No label defined (Q3096762)

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Revision as of 10:28, 16 September 2021 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: summary (P836): Increasing the quality of life of 165 elderly people from Gherla, who are in a situation of social vulnerability by offering a comprehensive and innovative package of quality social services, focused on ensuring adequate care for a dignified social life. This project contributes to achieving the general objective of POCU “Investing in human capital”, due to the activities aimed at providing social services tailored to the specific needs of older...)
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Project Q3096762 in Romania
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Project Q3096762 in Romania


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    2,333,765.03 Romanian Leu
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    466,753.006 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    2,745,605.89 Romanian Leu
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    549,121.1780000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.85 percent
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    3 June 2019
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    2 June 2022
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    Cresterea calitatii vietii a 165 persoane varstnice din localitatea Gherla, aflate in situatie de vulnerabilitate sociala prin oferirea unui pachet intregrat si inovator de servicii sociale de calitate, axat pe asiguraea unei ingrijiri adecvate pentru o viata sociala demna. Prezentul proiect contribuie la atingerea obiectivului general al POCU “investitia in capitalul uman”, datorita activitatilor ce vizeaza furnizarea de servicii sociale adaptate nevoilor specifice persoanelor varstnice astfel incat sa se asigure acestora o viata demna si o batranete frumoasa si activa. Prin proiect se investeste mult in furnizarea efectiva a serviciilor sociale, acea parte activa a incluziunii sociale care vine sa sustina persoanele vulnerabile si sa contribuie la scoaterea acestora din vulnerabilitate facandu-le ceteteni demini ai societatii si contribuind la asigurarea unei imbatraniri demne si frumoase, chiar la asigurarea premiselor pentru o imbatranire activa folositoare societatii. Scopul final al proiectului este ca prin pachetul de servicii sociale furnizate sa poata fi sprijinite cca.165 persoane varstnice si cca.60% dintre acestea sa poata fi scoase din starea de vulnerabilitate, fapt ce va contribui la atingerea obiectivului spectific 4.4. din POCU. Abordarea proiectului, bazata pe nevoia identificata si pe experienta avuta in activitatea concreta desfasurata pana in present, atinge obiective asumate de Romania in documentele programatice si in eforturile sale de a promova incluziunea sociala si a combate saracia asa cum sunt stipulate si in prevederile Axei prioritare 4 a POCU. Scopul proiectului nu se abate nici el de la documentele relevante pe baza carora a fost definit POCU si astfel isi propune sa contribuie la scoaterea din starea de saracie si excluziune sociala a unor grupuri marginalizate fragile si care pot fi persoane active social ce pot contribui la bunastarea comunitatii de unde provin, trecand de la etapa de persoana asistata social la persoana activa in societate. Pe termen lung, efectul pozitiv al proiectului este dat de: cresterea calitatii vietii membrilor comunitatii, se va preveni sau combate, prin serviciile oferite, riscul de marginalizare sociala sau excludere sociala persoanelor varstnice, sensibilizarea comunitatii si a opiniei publice cu problemele persoanelor varstnice, asigurarea premiselor implementarii legislatiei nationale la standardele existente, asigurarea unor servicii de calitate, accesibile si persoanlizate unei categorii de persoane vulnerabile si care de cele mai multe ori isi pierd increderea in sine si stima de sine. Prin obiectivul general si prin cele specifice, proiectul contribuie la realizarea obiectivului major al „POCU 2014-2020 care urmareste dezvoltarea resurselor umane prin cresterea accesului la un sistem de educatie si formare profesionala de calitate, stimularea ocuparii, cu precadere pentru tineri, reducerea saraciei si a excluziunii sociale prin facilitarea accesului de servicii sociale (Romanian)
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    Increasing the quality of life of 165 elderly people from Gherla, who are in a situation of social vulnerability by offering a comprehensive and innovative package of quality social services, focused on ensuring adequate care for a dignified social life. This project contributes to achieving the general objective of POCU “Investing in human capital”, due to the activities aimed at providing social services tailored to the specific needs of older people so as to ensure them a dignified life and a beautiful and active old age. The project invests a lot in the effective provision of social services, that active part of social inclusion that comes to support vulnerable people and to contribute to removing them from vulnerability by making them deminiscent citizens of society and contributing to ensuring a dignified and beautiful aging, even to ensuring the prerequisites for an active aging useful to society. The final goal of the project is that through the package of social services provided can be supported about 165 elderly people and about 60 % of them to be removed from the state of vulnerability, which will contribute to the achievement of the spectific objective 4.4. of POCU. The project’s approach, based on the identified need and experience in the concrete activity carried out so far, achieves objectives assumed by Romania in the programming documents and in its efforts to promote social inclusion and combat poverty as stipulated in POCU Priority Axis 4. The purpose of the project also does not deviate from the relevant documents on the basis of which POCU was defined and thus aims to contribute to the removal from poverty and social exclusion of fragile marginalised groups and who can be socially active persons who can contribute to the well-being of the community where they come from, moving from the stage of the socially assisted person to the active person in society. In the long term, the positive effect of the project is given by: increasing the quality of life of community members will prevent or combat, through the services offered, the risk of social marginalisation or social exclusion of older people, raising awareness of the community and public opinion with the problems of older people, ensuring the prerequisites of implementing national legislation to existing standards, ensuring quality services, accessible and persuaded to a category of vulnerable people and who often lose their self-confidence and self-esteem. Through the general and specific objectives, the project contributes to the achievement of the main objective of "POCU 2014-2020 which aims to develop human resources by increasing access to a quality education and training system, stimulating employment, especially for young people, reducing poverty and social exclusion by facilitating access to social services (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Municipiul Gherla, Romania
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