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Project Q3100401 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Project Q3100401 in Romania


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    40,032,057.08 Romanian Leu
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    8,006,411.416 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    40,032,057.08 Romanian Leu
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    8,006,411.416 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    1.0 percent
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    1 February 2020
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    31 December 2021
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    Consolidarea capacitatii de reactie si raspuns in timp util si eficient al sistemului medical public din judetul Iasi in contextul epidemiei de coronavirus COVID 19 prin dotarea unitatilor sanitare cu echipamente specializate de protectie, aparatura si dispozitive medicale.Proiectul propus contribuie la consolidarea capacitatii de reactie la criza de sanatate publica cauzata de raspandirea virusului SARS-CoV-2 la nivel regional si local, limitand raspandirea virusului si a efectelor extrem de grave ale acestuia prin asigurarea disponibilitatii aparaturii si dispozitivelor medicale, precum si asigurarea necesarului de echipamente specializate de protectie pentru personalul medical. Proiectul contribuie la indicatorul de rezultat al POIM ”2S132 - Capacitate adecvată de îngrijire și tratament a cazurilor de infectie cu virusul SARS-CoV-2” deoarece prin dotarea celor 5 spitale din subordinea Consiliului Județean Iași cu echipamente de protectie (combinezoane, manusi de protectie/masti chirurgicale etc) si echipamente medicale (injectomate, infuzomate, paturi ATI, Ecograf portabil doppler, pulsoximere si foarte multe altele), conform Anexelor 10 atasate, care vor fi utilizate in mod direct atat pentru prevenirea infectarii cat si in tratarea infectarii cu COVID-19, se va imbunatati capacitatea de ingrijire si tratament a pacientilor. Prin achizitia de echipamente de protectie se previne si reduce riscul de infectare a personalului medical si administrativ si blocarea transmiterii infectarii cu virusul Covid 19 in cele 5 spitale subordonate. Dezvoltarea capacității de testare esențiala pentru a fi în măsură să răspundem la criza COVID-19, cresterea gradului de confort si siguranta al pacientului, prin asigurarea unor conditii optime de investigatii medicale, tratament, si de prevenire a infectiilor nosocomiale, conform normelor in vigoare va conduce la Cresterea capacitatii de interventie a celor cinci unitati medicale. Dotarea cu echipamente ultra performante conduce la reducerea timpului de diagnosticare a pacientilor din punct de vedere imagistic si logistic fiind un real ajutor pentru diferentierea diagnosticului virusului Covid 19 de alte afectiuni non- pulmonare. Diagnosticarea corecta va contribui la strategia esentiala a tratamentului pentru Covid 19 ( terapia unica versus multipla de antivirale) contribuind la reducerea perioadei de internare a bolnavului, implicit reducerea agravarii bolii si aparitiei complicatiilor cu mortalitate crescuta. In concluzie investitia propusa prin proiect contribuie la atingerea tintei strategice de crestere a capacității de gestionare, prin sistemul medical public, a situației de urgență cauzată de criza sanitară COVID-19, prin: - achiziţionarea de aparaturã medicalã şi echipamente de urgență medicală - achizitionarea de materiale și echipamente de protecție, dezinfectanți, medicamente, materiale sanitare, dispozitive medicale - cresterea ratei de succes a pacientilor tratati in ATI - atrager (Romanian)
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    Strengthening the responsiveness and response capacity of the public health system in Iasi County in the context of the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak by equipping health units with specialised protective equipment, medical devices and devices. The proposed project contributes to strengthening the response capacity to the public health crisis caused by the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus at regional and local level, limiting the spread of the virus and its extremely serious effects by ensuring the availability of medical devices and devices, as well as the provision of specialised protective equipment for medical personnel. The project contributes to the result indicator of LIOP“2S132 – Appropriate capacity for care and treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infection cases” because by equipping the 5 hospitals under the Iasi County Council with protective equipment (combinezons, protective gloves/surgical masks, etc.) and medical equipment (injectomates, infuzomates, ATI beds, portable ecograph doppler, pulse oximers and many others), according to Annexes 10 attached, which will be used directly to both prevent infection and treat COVID-19 infection, the care and treatment capacity of patients will be improved. The acquisition of protective equipment prevents and reduces the risk of infection of medical and administrative personnel and blocking the transmission of Covid 19 infection in the 5 subordinate hospitals. Developing the testing capacity essential to be able to respond to the COVID-19 crisis, increasing patient comfort and safety, by ensuring optimal conditions for medical investigations, treatment, and prevention of nosocomial infections, according to the rules in force will lead to an increase in the intervention capacity of the five medical units. Equipping with ultra-performance equipment reduces the diagnostic time of patients from an imaging and logistical point of view, being a real help in differentiating the diagnosis of Covid 19 from other non-pulmonary diseases. Correct diagnosis will contribute to the essential strategy of treatment for Covid 19 (single therapy versus multiple antivirals) contributing to the reduction of the period of admission of the patient, thus reducing the worsening of the disease and the occurrence of complications with increased mortality. In conclusion, the investment proposed through the project contributes to achieving the strategic target of increasing the management capacity, through the public medical system, of the emergency caused by the COVID-19 health crisis, by: — purchase of medical equipment and medical emergency equipment – purchase of protective materials and equipment, disinfectants, medicines, sanitary supplies, medical devices – increasing the success rate of patients treated in ITA – attracting (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Judeţul Iaşi, Romania
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