Construction and endowment of tourist reception structure (Q2742332)

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Project Q2742332 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Construction and endowment of tourist reception structure
Project Q2742332 in Romania


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    3,934,286.47 Romanian Leu
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    786,857.2940000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    7,464,910.71 Romanian Leu
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    1,492,982.142 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.53 percent
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    4 May 2018
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    30 September 2021
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    44°55'37.60"N, 29°7'38.35"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului consta in imbunatatirea competitivității si viabilitatii SC NEW HOTEL EGRETA SRL prin construirea si dotarea unei structuri de primire turistica si certificarea serviciilor si a sistemelor de management, in scopul dezvoltarii activitatii si a cresterii numarului de turisti deserviti. Conform POR 2014-2020, în prezent, în România, sectorul IMM-urilor este insuficient dezvoltat, fapt care are un impact negativ asupra competitivității economiilor regionale. De asemenea, potrivit Strategiei Naționale pentru Competitivitate 2015 - 2020, sectorul turism, reprezinta unul dintre sectoarele economice ale României cu potențial competitiv, la nivel national. Mai mult decat atat, dezvoltarea turismului şi a infrastructurii turistice în zona Deltei Dunării, reprezintă o prioritate actuală atât la nivel naţional cât şi la nivel regional şi local (Plan de management RBDD 2011). Delta Dunarii si rezervaţia oferă multiple oportunităţi în turism datorită resurselor turistice, naturale sau antropice existente şi a exercitat şi exercită o atracţie deosebită pentru vizitatori, al caror numar a crescut constant in ultimii ani. SC NEW HOTEL EGRETA SRL, societate cu experienta in domeniul turismului (luand in considerare administrarea Hotelului Egreta - structură de primire turistică cu funcțiune de cazare, clasificata cu 4 stele), este autorizata la sediul principal din sat Dunavatu de Jos, Comuna Murighiol, sa desfasoare activitati din clasa CAEN 5510 – Hoteluri si alte facilitati de cazare similare dar si alte activitati conexe, care sunt inregistrate in certificatul sau constatator, astfel: 9609 - Alte activitati de servicii n.c.a.; 9604 – Activitati de intretinere corporala; 9602- Coafura si alte activitati de infrumusetare; 9329 - Alte activităţi recreative şi distractive n.c.a.; 6820- Inchirierea si subinchirierea bunurilor imobiliare proprii sau inchiriate; 5630 - Baruri şi alte activităţi de servire a băuturilor; 5610 – Restaurante; 5590 - Alte servicii de cazare; 5520 – Facilitati de cazare pentru vacante si perioade de scurta durata. Pornind de la situația existentă în prezent la nivel national și la nivelul SC NEW HOTEL EGRETA SRL in special și valorificând oportunitatea oferită de POR 2014-2020, program al cărui obiectiv general il reprezinta creșterea competitivității economice și îmbunătăţirea condițiilor de viață ale comunităților locale și regionale prin sprijinirea dezvoltării mediului de afaceri, a condițiilor infrastructurale și a serviciilor, care să asigure o dezvoltare sustenabilă a regiunilor, capabile să gestioneze în mod eficient resursele, să valorifice potențialul lor de inovare și de asimilare a progresului tehnologic, prezentul proiect are ca scop construirea si dotarea unei structuri de primire turistică, cu 16 apartamente si 3 camere, in vederea dezvoltarii activitatii de turism si cresterii numarului de turisti deserviti in cadrul acesteia. Investiția va genera efecte pozitive atât as (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to improve the competitiveness and sustainability of SC NEW HOTEL EGRETA SRL by building and equipping a touristic reception structure and certification of services and management systems, in order to develop the activity and increase the number of tourists served. According to the 2014-2020 ROP, the SME sector is currently underdeveloped in Romania, which has a negative impact on the competitiveness of regional economies. Also, according to the National Strategy for Competitiveness 2015-2020, the tourism sector is one of Romania’s economic sectors with competitive potential, at national level. Moreover, the development of tourism and tourism infrastructure in the Danube Delta area is a current priority at both national, regional and local level (RBDD 2011 Management Plan). The Danube Delta and the reservation offer multiple opportunities in tourism due to the existing tourist, natural or anthropic resources and has exercised and exerts a special attraction for visitors, whose number has steadily increased in recent years. SC NEW HOTEL EGRETA SRL, a company with experience in the field of tourism (taking into account the management of Hotel Egreta – accommodation accommodation structure, classified with 4 stars), is authorised at the main office in Dunavatu de Jos village, Murighiol Commune, to carry out activities in the CAEN 5510 class – Hotels and other similar accommodation facilities, as well as other related activities, which are recorded in its certificate, as follows: 9609 – Other service activities n.e.c.; 9604 – Body maintenance activities; 9602- Hairdressing and other beauty activities; 9329 – Other recreational and fun activities n.e.c.; 6820- Rent and sublease of own or rented real estate; 5630 – Bars and other beverage serving activities; 5610 – Restaurants; 5590 – Other accommodation services; 5520 – Accommodation facilities for holidays and short periods. Starting from the current situation at national level and at the level of SC NEW HOTEL EGRETA SRL in particular and taking advantage of the opportunity offered by ROP 2014-2020, a program whose overall objective is to increase economic competitiveness and improve the living conditions of local and regional communities by supporting the development of the business environment, infrastructural conditions and services, which ensure a sustainable development of the regions, capable of efficiently managing resources, exploiting their potential for innovation and assimilation of technological progress, this project aims to build and equip a tourist reception structure, with 16 apartments and 3 rooms, in order to develop tourism activity and increase the number of tourists served within it. The investment will generate positive effects both as (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Murighiol, Romania
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