Purchase of ICT equipment for schools in ATU Frecatei (Q3099643)

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Project Q3099643 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Purchase of ICT equipment for schools in ATU Frecatei
Project Q3099643 in Romania


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    459,165.02 Romanian Leu
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    91,833.00400000002 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    540,194.14 Romanian Leu
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    108,038.82800000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.85 percent
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    29 June 2021
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    31 May 2022
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    Obiectivul general se refera la asigurarea accesului elevilor din UAT FRECATEI, JUD. TULCEA la procesul de învaþare în mediul on-line. În acest sens, proiectul are în vedere dotarea elevilor cu echipamente mobile din domeniul tehnologiei informaþiei de tipul tabletelor scolare, precum si a altor echipamente/dispozitive electronice, astfel încât orele de pregatire din timpul activitaþilor didactice sa se poata desfasura on-line, pentru a evita contactul direct al elevilor cu profesorii si cu ceilalþi elevi, precum si pentru a preveni riscul de infectare cu coronavirusul SARS-CoV-2, fapt care ar pune în pericol desfasurarea în condiþii normale a tuturor activitaþilor didactice necesare procesului de învaþamânt. (Romanian)
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    The general objective is to ensure access for students from ATU Frecatei, JUD. Tulcea to the learning process in the online environment. In this respect, the project envisages equipping students with mobile equipment in the field of information technology such as school tablets, as well as other electronic equipment/devices, so that the training hours during the teaching activities can take place online, in order to avoid direct contact of students with teachers and other students, as well as to prevent the risk of infection with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which would jeopardise the normal development of all the teaching activities necessary for the learning process. (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Frecăţei, Romania
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