No label defined (Q3095909)

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Revision as of 10:25, 16 September 2021 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: summary (P836): The aim of the project is to stimulate employment opportunities for 360 NEETs, out of which at least 40 % will be female, at least 16 % will be Roma, minimum 50 % will be from rural areas and at least 60 % will have occupational level C and D, from the South-Muntenia Region, by offering specialised training services, assessment and certification of professional skills and labor mediation, in order to identify, occupy and keep a job. The aim of t...)
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Project Q3095909 in Romania
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Project Q3095909 in Romania


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    1,272,725.38 Romanian Leu
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    254,545.076 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    1,383,397.15 Romanian Leu
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    276,679.43 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.92 percent
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    2 May 2018
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    28 February 2019
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    44°55'39.04"N, 25°27'45.47"E
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    44°45'46.08"N, 26°22'12.54"E
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    44°45'46.08"N, 26°22'12.54"E
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    Scopul proiectului este reprezentat de stimularea oportunitarilor de ocupare pentru 360 de tineri NEETs, din care minim 40% vor fi de sex feminin, minim 16% vor fi de etnie roma, minim 50% vor fi din mediul rural si minim 60% vor avea nivel de ocupabilitate C si D, din Regiunea Sud-Muntenia, prin oferirea de servicii specializate de formare profesionala, evaluare si certificare a competentelor profesionale si medierea muncii, in vederea identificarii, ocuparii si pastrarii de catre acestia a unui loc de munca. Scopul proiectului vizeaza adresarea unor nevoi stringente ale grupului tinta, nevoi relevate in documentele strategice specifice, precum si combaterea problemelor cu care acestia se confrunta in momentul in care doresc sa ocupe un loc de munca, respectiv: - Nivelul scazut de educatie si pregatire profesionala a tinerilor NEETs la momentul tranzitiei catre piata muncii; - Lipsa resurselor materiale/posibilitatilor financiare pentru participarea la programe de formare profesionala / evaluare a competenelor profesionale; - Neconcordanta dintre calificarile profesionale/experienta tinerilor NEETs si cerintele angajatorilor; - Dezvoltarea insuficienta a culturii muncii in randul tinerilor si lipsa competentelor acestora privind identificarea si ocuparea unui loc de munca. Proiectul contribuie la indeplinirea OS1 al AP1, OT8, PI 8.ii si a rezultatelor asteptate ale acestuia, intrucat intreprinde masuri active concrete de combatere a somajului in randul tinerilor, prin oferirea de servicii specializate pentru stimularea ocuparii/medierea muncii pentru tinerii NEETs din grupul tinta. Proiectul contribuie la indeplinirea OS2 al AP1, OT8, PI 8.ii si a rezultatelor asteptate ale acestuia, intrucat imbunatateste in mod real competentele profesionale ale tinerilor din grupul tinta, prin oferirea de servicii specializate de formare profesionala si evaluare si certificare de competente profesionale pentru tinerii NEETs din grupul tinta. Efectul pozitiv pe termen lung al proiectului este asigurat de maniera integrata de oferire a serviciilor acestuia, care asigura parcurgerea impreuna cu beneficiarii a tuturor etapelor pentru stabilirea necesarului de competente pentru piata muncii, asigurarea dezvoltarii competentelor necesare si in final, identificarea si ocuparea unui loc de munca. Nevoia imediata de solutionare a problemelor tinerilor NEETs este cauzata si de faptul ca, pe termen lung, mentinerea acestora intr-o stare de inactivitate va genera, pe langa cheltuieli suplimentare la bugetul de stat si venituri reduse din activitatea acestora, un deficit alarmant de forta de munca cu calificari adecvate pietei muncii. Astfel, prin oferirea catre acestia de solutii personalzate pentru stimularea ocuparii se va realiza incadrarea in munca a acestora si evitarea situatiilor de marginalizare sau excludere socio-profesionala a acestora. (Romanian)
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    The aim of the project is to stimulate employment opportunities for 360 NEETs, out of which at least 40 % will be female, at least 16 % will be Roma, minimum 50 % will be from rural areas and at least 60 % will have occupational level C and D, from the South-Muntenia Region, by offering specialised training services, assessment and certification of professional skills and labor mediation, in order to identify, occupy and keep a job. The aim of the project is to address urgent needs of the target group, needs revealed in specific strategic documents, as well as to combat the problems they face when they want to take up a job, namely: The low level of education and professional training of NEETs at the time of transition to the labour market; Lack of material resources/financial possibilities for participation in vocational training/evaluation programmes; — The mismatch between the professional qualifications/experience of NEETs and employers’ requirements; — Insufficient work culture development among young people and lack of skills in identifying and taking up a job. The project contributes to the achievement of OS1 of AP1, OT8, PI 8.ii and its expected results, as it takes concrete active measures to combat unemployment among young people, by providing specialised services to stimulate employment/mediation of work for NEETs from the target group. The project contributes to the achievement of OS2 of AP1, OT8, PI 8.ii and its expected results, as it effectively improves the professional competences of young people from the target group, by providing specialised training and assessment services and certification of professional competences for NEETs from the target group. The positive long-term effect of the project is ensured by the integrated way of providing its services, which ensures that all the steps are taken together with the beneficiaries to establish the necessary skills needs for the labour market, to ensure the development of the necessary skills and in the end, the identification and employment of a job. The immediate need to solve the problems of NEETs is also caused by the fact that, in the long term, keeping them in a state of inactivity will generate, in addition to additional expenses to the state budget and low incomes from their activity, an alarming shortage of labour force with adequate labour market qualifications. Thus, by offering them personalised solutions for stimulating their occupation, their employment will be achieved and avoiding situations of marginalisation or socio-professional exclusion of them. (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Judeţul Argeş, Romania
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    Judeţul Teleorman, Romania
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    Judeţul Prahova, Romania
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    Judeţul Ialomiţa, Romania
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    Judeţul Giurgiu, Romania
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    Judeţul Dâmboviţa, Romania
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    Judeţul Călăraşi, Romania
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