Extension of productive capacities to SC Musa Pitești "96 SRL (Q2742927)

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Project Q2742927 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Extension of productive capacities to SC Musa Pitești "96 SRL
Project Q2742927 in Romania


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    2,616,969.361 Romanian Leu
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    523,393.87220000004 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    5,035,558.66 Romanian Leu
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    1,007,111.7320000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.52 percent
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    26 April 2017
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    31 December 2020
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    44°46'0.01"N, 25°4'59.99"E
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    Obiectivul proiectului consta in imbunatatirea competitivitatii economice a SC MUSA PITESTI '96 SRL prin realizarea unei investitii initiale in extinderea capacitatilor de productie ca urmare a achizitionarii unor echipamente tehnologice inalt performante. Competitivitatea crescuta a firmei presupune un raport cost/beneficiu optim, transpus in gradul de productivitate al unei firme. Cresterea productivitatii firmei este privita ca o conditie a reusitei pe piata, iar impactul tehnologiilor asupra cresterii productivitatii este bine cunoscut. Dezvoltarea intensiva (cresterea cotei de client), dar si cea extensiva (cresterea cotei de piata) se datoreaza scaderii costurilor de productie, administrare si livrare, ca urmare a utilizarii de echipamente inalt performante, cu o tehnologie avansata, de ultima generatie. Într-o lume din ce in ce mai dinamica, mai competitiva si mai axata pe performanta si pe calitate, in vederea mentinerii competitivitatii si a pozitiei pe piata, o societate trebuie sa fie constant in pas cu schimbarile impuse de piata in care activeaza, de nevoile grupurilor tinta si de actiunile competitorilor. Luand in considerare aceste aspecte, compania noastra considera ca investitia in utilaje inalt tehnologizate si in resursa umana care opereaza cu aceasta constituie principala modalitate de a ramane competitivi pe piata productiei de piese pentru industria autovehiculelor. Tehnologia avansata si instruirea corespunzatoare a personalului va avea un impact pozitiv direct asupra cresterii productivitatii firmei, a utilizarii eficiente a resurselor acesteia si a gestionarii eficace a relatiei cu clientii si furnizorii actuali sau potentiali, in sensul fidelizarii acestora. (Romanian)
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    The objective of the project is to improve the economic competitiveness of SC MUSA PITESTI '96 SRL by making an initial investment in the expansion of production capacities as a result of the acquisition of high-performance technological equipment. The company’s increased competitiveness implies an optimal cost/benefit ratio, translated into the productivity of a company. The growth of the company’s productivity is seen as a condition of success on the market, and the impact of technologies on increasing productivity is well known. Intensive development (increase of customer share), but also extensive (market share increase) is due to the decrease in production, administration and delivery costs, as a result of the use of high-performance equipment, with an advanced, state-of-the-art technology. In an increasingly dynamic, competitive and focused world on performance and quality, in order to maintain competitiveness and market position, a society must be constantly in line with the changes imposed by the market in which it operates, the needs of target groups and the actions of competitors. Taking into account these aspects, our company considers that the investment in high-tech machinery and the human resource that operates with it is the main way to remain competitive on the automotive parts market. Advanced technology and proper staff training will have a direct positive impact on increasing the company’s productivity, efficient use of its resources and effective management of the relationship with current or potential customers and suppliers, in the sense of their loyalty. (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Căteasca, Romania
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