Performance through training for employees of Brico Depot- Digital Evolution (Q3097604)

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Project Q3097604 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Performance through training for employees of Brico Depot- Digital Evolution
Project Q3097604 in Romania


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    694,325.47 Romanian Leu
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    138,865.094 Euro
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    1,634,033.92 Romanian Leu
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    326,806.784 Euro
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    14 December 2022
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    44°29'49.16"N, 26°6'29.88"E
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    45°43'15.71"N, 24°19'44.22"E
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    46°7'31.22"N, 27°25'17.40"E
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    46°7'31.22"N, 27°25'17.40"E
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    47°36'20.23"N, 22°14'4.88"E
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    45°59'29.87"N, 21°20'45.60"E
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    47°29'58.13"N, 26°54'16.52"E
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    45°14'35.56"N, 27°13'29.46"E
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    44°25'19.38"N, 26°8'4.81"E
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    45°32'52.19"N, 26°23'44.77"E
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    46°50'54.64"N, 24°10'34.57"E
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    44°55'39.04"N, 25°27'45.47"E
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    45°59'29.87"N, 21°20'45.60"E
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    44°59'30.66"N, 26°0'41.87"E
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    45°41'39.05"N, 21°14'9.06"E
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    OBIECTIVUL GENERAL al proiectului vizeaza:”Imbunatatirea nivelului de cunostinte/competente/aptitudini ale angajatilor care isi desfasoara activitatea in sectorul Lemn si mobila, sector economic cu potential competitiv conform SNC si domeniilor de specializare inteligenta SNCDI”. Proiectul se incadreaza in cadrul sectorului eligibil conform SNC si SNCDI –”Lemn si Mobila”, Solicitantul desfasurandu-si activitatea in cadrul codului CAEN eligibil autorizat „4673 Comert cu ridicata al materialului lemnos si al materialelor de constructii si echipamentelor” din cadrul acestui sector precum si in codul CAEN “CAEN: 4647 Comert cu ridicata al mobilei, covoarelor si articolelor de iluminat”. Astfel, activitatea realizata de Solicitant (S) este incadrata atat intr-un sector economic competitiv (conform SNC) iar prin atingerea obiectivului general se va facilita dezvoltarea competitivitatii fortei de munca din Romania, in vederea reducerii disparitatilor de dezvoltare dintre regiunile Statelor Membre ale UE, in acest fel obiectivul fiind convergent cu obiectivul general al Fondului Social European. Proiectul contribuie la atingerea obiectivului specific al programului si apelului (OS 3.12) intrucat isi asuma ca un numar de minim 325 de angajati isi vor imbunatati cunostintele, abilitatile, priceperile si deprinderile, astfel incat sa aiba un impact direct in dezvoltarea sectoarelor competitive/domeniilor de specializare inteligenta identificate in strategiile nationale. MODUL IN CARE PROIECTUL CONTRIBUIE LA REALIZAREA OBIECTIVULUI SPECIFIC AL PROGRAMULUI SI APELULUI, GENERAND UN EFECT POZITIV PE TERMEN LUNG: -creste gradul de constientizare asupra beneficiilor participarii la programe de invatare pe tot parcursul vietii prin intermediul cunoasterii activitatilor proiectului, a obiectivelor si rezultatelor asumate; -formeaza si dezvolta competente profesionale adaptate la cele mai recente evolutii de pe piata muncii prin intermediul programelor de formare profesionala in domeniul digitalizarii, atat pentru nivel de baza cat si pentru nivel avansat, 100% dintre participantii la programele prevazute in proiect participand la programe de dezvoltare a competentelor digitale avansate, in corelare cu rolul pe care il ocupa in firma, departamentul in care activeaza si tehnologiile pe care le opereasa in activitatea curenta; -formeaza si dezvolta competente-cheie transversale, transferabile, necesare pentru a mentine competitivitatea unui angajat, competentele TIC si digitale fiind transferabile si in alte sectoare de activitate, in alte companii sau in alte roluri -ajuta la implementarea de strategii de dezvoltare organizationala care sustin, printr-o resursa umana bine pregatita, dezvoltarea si adaptarea companiilor la sectoarele economice cele mai dinamice si cu potential ridicat de dezvoltare la nivel national si global; -sustine implementarea de masuri pentru dezvoltarea durabila in politicile regionale si nationale, atat in protectia mediului inco (Romanian)
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    The GENERAL objective of the project aims to: “Improving the level of knowledge/skills/skills of employees working in the wood and furniture sector, economic sector with competitive potential according to SNC and SNCDI smart specialisation areas”. The project falls within the eligible sector according to SNC and SNCDI – "Wood and Furniture", the applicant operating under the authorised eligible CAEN code "4673 Wholesale of wood and building materials and equipment" within this sector as well as under the CAEN code "CAEN: 4647 Wholesale of furniture, carpets and lighting goods”. Thus, the activity carried out by Applicant (S) is part of both a competitive economic sector (according to the NCS) and the achievement of the general objective will facilitate the development of the competitiveness of the Romanian workforce, in order to reduce the development disparities between the regions of the EU Member States, thus converging with the general objective of the European Social Fund. The project contributes to achieving the specific objective of the program and call (OS 3.12) as it assumes that a minimum of 325 employees will improve their knowledge, skills, skills and skills, so as to have a direct impact in the development of competitive sectors/intelligent specialisation areas identified in national strategies. HOW THE PROJECT CONTRIBUTES TO THE ACHIEVEMENT OF THE SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE OF THE PROGRAMME AND CALL, GENERATING A LONG-TERM POSITIVE EFFECT: —increases awareness on the benefits of participation in lifelong learning programs through knowledge of project activities, objectives and assumed results; — trains and develops professional skills adapted to the latest developments on the labour market through professional training programs in the field of digitalisation, both for basic and advanced level, 100 % of the participants in the programs provided in the project participating in programs for the development of advanced digital skills, in conjunction with the role they occupy in the company, the department in which they operate and the technologies they operate in the current activity; — trains and develops cross-cutting, transferable key competences needed to maintain the competitiveness of an employee, ICT and digital skills being transferable in other sectors of activity, in other companies or in other roles -help the implementation of organizational development strategies that support, through a well-trained human resource, the development and adaptation of companies to the most dynamic economic sectors and with high potential for development at national and global level; — supports the implementation of measures for sustainable development in regional and national policies, both in environmental protection (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Judeţul Botoşani, Romania
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    Judeţul Mureş, Romania
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