No label defined (Q3096797)

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Revision as of 10:29, 16 September 2021 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: summary (P836): The general objective of the project is to increase the professional competencies of medical specialists, respectively 92 doctors with relevant activity in the field of the project, of which at least 50 family doctors and 408 nurses, for the early diagnosis and correct treatment of diabetic foot problems and in the sense of reducing mortality, morbidity and number of persons with different degrees of disability caused by amputaries as well as th...)
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Project Q3096797 in Romania
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Project Q3096797 in Romania


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    4,231,198.59 Romanian Leu
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    846,239.718 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    5,011,170.32 Romanian Leu
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    1,002,234.0640000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.84 percent
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    27 December 2017
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    26 December 2020
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    47°29'58.13"N, 26°54'16.52"E
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    45°14'35.56"N, 27°13'29.46"E
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    45°34'47.21"N, 26°21'12.35"E
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    44°55'39.04"N, 25°27'45.47"E
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    44°45'46.08"N, 26°22'12.54"E
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    44°45'46.08"N, 26°22'12.54"E
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    44°26'10.10"N, 26°6'9.79"E
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    44°33'40.46"N, 25°56'32.68"E
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    46°7'31.22"N, 27°25'17.40"E
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    46°7'31.22"N, 27°25'17.40"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului consta in cresterea competentelor profesionale a specialistior din domeniul medical, respectiv a 92 medici cu activitate relevanta in domeniul proiectului, dintre care minim 50 de medici de familie si a 408 de asistente medicale, pentru diagnosticul precoce si tratamentul corect al problemelor asociate piciorului diabetic si in sensul reducerii mortalitatii, morbiditatii si numarului de persoane cu diferite grade de invaliditate determinate de amputari precum si a costurilor necesare îngrijirii acestor persoane. Obiectivul proiectului rezulta din studiile si statisticile medicale, conform carora ulceratiile de la nivelul membrelor inferioare reprezinta o complicatie redutabila, intalnindu-se la mai mult de 15% din populatia pacientilor diagnosticati cu diabet zaharat, fiind demonstrat ca un pacient diabetic care a suferit o amputatie la nivelul unui picior are 50% sanse de a dezvolta o leziune si la nivelul celui de-al doilea picior în urmatorii 2 ani. Obiectivul general vizeaza cresterea capacitatii de preventie, diagnostic si tratament in vederea reducerii complicatiilor cronice asociate piciorului diabetic, prin dezvoltarea competentelor profesionale a personalului medical implicat in diagnosticarea si ingrijirea acestui tip de afectiune, secundara diabetului zaharat, respectiv din domeniile complementare diabetologie, medicina de familie si asistenta medicala continua, ca urmare a participarii la programe de formare si congrese de medicina europene, precum si prin crearea unei retele de profesionisti de tratare a piciorului diabetic. Obiectivul general al proiectului se aliniaza obiectivului general al Strategiei Nationale de Sanatate 2014-2020, OG 3. Diminuarea ritmului de crestere a morbiditatii si mortalitatii prin boli netransmisibile si reducerea poverii lor în populatie prin programe nationale, regionale si locale de sanatate cu caracter preventiv, intrucat vizeaza ca rezultatele sale sa determine o reducere a costurilor sistemului medical din Romania, prin cresterea competentelor profesionale ale specialistilor medicali si interventia prompta si competenta in tratarea comorbiditatilor piciorului diabetic, pentru evitarea multiplelor complicatii care se finalizeaza cu amputarea membrelor pacientilor. Se asigura astfel premisele pt depistarea precoce a complicatiilor piciorului diabetic si oferirea de ingrijiri de calitate in fazele incipiente ale bolii, cu beneficii atat pentru sanatatea si integritatea pacientului cat si pentru sistemul sanitar si societate in general. Obiectivul general al proiectului corespunde obiectivelor documentelor programatice din domeniul sanatatii atat la nivel national cat si la nivel european, in domeniul patologiei piciorului diabetic, scopul principal fiind cresterea competentei specialistilor din acest domeniu medical în implementarea Programelor Nationale din domeniul Diabetului Zaharat, prin furnizarea de programe de formare profesionala de educatie medicala continua, (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to increase the professional competencies of medical specialists, respectively 92 doctors with relevant activity in the field of the project, of which at least 50 family doctors and 408 nurses, for the early diagnosis and correct treatment of diabetic foot problems and in the sense of reducing mortality, morbidity and number of persons with different degrees of disability caused by amputaries as well as the costs necessary for the care of these persons. The objective of the project results from medical studies and statistics, according to which ulcers in the lower limbs represent a strong complication, meeting in more than 15 % of the population of patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, being shown that a diabetic patient who has suffered an amputation in one leg has 50 % chance of developing a lesion at the level of the second leg in the next 2 years. The general objective aims to increase the capacity of prevention, diagnosis and treatment in order to reduce chronic complications associated with the diabetic foot, by developing the professional competencies of the medical staff involved in the diagnosis and care of this type of condition, secondary to diabetes mellitus, respectively in the fields complementary to diabetesology, family medicine and medical care, as a result of participation in training programs and congresses of European medicine, as well as by creating a network of diabetic foot treatment professionals. The general objective of the project is in line with the general objective of the National Health Strategy 2014-2020, GO 3. Reducing the growth rate of morbidity and mortality through non-communicable diseases and reducing their burden in the population through preventive national, regional and local health programmes, as its results will lead to a reduction in the costs of the medical system in Romania, by increasing the professional skills of medical specialists and by prompt and competent intervention in the treatment of diabetic leg comorbidities, in order to avoid multiple complications ending with the amputation of the patients’ limbs. This ensures the premises for the early detection of diabetic foot complications and the provision of quality care in the early stages of the disease, with benefits both for the health and integrity of the patient and for the health system and society in general. The general objective of the project corresponds to the objectives of the programmatic documents in the field of health, both at national and European level, in the field of diabetic foot pathology, the main goal being to increase the competence of specialists in this medical field in the implementation of the National Programs in the field of Zacharat Diabetes, by providing professional training programs for continuous medical education, (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Municipiul Bucureşti, Romania
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    Judeţul Iaşi, Romania
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    Judeţul Vaslui, Romania
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    Judeţul Suceava, Romania
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    Judeţul Neamţ, Romania
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    Judeţul Botoşani, Romania
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    Judeţul Bacău, Romania
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    Judeţul Vrancea, Romania
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    Judeţul Prahova, Romania
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    Judeţul Ialomiţa, Romania
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    Judeţul Giurgiu, Romania
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    Judeţul Galaţi, Romania
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    Judeţul Constanţa, Romania
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    Judeţul Buzău, Romania
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    Judeţul Brăila, Romania
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    Judeţul Dâmboviţa, Romania
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    Judeţul Călăraşi, Romania
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    Judeţul Argeş, Romania
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    Judeţul Ilfov, Romania
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