Rehabilitation and modernisation of regional transport infrastructure on the Pechea – Mastacani route – DN 26 (DJ 255) (Q2741786)

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Project Q2741786 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Rehabilitation and modernisation of regional transport infrastructure on the Pechea – Mastacani route – DN 26 (DJ 255)
Project Q2741786 in Romania


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    56,465,991.63 Romanian Leu
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    11,293,198.326000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    66,430,578.38 Romanian Leu
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    13,286,115.676 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.85 percent
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    1 May 2014
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    30 September 2021
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    44°28'25.68"N, 26°4'34.43"E
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    46°41'3.23"N, 23°41'33.94"E
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    45°37'26.62"N, 27°47'44.92"E
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    45°43'54.88"N, 27°53'29.65"E
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    45°48'7.92"N, 27°57'31.36"E
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    45°45'49.68"N, 28°3'17.03"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului este creșterea gradului de accesibilitate a zonelor rurale și urbane situate in proximitatea retelei TEN-T prin modernizarea drumului judetean DJ 255. Incadrandu-se in liniile generale ale programului de finanțare, prin rezultatele preconizate si prin obiectivul general pe care proiectul isi propune sa il atinga, putem afirma ca initiativa Consiliului Judetean Galati de a reabilita si moderniza tronsoanele de drum judetean DJ 255 va contribui la realizarea obiectivului specific ale Axei Prioritare 6: Imbunatatirea infrastructurii rutiere de importanta regionala, Prioritatea de investiții 6.1, Stimularea mobilitatii regionale prin conectarea nodurilor secundare si tertiare la infrastructura TEN-T, inclusiv a nodurilor multimodale, Aria prioritara 1 - Interconectarea regiunii Dunarii a Strategiei Uniunii Europene privind regiunea Dunarii. Scopul proiectului este imbunatatirea condițiilor de viata si de activitate in zona Dunarii prin facilitarea accesului la diferite obiective de interes social, economic din localitatile Cuca, Rediu, Suhurlui, Pechea, Firtanesti si Mastacani si Municipiul Galati, ca Port la Dunare. Implementarea proiectului „Reabilitarea şi modernizarea infrastructurii de transport regional pe traseul Pechea – Mastacani – DN26 (DJ255)” va determina creșterea gradului de mobilitate a persoanelor din zonele defavorizare și a bunurilor, va asigura accesul mai facil și mai rapid la serviciile de interes public existente. Aceasta este cea mai scurtă rută ce face legătura între comunitățile parcurse de acest drum cu municipiul Galati. Totodată, creșterea capacității de transport pe conexiunile la rețeaua TEN-T și reducerea timpului de deplasare, va stimula utilizarea unor rute alternative pentru vehiculele de marfă și pasageri iar efectele pozitive vor fi induse indirect în dezvoltarea comerțului, și in creșterea competitivității teritoriilor deservite. Prevederile Axei Prioritare 6: Îmbunătățirea infrastructurii rutiere de importanță regională, Prioritatea de investiții 6.1, Stimularea mobilității regionale prin conectarea nodurilor secundare și terțiare la infrastructura TEN-T, vin în întâmpinarea nevoilor stringente ale autorităților publice locale și furnizorilor de servicii prin asigurarea accesului la instrumente financiare care să contribuie la îmbunătățirea calității infrastructurii pentru serviciile de transport. (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to increase the accessibility of rural and urban areas located close to the TEN-T network by modernising the county road DJ 255. Falling within the general lines of the financing programme, through the expected results and the general objective that the project aims to achieve, we can say that the initiative of Galati County Council to rehabilitate and modernise the county road sections DJ 255 will contribute to the achievement of the specific objective of Priority Axis 6: Improving road infrastructure of regional importance, Investment Priority 6.1, Boosting regional mobility by connecting secondary and third-party nodes to TEN-T infrastructure, including multimodal nodes, Priority Area 1 – Interconnection of the Danube Region of the European Union Strategy for the Danube Region. The aim of the project is to improve living and activity conditions in the Danube area by facilitating access to various social, economical objectives in Cuca, Rediu, Suhurlui, Pechea, Firtanesti and Mastacani and Galati localities, as a Danube Port. The implementation of the project “Rehabilitation and modernisation of regional transport infrastructure on the Pechea – Mastacani route – DN26 (DJ255)” will increase the degree of mobility of people from disadvantaged areas and goods, ensure easier and faster access to existing public interest services. This is the shortest route that connects the communities traveled by this road with Galati. At the same time, increasing transport capacity on connections to the TEN-T network and reducing travel time will stimulate the use of alternative routes for freight and passenger vehicles and the positive effects will be indirectly induced in the development of trade, and in increasing the competitiveness of the territories served. Provisions of Priority Axis 6: Improving road infrastructure of regional importance, Investment Priority 6.1, Boosting regional mobility by connecting secondary and tertiary nodes to TEN-T infrastructure, meet the urgent needs of local public authorities and service providers by providing access to financial instruments that help improve the quality of infrastructure for transport services. (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Pechea, Romania
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    Municipiul Galaţi, Romania
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    Măstăcani, Romania
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    Fârţăneşti, Romania
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    Cuca, Romania
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    Rediu, Romania
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