No label defined (Q3100337)
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Project Q3100337 in Romania
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English | No label defined |
Project Q3100337 in Romania |
676,453.32 Romanian Leu
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795,827.43 Romanian Leu
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159,165.48600000003 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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0.85 percent
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3 August 2021
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2 August 2022
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Desfasurarea de activitati didactice în anul scolar 2020/2021 presupune o serie de masuri necesare pentru desfasurarea în bune conditii a rocesului educational atât pentru elevi, cât si pentru cadrele didactice în contextul crizei pandemice create de coronavirusul SARS-CoV-2, pentru a evita o crestere rapida a infectiei cu coronavirus, dar si pentru a crea conditiile necesare desfasurarii activitatilor didactice. În acest sens una dintre masurile adoptate prin ”ORDONANA DE URGENA nr. 144 din 24 august 2020 privind unele masuri pentrualocarea de fonduri externe nerambursabile necesare desfasurarii în conditii de preventie a activitatilor didactice aferente anului scolar 2020/2021 în contextul riscului de infectie cu coronavirus SARS-CoV-2” se refera la asigurarea accesului elevilor la procesul de învatare în mediul on-line. În acest sens, masura are în vedere dotarea elevilor cu echipamente mobile din domeniul tehnologiei informatiei de tipul tabletelor scolare, precum si a altor echipamente/dispozitive electronice, astfel încât orele de pregatire din timpul activitatilor didactice sa se poata desfasura on-line, pentru a evita contactul direct al elevilor cu profesorii si cu ceilalti elevi, precum si pentru a preveni riscul de infectare cu coronavirusul SARS-CoV-2, fapt care ar pune în pericol desfasurarea în conditii normale a tuturor activitatilor didactice necesare procesului de învatamânt. Acest proiect vizeaza interesul strategic national, acela de a asigura în bune conditii desfasurarea activitatilor didactice în anul scolar 2020-2021, respectiv de a asigura desfasurarea în bune conditii a serviciului public de educatie. In prezent Scoala Gimnaziala Gruia are in structura sa urmatoarele unitati de invatamant: Scoala Gimnaziala Gruia, Localitatea Gruia, fara strada fara numar, cod postal 227240, Scoala Primara Izvoarele, Localitatea Izvoarele, fara strada fara numar, cod postal 227241, cu numar total de elevi de 267, 28 cadre didactice si 17 sali de clasa. Pentru a asigura accesului elevilor la procesul de învatare în mediul on-line în conformitate cu OUG 144/2020 s-a prevazut achizitionarea a 267 tablete pentru uz scolar cu acces la internet pentru 24 de luni, pentru cadrele didactice s-a prevazut achizitionarea de echipamente/dispozitive electronice: laptop 28 buc, tableta grafica 28 buc; iar pentru dotarea salilor de clasa s-au prevazut achizitionarea de echipamente/dispozitive electronice: tabla interactiva 17 buc, proiector 17buc, ecran de proiectie pe trepied 17buc, camera web videoconferinta 17 buc. Pentru toate dispozitivele/echipametele se va achizitiona SMD (Sistem Management Dispozitive)- 340. (Romanian)
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The development of teaching activities in the school year 2020/2021 requires a series of measures necessary to carry out the educational roces in good conditions for both students and teachers in the context of the pandemic crisis created by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, in order to avoid a rapid increase of the coronavirus infection, but also to create the necessary conditions for carrying out the teaching activities. In this respect, one of the measures adopted by “De Urgentna Order No 144 of 24 August 2020 on measures to allocate non-reimbursable external funds necessary to carry out in preventive conditions the teaching activities for the school year 2020/2021 in the context of the risk of coronavirus infection SARS-CoV-2” refers to ensuring students’ access to the learning process in the online environment. In this respect, the measure envisages equipping students with mobile equipment in the field of information technology such as school tablets, as well as other electronic equipment/devices, so that the training hours during the teaching activities can take place online, in order to avoid direct contact of students with teachers and other students, as well as to prevent the risk of infection with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which would jeopardise the normal development of all the teaching activities necessary for the learning process. This project aims at the national strategic interest, which is to ensure in good conditions the performance of the teaching activities in the school year 2020-2021, namely to ensure the proper development of the public education service. The Gruia Secondary School currently has the following educational units: Gruia Gymnasium School, Gruia Town, without street number, postal code 227240, Izvoarele Primary School, Izvoarele Town, without street number, postal code 227241, with total number of students of 267, 28 teachers and 17 classrooms. In order to ensure students’ access to the online learning process in accordance with OUG 144/2020, it was foreseen to purchase 267 tablets for school use with internet access for 24 months, teachers were foreseen to purchase electronic equipment/devices: laptop 28 pcs, 28 pcs graphic tablet; and for the endowment of the classrooms were provided for the purchase of electronic equipment/devices: interactive board 17 pcs, 17pc projector, 17pc projection screen, 17pcs video conference web camera. For all devices/equipment will be purchased SMD (System Management Devices) – 340. (English)
16 September 2021
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Gruia, Romania
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