Internships for a dynamic transition from studies to the labor market – STUD-PRO (Q3097535)

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Project Q3097535 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Internships for a dynamic transition from studies to the labor market – STUD-PRO
Project Q3097535 in Romania


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    3,786,896.26 Romanian Leu
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    757,379.252 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    4,689,704.24 Romanian Leu
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    937,940.8480000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.81 percent
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    21 September 2020
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    20 September 2022
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    46°7'31.22"N, 27°25'17.40"E
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    46°7'31.22"N, 27°25'17.40"E
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    46°49'43.21"N, 24°12'55.33"E
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    47°36'20.23"N, 22°14'4.88"E
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    Proiectul isi propune ca obiectiv general imbunatatirea competentelor profesionale a unui numar de 322 de viitori absolventi de invatamant tertiar universitar cu domiciliul intr-una din Regiunile mai putin dezvoltate ale Romaniei. Dintre cei 322 studenti vizati, cel putin 33 au domiciliul in mediul rural (10%). Studentii vizati sunt inscrisi la atat in Universitati din Bucuresti si/sau Brasov (unde Solicitantul are puncte de lucru) cat si in alte centre universitare din tara. Solicitantul isi desfasoara activitatea in domeniul Financiar (tranzactii), angajatii desfasurand activitati de: negociere tranzactii extrabursiere, administare online de platforme online de tranzactionare, introducere date, corespondenta cu clienti pe activitatile conturilor acestora, deschideri de conturi si transferuri, actualizare cotatii si preturi pe instrumente financiare etc. Astfel ca, specializarile vizate de Solicitant, sunt in corelare cu domeniul sau de activitate, cat si specializari suport pentru desfasurarea activitatii:Finante, Contabilitate, Marketing, Afaceri internationale,Managementul afacerilor, Administrarea Afacerilor, Management financiar, etc (specializari corelate cu domeniile de specializare inteligenta din strategia CDI 2014-2020: Bioeconomie, TIC). Selectia grupului tinta ramane insa deschisa si pentru studenti cu alte specializari relevante pentru Solicitant si alte companii unde acesta le poate facilita studentilor accesul, cat si pentru alte universitati care pot furniza grup tinta eligibil, respectand astfel princiiple egalitatii de sanse si non-discrimarea in selectia beneficiarilor directi ai proiectului (studenti, universitati, alti angajatori). Solicitantul poate facilita accesul pentru cel putin 21% dintre cei 322 studenti in alte companii care activeaza in sectoare prioritare conform SNC/SNCDI (de ex. Procesarea alimentelor si bauturilor; Tehnologia informatiilor si telecomunicatii – conf. acordurilor deja semnate cu angajatori). In plus Solicitantul isi deruleaza activitatea in domeniul Bioeconomie. Domeniu de specializare inteligenta conform CDI (Anexa 4 bis). Scopul final al proiectul vizeaza pe langa imbunatatirea competentelor profesionale si cresterea gradului lor de ocupare pe piata muncii intr-un orizont de timp de 24 de luni, ca urmare a participarii la activitati de orientare, consiliere profesionala si de invatare la un potential loc de munca prin stagii de practica, cu accent pe sectoarele economice cu potential competitiv identificate conform SNC si domeniile de specializare inteligenta conform SNCDI. • Contributia proiectului la realizarea obiectivului specific al programului si apelului: Obiectivul proiectului a fost stabilit in conformitate cu obiectivul tematic 10, prioritatea de investitii 10 iv si obiectivul specific POCU 2014-2020, respectiv obiectivul 6.13 „Cresterea numarului absolventilor de invatamant tertiar universitar si non universitar care isi gasesc un loc de munca urmare a accesului la activ (Romanian)
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    The project aims to improve the professional skills of a number of 322 future tertiary university graduates residing in one of the less developed regions of Romania. Of the 322 students targeted, at least 33 have their residence in rural areas (10 %). The students targeted are enrolled both in the Universities of Bucharest and/or Brasov (where the applicant has work points) as well as in other university centers in the country. The applicant carries out his activity in the financial field (transactions), the employees carrying out activities of: negotiation of OTC transactions, online administration of online trading platforms, input data, correspondence with clients on their account activities, openings of accounts and transfers, updating quotes and prices on financial instruments, etc. Thus, the specialisations targeted by the Applicant are related to his field of activity, as well as support specialisations for the development of activitatii:Finante, Accounting, Marketing, International Affairs, Business Management, Business Administration, Financial Management, etc. (specialisations correlated with the smart specialisation fields in the CDI strategy 2014-2020: Bioeconomy, ICT). However, the selection of the target group remains open to students with other specialisations relevant to the Applicant and other companies where it can facilitate access for students, as well as for other universities that can provide eligible target group, thus respecting the equal opportunities and non-discrimination in the selection of direct project beneficiaries (students, universities, other employers). The applicant can facilitate access for at least 21 % of the 322 students in other companies operating in priority sectors according to SNC/SNCDI (e.g. food and beverage processing; Information technology and telecommunications – according to agreements already signed with employers). In addition, the applicant carries out his activity in the field of Bioeconomy. Field of intelligent specialisation according to CDI (Annex 4 bis). The final aim of the project is to improve professional skills and increase their employment on the labour market within a 24-month horizon, as a result of their participation in activities of guidance, professional counseling and learning in a potential job through internships, with a focus on economic sectors with competitive potential identified according to NCNS and areas of intelligent specialisation according to SNCDI. • The contribution of the project to the achievement of the specific objective of the program and call: The objective of the project was established in accordance with thematic objective 10, investment priority 10 iv and specific objective POCU 2014-2020, namely objective 6.13 "Creating the number of tertiary and non-university education graduates who find a job due to access to the asset (English)
    14 September 2021
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