele moderne ale economiei de piata, iar minim 67% dintre acestia vor fi certificati la incetarea calitatii de participant. Astfel se atinge si se depaseste tinta minima (60%) a indicatorului de rezultat 4S120. c) 165 de elevi vor beneficia de cresterea competentelor cheie si specializate printr-o pregatire de inalta calitate in v (Romanian)
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The general objective is to develop professional competences for 165 students from secondary and third non-university education, technological sector, electrical fields, electronic automation and mechanics in Brasov and Covasna counties by: — carrying out learning activities related to internships in order to increase the number of graduates who find a job, – access to information services, counselling and professional guidance in order to increase the employment opportunities in the studied specialisations, within a period of 24 months. The internships will be organised in sectors with competitive potential, as identified in the National Strategy for Competitiveness (Priority 4) and the RDI Strategy 2014-2020 (smart specialisation areas); the economic agents concerned for carrying out the internships will be in the field such as: automotive and component industry, energy and environmental management, these being 2 of the 10 sectors of the future. The project subscribes to the investment priority 10.iv (POCU 2014-2020), which aims to train and develop professional and transversal skills required on the labor market for students, by developing practical partnerships, through participation in work-based learning programs of secondary school students, with a focus on economic sectors with competitive potential identified according to NCNS and in the fields of intelligent specialisation according to SNCDI and participation of students in counseling services and professional guidance in order to increase chances of integration in the labor market of the Centre Region, less developed region. The project contributes to the specific objective of the call (OS 6.14) as it assumes: a) the participation of 165 students (ISCED 2-4) from high schools with technology, vocational schools, post-secondary schools, including dual education in Brasov and Covasna counties in internships at economic agents. Thus, the minimum target (140 persons) of the 4S131 output indicator is reached and exceeded. All 165 students will also benefit from information, counselling and professional guidance services. Of the 165 students at least 15 % will be female and will benefit from actions that contribute to the implementation of the secondary theme 02 “Social innovation” (with a share of 5.75 %/project) and the horizontal theme of “Gender Equality” of POCU/AP6/PI 10.iv/OS 6.14. Also, from the established GT, at least 11 % of the students will be from rural areas or belonging to the Roma minority. b) 165 students will benefit from professional training in accordance with the new European norms and modern requirements of the market economy, and at least 67 % of them will be certified at the end of the participant’s quality. Thus, the minimum target (60 %) of the result indicator 4S120. c) 165 students will benefit from the increase of key and specialised skills through high quality training in v (English)
16 September 2021
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Judeţul Braşov, Romania
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Judeţul Covasna, Romania
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