No label defined (Q3101756)

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Revision as of 13:23, 15 September 2021 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: summary (P836): The main activity of the project is focused on the activity of teaching assistants. The teaching assistant is an integral part of the education process, who is assigned to the pupils with VET, whose diagnosis is particularly desirable. Main activity of the project: Creation of 3 posts as assistant teacher The activities of the assistant are focused on immediate help and cooperation with the classroom teacher, ease the adaptation of the dieao and...)
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Project Q3101756 in Slovakia
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Project Q3101756 in Slovakia


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    79,407.0 Euro
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    93,420.0 Euro
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    0.85 percent
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    1 September 2018
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    1 August 2021
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    Základná škola Juraja Fándlyho, Ulica Fándlyho č. 763/7A, 926 01 Sereď
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    48°17'10.21"N, 17°44'1.57"E
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    Hlavná aktivita projektu je zameraná na činnos asistentov učiteža. Neoddelitežnou súčasou výchovno vzdelávacieho procesu je asistent učiteža, ktorý je pridelený k žiakom so ŠVVP, ktorých diagnózy si to osobitne vyžadujú. Hlavná aktivita projektu: Vytvorenie 3 pracovných miest asistenta učiteža Aktivity asistenta sú zamerané na bezprostrednú pomoc a spoluprácu s učitežom v triede, užahčovanie adaptácie dieaa a pomoc pri prekonávaní bariér. Dôležitou súčasou aktivít asistenta učiteža je príprava učebných pomôcok, sprevádza žiaka aj mimo triedy a pri mimoškolských aktivitách. Ciežom a výstupom aktivity asistenta učiteža budú činnosti vedúce k zabezpečeniu rovnosti príležitostí vo výchovno-vzdelávacom procese. (Slovak)
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    The main activity of the project is focused on the activity of teaching assistants. The teaching assistant is an integral part of the education process, who is assigned to the pupils with VET, whose diagnosis is particularly desirable. Main activity of the project: Creation of 3 posts as assistant teacher The activities of the assistant are focused on immediate help and cooperation with the classroom teacher, ease the adaptation of the dieao and help in overcoming barriers. An important part of the assistant’s activities is the preparation of teaching aids, accompanied by outside the classroom and extracurricular activities. The aim and output of the teaching assistant’s activity will be activities leading to ensuring equal opportunities in the educational process. (English)
    15 September 2021
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