Reducing the energy intensity of public buildings Slovak 11, Marku sheep (Q3100669)
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Project Q3100669 in Slovakia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Reducing the energy intensity of public buildings Slovak 11, Marku sheep |
Project Q3100669 in Slovakia |
123,184.98 Euro
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144,923.5 Euro
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0.85 percent
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1 March 2019
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1 August 2020
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Ministerstvo vnútra Slovenskej republiky
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Projekt Zníenie energetickej náročnosti verejných budov riei zníenie spotreby energie v budove Slovenská č. 11, Markuovce formou zlepovania tepelno-technických vlastností stavebných materiálov, modernizáciou systémov intalovaných v budove za účelom zníenia, monitorovania a riadenia spotreby energie. Intalácia zariadenia OZE má prispie k zlepeniu energetickej hospodárnosti budovy, a to s dôrazom na ochranu ivotného prostredia. Projekt má za ciež zníi energetickú náročnos objektu, zníi náklady na vykurovanie a osvetlenie, zlepi kvalitu obalových kontrukcií a vnútornej tepelnej pohody. Výsledky projektu budú zároveň prispieva k plneniu ročného cieža úspory energie podža čl. 4 smernice 2012/27/EÚ o energetickej efektívnosti. (Slovak)
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The project Reducing the energy intensity of public buildings is the reduction of energy consumption in the Slovak building No. 11, Markuovce by improving the thermal and technical properties of building materials, modernising the systems installed in the building to reduce, monitor and manage energy consumption. The installation of RES has contributed to improving the energy performance of the building, with an emphasis on environmental protection. The project aims to reduce the energy intensity of the building, reduce the cost of heating and lighting, poor quality of packaging contrusions and internal thermal comfort. The results of the project will also contribute to the annual energy saving objective of Article 4 of Directive 2012/27/EU on energy efficiency. (English)
15 September 2021
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