No label defined (Q3100771)

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Revision as of 13:08, 15 September 2021 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: summary (P836): FEDAN s.r.o. has been operating in Preov since 2007. Since its inception, the company has focused on the area of construction and the provision of services related to construction.The focus of the company is mainly focused on the construction and repair of communications. Of the services provided are mainly custom works. Last but not least, the company also deals with business and brokerage activity.Firma operates in the entire eastern Slovak re...)
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Project Q3100771 in Slovakia
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Project Q3100771 in Slovakia


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    219,692.0 Euro
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    399,440.0 Euro
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    0.55 percent
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    1 December 2017
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    1 December 2018
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    FEDAN s.r.o.
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    48°59'9.60"N, 21°15'8.14"E
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    Spoločnos FEDAN s.r.o. pôsobí v Prešove od roku 2007. Spoločnos je od svojho vzniku zacielená na oblas stavebníctva a poskytovanie služieb so stavebníctvom súvisiacich.Zameranie spoločnosti smeruje hlavne do výstavby a opravy komunikácií. Z poskytovaných služieb sa jedná predovšetkým o zákazkové práce. V neposlednom rade sa spoločnos zaoberá aj obchodnou a sprostredkovatežskou činnosou.Firma pôsobí v celom východoslovenskom kraji a spolupracuje s firmami vo Vranove, v Košiciach, Michalovciach, Prešove, Trebišove, Bardejove, v Starej źubovni a v mnohých iných mestách obciach ako aj s obecnými úradmi v celom kraji.Žiadatež je majitežom stavebných, zemných strojov a disponuje vlastnou dopravou, jej práce nie sú obmedzované viazanosou na subdodávatežov.Najväčšie obmedzenia pre jeho podnikanie plynú zo závislosti na dodávkach základnej suroviny, nevyhnutnej pre jeho činnos - asfaltových zmesí. Surovinu žiadatež nakupuje od viacerých producentov, ktorý ju vyrábajú hlavne pre svoju činnos. Skutočnos, že sa táto surovina nedá skladova obmedzuje realizáciu zákaziek zo strany žiadateža.Po implementácii linky na výrobu asfaltu do výrobného procesu žiadateža bude možné zabezpeči skvalitnenie jeho technologických postupov. Zlepší sa kvalita, efektívnos a pružnos jeho činnosti, zmiernia sa negatívne vplyvy na životné prostredie. Zabezpečením vyššie uvedených aktivít bude do istej miery splnená podmienka pre udelenie certifikácie kvality výrobného procesu. (Slovak)
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    FEDAN s.r.o. has been operating in Preov since 2007. Since its inception, the company has focused on the area of construction and the provision of services related to construction.The focus of the company is mainly focused on the construction and repair of communications. Of the services provided are mainly custom works. Last but not least, the company also deals with business and brokerage activity.Firma operates in the entire eastern Slovak region and cooperates with companies in Vranov, Koice, Michalovce, Preov, Trebiova, Bardejov, Stará źubovňa and many other towns and villages as well as with municipal offices throughout the county. earth-machines and has its own transport, its work is not limited by the link to subcontracting.The biggest restrictions on his business are due to the dependence on the supply of the basic raw material necessary for its activity – asphalt mixtures. The raw material is purchased from several producers who produce it mainly for their activity. The fact that this raw material cannot be stored restricts the execution of orders by the applicant.After the implementation of the asphalt production line into the production process of the requestor, it will be possible to ensure the improvement of its technological processes. The quality, efficiency and benefits of its activities are impaired, and negative impacts on the environment will be mitigated. By ensuring the development of the above activities, the condition for granting quality certification of the production process will be met to a certain extent. (English)
    15 September 2021
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