No label defined (Q3098444)
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Project Q3098444 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | No label defined |
Project Q3098444 in Romania |
3,878,087.1 Romanian Leu
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4,706,858.78 Romanian Leu
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0.82 percent
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31 March 2021
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30 March 2023
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Obiectivul general al proiectului este cresterea competentelor profesionale si a performantelor in plan profesional a angajatilor prin participarea la programe de formare profesionala in vederea asigurarii premiselor cresterii in cariera a acestora. Astfel, se are in vedere implicarea intr-un program complex si motivant de formare a unui numar de 660 persoane ce au statutul de angajat. Prezentul proiect contribuie la atingerea obiectivului general al POCU “dezvoltarea resurselor umane”, datorita activitatilor ce vizeaza dezvoltarea competentelor profesionale a angajatilor, coroborate cu cele specifice managementului inovarii si transferului tehnologic pentru un grup tinta de minimum 660 persoane din Regiunea Sud Vest Oltenia si Regiunea Vest, respectiv: a. angajati cu contract individual de munca (cu norma intreaga sau cu partial); b. antreprenori care isi gestioneaza propriile afaceri. Prin proiect se dezvolta oportunitati crescute de dezvoltare personala si profesionala a angajatilor in vederea cresterii performantelor in cariera contribunind astfel la asigurarea posibilitatii de a promova si de a avea un loc de munca mai bun. Pe termen lung efectul este de a putea avea un loc de munca mai bun si mai bine platit ceea ce va conduce la asigurarea unui nivel de trai decent si de a aduce plus valoare acolo unde profeseaza. ce vor genera pe termen scurt si lung noi locuri de munca mai bune si mai bine platite in aceste entitati, fapt ce va contribui la cresterea competitivitatii in regiunile mai putin dezvoltate din Romania si la dezvoltarea inteligenta a unui mediu economic durabil, datorita asistentei si activitatilor de sprijin derulate in cadrul proiectului, prin intermediul parteneriatului. Scopul final al proiectului este ca prin formarea formala si non-formala la nivelul Regiunii de dezvoltare, bazata pe inovare si transfer tehnologic, sa creasca abilitatea persoanelor de a materializa cunostintele dobandite in cresterea productivitatii si eficientei angajatorilor de unde provin, precum si cresterea competentelor profesionale a persoanelor cu statut de angajt, fapt ce va contribui la atingerea Axei prioritare 6-POCU. Pe termen lung, efectul pozitiv al proiectului este dat de: dezvoltarea competentelor profesionale bazate pe inovare in randul a cel putin 660 persoane, diseminarea si insusirea conceptelor de noi tehnici si metode in profesiile lor, managementului strategic, managementul performantei, transferul de expertiza si experiente practice catre grupul tinta, fapt ce va genera o crestere eficientei si performantei economice a mediului de afaceri, precum si o gestionare eficienta a acestora, consolidarea capacitatii angajatilor de a avea noi abilitati si de a include inovarea in activitatea profesionala curenta, de a accede la locuri de munca mai bune si mai bine platite. Nu in ultimul rand un personal bine pregatit, cu cunostinte adaptate la evolutia sociala, tehnologica si la modernitatea cotidiana, contude la crester (Romanian)
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The general objective of the project is to increase the professional skills and professional performance of the employees by participating in professional training programs in order to ensure the prerequisites for their career growth. Thus, it is envisaged to involve in a complex and motivating program of training a number of 660 people who have the status of employee. This project contributes to the achievement of the general objective of POCU “human resources development”, due to the activities aimed at developing the professional skills of the employees, in conjunction with those specific to the management of innovation and technological transfer for a target group of at least 660 persons from South West Oltenia Region and West Region, namely: a. employees with an individual work contract (full-time or part-time); B. entrepreneurs who manage their own businesses. The project develops increased opportunities for personal and professional development of employees in order to increase career performance, thus contributing to ensuring the possibility to promote and have a better job. In the long term the effect is to be able to have a better and better paid job, which will lead to a decent standard of living and bring added value where they work. which will generate in the short and long term new better and better paid jobs in these entities, which will contribute to increasing competitiveness in the less developed regions of Romania and to the intelligent development of a sustainable economic environment, thanks to the assistance and support activities carried out within the project, through the partnership. The final goal of the project is that through formal and non-formal training at the level of the Development Region, based on innovation and technological transfer, to increase the ability of people to materialise the knowledge gained in increasing the productivity and efficiency of employers from where they come from, as well as increasing the professional skills of people with employment status, which will contribute to achieving the priority axis 6-POCU. In the long term, the positive effect of the project is given by: developing innovation-based professional skills among at least 660 people, disseminating and acquiring concepts of new techniques and methods in their professions, strategic management, performance management, transfer of expertise and practical experiences to the target group, which will generate an increase in the efficiency and economic performance of the business environment, as well as their efficient management, strengthening the ability of employees to have new skills and to include innovation in current professional activity, access to better and better paid jobs. Last but not least a well-trained staff, with knowledge adapted to social, technological evolution and everyday modernity, contudes to growth (English)
16 September 2021
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Judeţul Dolj, Romania
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Judeţul Timiş, Romania
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Judeţul Hunedoara, Romania
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Judeţul Caraş-Severin, Romania
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Judeţul Arad, Romania
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Judeţul Vâlcea, Romania
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Judeţul Olt, Romania
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Judeţul Mehedinţi, Romania
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Judeţul Gorj, Romania
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