No label defined (Q3096006)

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Revision as of 10:26, 16 September 2021 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: summary (P836): Increasing the adaptation to change of workers, enterprises and entrepreneurs in MM, NB, SJ, MS/North West Region counties, through strategic development of human resources on three management levels (top, middle, line), from economic sectors with competitive potential identified according to SNC and by supporting 57 enterprises of which 47 SMEs. The impact of the project generated for the 502 people involved (4S16) in the project consists of de...)
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Project Q3096006 in Romania
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Project Q3096006 in Romania


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    1,329,892.223 Romanian Leu
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    265,978.4446 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    1,564,579.12 Romanian Leu
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    312,915.824 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.85 percent
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    31 May 2018
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    30 May 2019
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    46°49'43.21"N, 24°12'55.33"E
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    47°36'20.23"N, 22°14'4.88"E
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    47°10'52.64"N, 23°3'11.59"E
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    Cresterea adaptarii la schimbare a lucratorilor, intreprinderilor si antreprenorilor in judetele MM, BN, SJ, SM/Regiunea Nord Vest, prin dezvoltarea strategica a resurselor umane pe trei nivele manageriale ( top, middle, linie), din sectoarele economice cu potential competitiv identificate conform SNC si prin sprijinirea a 57 intreprinderi din care 47 de IMM-uri. Impactul proiectului generat pentru cele 502 de persoane implicate (4S16) in proiect consta in dezvoltarea unor noi modele de gandire strategica precum si a competentelor manageriale/antreprenoriale/RU in stransa legatura cu strategiile de competitivitate si inovare la nivel European, national si regional si sustinerea a 15 firme din sectorul IMM pentru definirea unor strategii pe termen lung contribuind nemijlocit la cresterea nivelului de inovare si sofisticare a afacerilor din regiune. Efectul imediat pe care proiectul il genereaza este formarea profesionala a minim 502 persoane, (422 participanti in cursuri certificate si 80 participanti in actiuni de formare de tip atelier,seminar, etc) contribuind, prin canalizarea adecvata a resurselor, la intarirea culturii manageriale si a inovarii ceea ce va genera o mai mare competitivtate economica contribuind astfel la dezideratul Strategiaie Nationale de Competitivitate 2014-2020.Ecosistemul antreprenorial din Romania se bazeaza, in ceea ce priveste competitivitatea, pe 12 piloni din care importanti pentru cultura antreprenoriala si a inovarii sunt pregatirea tehnologica, dimensiunea pietei, sofisticarea afacerilor si inovatia. Regiunea Nord Vest intampina probleme majore in toate aceste domenii fiind din punct de vedere al pregatirii tehnologice pe locul 247/263, sofisticarii afacerilor 259/263 si inovatie 251/263, conform European Regional Competitiveness index 2016. Totodata, conform analizei Barometrul antreprenoriatului romanesc 2016, modalitatea prin care oamenii si companiile invata elemente de antreprenoriat se bazeaza pe discutii si impartasire intre antreprenorii cu experienta si cei cu mai putina experienta (47%), carti de business (23%) si formare profesionala (18%). Prin urmare proiectul nostrum adreseaza acestor provocari programele de formare croite pe nevoile manageriale (tehnologice, strategice, resurse umane, inovare,etc) servicii de consultanta si mentorat, seminarii de dezvoltare manageriala si antreprenoriala, Mini MBA toate cu un accent deosebit pe inovarea sociala. Proiectul isi propune dezvoltarea competentelor manageriale in domenii cum sunt managementul inovarii, management de produs si proces, lean management, rezolvarea problemelor, resurse umane si a competentelor antreprenoriale prin cursuri de antreprenoriat. Pe langa acestea vor fi create conditii de networking si impartasire prin seminarii, intalniri cu experti, platforma de inovare sociala, etc un accent deosebit punandu-se pe inovare/dezvoltare (TIC, inovare in domenii variate inclusiv inovare sociala, economie circulara, dezvoltarea de produse/procese,etc (Romanian)
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    Increasing the adaptation to change of workers, enterprises and entrepreneurs in MM, NB, SJ, MS/North West Region counties, through strategic development of human resources on three management levels (top, middle, line), from economic sectors with competitive potential identified according to SNC and by supporting 57 enterprises of which 47 SMEs. The impact of the project generated for the 502 people involved (4S16) in the project consists of developing new models of strategic thinking as well as managerial/entrepreneurial/RU skills in close connection with competitiveness and innovation strategies at European, national and regional level and supporting 15 SMEs companies to define long-term strategies directly contributing to increasing the level of innovation and sophistication of businesses in the region. The immediate effect that the project generates is the professional training of at least 502 people, (422 participants in certified courses and 80 participants in workshop, seminary, etc. training actions) contributing, through proper channelling of resources, to strengthening the managerial culture and innovation, which will generate greater economic competitiveness thus contributing to the goal of the National Competitiveness Strategy 2014-2020. The entrepreneurial ecosystem in Romania is based, in terms of competitiveness, on 12 pillars of which important for entrepreneurial culture and innovation are technological preparation, market size, business sophistication and innovation. North West Region faces major problems in all these areas being in terms of technological training 247/263, business sophistication 259/263 and innovation 251/263, according to the European Regional Competitiveness Index 2016. At the same time, according to the analysis of the Romanian Entrepreneurship Barometer 2016, the way in which people and companies learn elements of entrepreneurship is based on discussions and sharing between experienced entrepreneurs and those with less experience (47 %), business books (23 %) and professional training (18 %). Therefore, our project addresses these challenges training programs tailored to managerial needs (technological, strategic, human resources, innovation, etc.) consulting and mentoring services, managerial and entrepreneurial development seminars, Mini MBA all with a special focus on social innovation. The project aims to develop managerial skills in areas such as innovation management, product and process management, lean management, problem solving, human resources and entrepreneurial skills through entrepreneurship courses. Besides these will be created networking and sharing conditions through seminars, meetings with experts, social innovation platform, etc., with a special focus on innovation/development (ICT, innovation in various fields including social innovation, circular economy, product/process development, etc. (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Judeţul Bistriţa-Năsăud, Romania
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    Judeţul Sălaj, Romania
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    Judeţul Satu Mare, Romania
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    Judeţul Maramureş, Romania
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