No label defined (Q3099654)

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Revision as of 11:02, 16 September 2021 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: summary (P836): The general objective of the project is to ensure students’ access to the learning process in the online environment and to increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Giroc commune. A modern school infrastructure equipped with IT equipment to support the technical basis for online education will ensure an educational process at European standards, will increase children’s participation in the educational ac...)
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Project Q3099654 in Romania
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Project Q3099654 in Romania


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    142,049.85 Romanian Leu
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    28,409.97 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    167,117.47 Romanian Leu
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    33,423.494 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.85 percent
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    1 June 2021
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    31 May 2022
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului il constituie asigurarea accesului elevilor la procesul de invatare in mediul on-line si cresterea gradului de participare la procesul educational a populatiei de varsta scolara din comuna Giroc. O infrastructura scolara moderna si dotata cu echipamente IT care sa sustina baza tehnica necesara derularii invatamantului on-line va asigura un proces educational la standarde europene, va creste participarea copiilor la actul educational, contribuind totodata si la atingerea obiectivelor orizontale in domeniul egalitatii de sanse, protejarea mediului si dezvoltare durabila, prevenind astfel riscul de infectare cu coronavirusul SARS-CoV-2, fapt care ar pune în pericol desfășurarea în condiții normale a tuturor activităților didactice necesare procesului de învățământ . Importanta obiectivului de investitii deriva din necesitatea punerii la dispozitie a resurselor materiale necesare asigurarii de dotari adecvate desfasurarii activitatilor educationale on-line, impunandu-se astfel investitii in echiparea infrastructurii educationale din invatamantul preuniversitar. Pentru indeplinirea obiectivului general al proiectului se vor realiza activitati de dotare a elevilor si profesorilor care activeaza in cadrul scolilor de pe raza Unitatii Administrativ Teritoriale Comuna Giroc cu echipamente mobile din domeniul tehnologiei informației de tipul tabletelor școlare, precum și a altor echipamente/dispozitive electronice IT, acest aspect conducand la reducerea ratei abandonului scolar, reducerea nivelului rezultatelor slabe la invatatura si impiedicarea dezvoltarii unui comportament delincvent in randul elevilor. (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to ensure students’ access to the learning process in the online environment and to increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Giroc commune. A modern school infrastructure equipped with IT equipment to support the technical basis for online education will ensure an educational process at European standards, will increase children’s participation in the educational act, also contributing to the achievement of horizontal objectives in the field of equal opportunities, environmental protection and sustainable development, thus preventing the risk of infection with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which would jeopardise the normal conduct of all the teaching activities necessary for the educational process. The importance of the investment objective derives from the need to make available the material resources necessary to ensure adequate facilities for online educational activities, thus imposing investments in equipping the educational infrastructure in the pre-university education. In order to achieve the general objective of the project, activities will be carried out to equip pupils and teachers working within the schools within the Giroc Commune Territorial Administrative Unit with mobile equipment in the field of information technology such as school tablets, as well as other IT equipment/electronic devices, leading to the reduction of the rate of school dropout, reducing the level of low educational attainment and impeding the development of delinquent behavior among students. (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Giroc, Romania
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