Buddy – Multiple and Integrated Actions for the Community (Q3097792)

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Project Q3097792 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Buddy – Multiple and Integrated Actions for the Community
Project Q3097792 in Romania


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    14,441,419.61 Romanian Leu
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    2,888,283.9220000003 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    16,989,905.36 Romanian Leu
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    3,397,981.072 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.85 percent
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    12 February 2018
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    11 August 2021
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    47°27'27.36"N, 26°24'50.47"E
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    DEZVOLTAREA SI IMPLEMENTAREA DE MASURI INTEGRATE, PRIN ACTIVITATI SPECIFICE REDUCERII RISCULUI DE SARACIE SI EXCLUZIUNE SOCIALA, PENTRU UN NUMAR DE 560 PERSOANE DIN COMUNITATEA MARGINALIZATA (NON ROMA), COMUNA PREUTESTI, JUD SUCEAVA. Obiectivul prevede masuri integrate, in concordanta cu obiectivul specific al programului, respectiv „Reducerea numarului de persoane aflate în risc de saracie si excluziune sociala din comunitatile marginalizate (non roma), prin implementarea de masuri integrate”. Masurile integrate propuse in cadrul proiectului pentru a atinge obiectivul „Numar redus de persoane aflate în risc de saracie si excluziune socialadin comunitatile marginalizate (non -roma)”, sunt in acord cu interventiile prevazute in GSCS: interventii în domeniul ocuparii fortei de munca, interventii în domeniul dezvoltarii/ furnizarii de servicii (sociale/ medicale/ medico-sociale), interventii în domeniul acordarii de asistenta juridica pentru reglementari acte. Astfel, sunt prevazute servicii multiple integrate pentru fiecare membru al grupului tinta, dupa cum urmeaza: 1.Servicii sociale: - educationale, respectiv program de tip “scoala dupa scoala” si servicii pentru prescolari; - informare, consiliere, mediere; - formare profesionala in meserii cerute pe piata muncii si adaptate nevoilor GT din comunitati marginalizate; 2.Servicii medicale: - Servicii stomatologice - Servicii oftalmologice 3.Servicii socio-medicale: - Servicii de ingrijiri la domiciuliu Cele 560 de persoane identificate ca beneficiari in cadrul proiectului sunt impartiti astfel: - 6 %, persoane de etnie roma, respectiv 34 de persoane - 55% masuri de ocupare, respectiv 308 persoane (40 % femei - 123 persoane) - 308 persoane vor participa la cursuri de calificare/recalificare - 65% (din 308 persoane masuri de ocupare), respectiv 200 persoane vor fi certificate - 30% din masuri de ocupare (din 308 persoane), respectiv 93 de persoane angajati sau desfasurand activitate pe cont propriu; - vor fi infiintate 14 firme/afaceri - 115 copii vor beneficia de servicii educationale, respectiv program tip “scoala dupa scoala” si servicii pentru prescolari - 95 persoane vârstnice vor beneficia de servicii de ingrijire la domiciliu - 228 persoane vor beneficia de servicii stomatologice - 560 persoane vor beneficia de servicii medicale otalmologice. - 42 persoane vor beneficia de servicii sociale ce constau în îmbunătățirea condițiilor de locuit Proiectul respecta procentajele impuse prin GSCS, respectiv: - pentru masuri de ocupare avem 52,35% - reprezentand 100% din A5 si A6 (ocupare) - FEDR este de 9.75%, din care pentru GT 87.99% reprezentand dotarea pentru activitatile educationale, reabilitarea si dotarea centrului multifunctional, reabilitarea locuintelor, dotarea pentru activitatile socio-medicale si medicale. - sprijinirea tranzitiei catre o economie cu emisii scazute de dioxid de carbon si eficienta din punctul de vedere al utilizarii resurselor 2.07 (Romanian)
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    DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF INTEGRATED MEASURES, THROUGH ACTIVITIES SPECIFIC TO REDUCING THE RISK OF POVERTY AND SOCIAL EXCLUSION, FOR 560 PEOPLE FROM THE MARGINALISED COMMUNITY (NON ROME), COMMUNE PREUTESTI, SUCEAVA COUNTY. The objective foresees integrated measures, in line with the specific objective of the programme, namely “Reduction of the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion from marginalised communities (non Roma), by implementing integrated measures”. The integrated measures proposed within the project to achieve the objective “Low number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion from marginalised communities (non-Roma)”, are in line with the interventions provided in GSCS: interventions in the field of employment, interventions in the field of development/provision of services (social/medical/medico-social), interventions in the field of legal assistance for regulations. Thus, multiple integrated services are provided for each member of the target group, as follows: 1.Social services: educational, i.e. “school after school” program and services for preschools; information, advice, mediation; professional training in jobs required on the labour market and adapted to the needs of GT in marginalised communities; 2.Medical services: — Dental services – Ophthalmological services 3.Socio-medical services: The 560 persons identified as beneficiaries in the project are divided as follows: — 6 %, Roma people, 34 people – 55 % employment measures, i.e. 308 persons (40 % women – 123 persons) – 308 persons will participate in qualification/retraining courses – 65 % (out of 308 persons), and 200 persons will be certified – 30 % of employment measures (out of 308 persons), respectively 93 persons employed or working on their own; — 14 companies/businesses will be established – 115 children will benefit from educational services, namely “school after school” program and preschool services – 95 elderly people will benefit from home care services – 228 people will benefit from dental services – 560 people will benefit from otalmological medical services. — 42 people will benefit from social services consisting of improving housing conditions The project respects the percentages imposed by GSCS, namely: — for employment measures we have 52.35 % – representing 100 % of A5 and A6 (occupation) – ERDF is 9.75 %, of which for GT 87.99 % representing the endowment for educational activities, rehabilitation and endowment of the multifunctional center, rehabilitation of dwellings, endowment for socio-medical and medical activities. — supporting the transition towards a low-carbon and resource-efficient economy 2.07 (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Preuteşti, Romania
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