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Project Q3096666 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Project Q3096666 in Romania


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    9,086,692.719 Romanian Leu
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    1,817,338.5438 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    10,690,226.76 Romanian Leu
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    2,138,045.352 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.85 percent
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    16 January 2018
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    15 January 2021
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    44°25'1.85"N, 26°2'12.12"E
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    44°25'42.17"N, 26°2'55.68"E
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    OBIECTIVUL GENERAL AL PROIECTULUI: Cresterea ratei de ocupare si promovarea unei economii durabile, bazata pe inovare si egalitate de sanse, prin formare antreprenoriala pentru 360 de someri, persoane inactive si angajati cu domiciliul in regiunea Centru (judetele Alba, Brasov, Covasna, Harghita, Mures si Sibiu), dezvoltarea unui numar de 45 de intreprinderi cu profil nonagricol in zona urbana si crearea a minim 90 de locuri de munca. EFECT POZITIV PE TERMEN LUNG Pentru a determina crestere economica si implicit un nivel scazut al ratei somajului, este nevoie de cat mai multi intreprinzatori, afacerile nou infiintate, in special cele mici si mijlocii (IMM-urile), fiind principalele furnizoare de noi locuri de munca. Proiectul pune accent pe rolul esential al educatiei si formarii noilor generatii de intreprinzatori, pe cultivarea spiritului antreprenorial, avand prevazute masuri specifice pentru consilierea si asistarea persoanelor care urmeaza sa-si infiinteze propria afacere. In urma participarii la programul de formare antreprenoriala, grupul tinta format din someri, persoane inactive (inclusiv studenti) si persoane care au un loc de munca si infiinteaza o afacere in scopul crearii de noi locuri de munca, respectiv angajati (inclusiv persoane care desfasoara o activitate independenta) va dobandi cunostintele necesare pentru a se putea integra/reintegra pe piata muncii si/sau pentru a deveni intreprinzatori. Astfel, un EFECT POZITIV PE TERMEN LUNG generat de proiect il reprezinta SCADEREA RATEI SOMAJULUI SI CRESTEREA RATEI DE OCUPARE LA NIVELUL REGIUNII CENTRU, prin imbunatatirea pregatirii si competentelor ce asigura o integrare pe termen lung pe piata muncii, somerii si persoanele inactive devenind persoane active, ocupate, cu risc redus de a fi exclusi in viitor. De asemenea, persoanele care au un loc de munca si doresc sa infiinteze o afacere in vederea crearii de noi locuri de munca, vor dobandi cunostintele, competentele si abilitatile necesare demararii unei afaceri si crearii unor noi locuri de munca. Pe durata cursului de formare antreprenoriala, participantii vor fi motivati sa elaboreze planuri de afaceri viabile prin oportunitatea de a participa la concursul „Voi fi antreprenor!” organizat in cadrul proiectul cu scopul selectarii a 45 de planuri de afaceri ce vor fi propuse spre finantare. Prin participarea la stagii de practica, persoanele ale caror planuri de afaceri au fost selectate vor dobandi abilitati practice consistente, in domeniile alese pentru dezvoltarea afacerii. Beneficiind de servicii personalizate de consiliere si asistare antreprenoriala, viitorii antreprenori isi vor dezvolta increderea in sine, simtul responsabilitatii si vor cumula abilitati tehnice si de management necesare dezvoltarii unor afaceri de succes, sustenabile. Astfel, infiintarea celor 45 de afaceri, precum si actiunile de monitorizare a functionarii si dezvoltarii sustenabile a acestora, vor genera un EFECT POZITIV PE TERMEN LUNG concretizat in DE (Romanian)
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    GENERAL OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT: Increasing the employment rate and promoting a sustainable economy, based on innovation and equal opportunities, through entrepreneurial training for 360 unemployed people, inactive people and employees residing in the Centre region (Alba, Brasov, Covasna, Harghita, Mures and Sibiu counties), the development of 45 non-agricultural enterprises in the urban area and the creation of at least 90 jobs. In order to determine economic growth and implicitly a low unemployment rate, as many entrepreneurs as possible are needed, the newly established businesses, especially small and medium-sized ones (SMEs), are the main providers of new jobs. The project focuses on the essential role of education and training of new generations of entrepreneurs, on cultivating the entrepreneurial spirit, having specific measures to advise and assist the people who are going to set up their own business. Following the participation in the entrepreneurial training programme, the target group of unemployed persons, inactive persons (including students) and persons who have a job and set up a business in order to create new jobs, namely employees (including persons who carry out an independent activity) will acquire the necessary knowledge to be able to integrate/reintegrate into the labour market and/or to become entrepreneurs. Thus, a LUNG TERMEN POZITIVE EFECTY generated by the project is the decrease of the unemployment rate and the increase of the working rate at the NIVEL OF THE CENTRU REGION, by improving the training and skills that ensure a long-term integration on the labour market, unemployment and inactive persons becoming active, employed, with low risk of being excluded in the future. Also, people who have a job and want to set up a business in order to create new jobs will acquire the knowledge, skills and skills needed to start a business and create new jobs. During the entrepreneurial training course, participants will be motivated to develop viable business plans through the opportunity to participate in the competition “I will be an entrepreneur!” organised within the project with the aim of selecting 45 business plans that will be proposed for financing. By participating in internships, people whose business plans have been selected will acquire consistent practical skills in the fields chosen for business development. Benefiting from personalised entrepreneurial counselling and assistance services, future entrepreneurs will develop their self-confidence, sense of responsibility and will gather the technical and management skills needed to develop successful, sustainable businesses. Thus, the establishment of the 45 businesses, as well as the actions to monitor their functioning and sustainable development, will generate a POZITIVE EFECT ON TERMEN LUNG embodied in DE (English)
    14 September 2021
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