No label defined (Q3096669)

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Revision as of 15:50, 14 September 2021 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: summary (P836): The general objective of the project (purpose) is to support investments in entrepreneurial initiatives at the level of the Centre Region, in order to develop the economic environment and increase employment at regional level. The positive effect that the project will generate in the long term is both one with impact at the level of the Center Development Region, as well as at the level of the persons included in the target group and other simil...)
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Project Q3096669 in Romania
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No label defined
Project Q3096669 in Romania


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    18,411,796.11 Romanian Leu
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    3,682,359.222 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    21,884,509.68 Romanian Leu
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    4,376,901.936 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.84 percent
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    12 January 2018
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    11 January 2021
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului (scopul) este acela de a sustine investitiile in initative antreprenoriale la nivelul Regiunii Centru, in vederea dezvoltarii mediului economic si cresterii ocuparii la nivel regional. Efectul pozitiv pe care proiectul il va genera pe termen lung este atat unul cu impact la nivelul Regiunii de dezvoltare Centru, cat si la nivelul persoanelor incluse in grupul tinta dar si altor categorii similare de persoane. Pe termen lung, acest efect pozitiv poate fi cuantificat in urmatoarele elemente: - Cresterea ratei de ocupare la nivel regional si, implicit, la nivel national; - Integrarea pe piata muncii sau reinsertia profesionala a unor categorii de persoane inactive apte de munca; - Cresterea sanselor de ocupare imediata pentru studenti/absolventi de studii superioare; - Sustinerea mediului economic local prin noile IMM-uri infiintate si subventiile acordate; - Cresterea nivelului de taxe si contributii la bugetele locale prin noile entitati infiintate si noile locuri de munca/salarii platite; - Cresterea nivelului de competente profesionale specifice activitatilor antreprenoriale in randul unui numar semnificativ de persoane; - Dezvoltarea mediului antreprenorial local si regional prin dezvoltarea unor hub-uri de invoare sociala care vor contribui si la diseminarea rezultatelor proiectului in randul altor categorii de grup tinta, fiind structuri ce vor asigura sustenabilitatea proiectului; - Dezvoltarea de retele, parteneriate la nivel local/regional/national si trans-national si facilitatea accesului tinerilor antreprenori la retele cu experienta in domeniul de activitate; - Dezvoltarea de strategii si politici locale care sa sustina antreprenoriatul si adaptarea acestuia la realitatea locala privind piata muncii, sectoarele prioritare, obstacolele si modalitatile de depasire, factori de sustinere a initiativele antreprenoriale, facilitati acordate antreprenorilor etc; - Inovarea sociala la nivel regional prin impactul proiectului, al activitatilor si structurilor dezvoltate, in dezvoltarea comunitatilor locale/rgionala si dezvoltarea de actiuni cu impact benefic asupra mediului inconjurator; - Sustinerea dezvoltarii durabile, atat din punct de vedere al elementelor specifice privind protectia mediului inconjurator cat si in ceea ce priveste dezvoltarea socio-economica in regiune; - Promovarea utilizarii TIC si elementelor inovative (ex: consolidarea cercetarii, a dezvoltarii tehnologice si/sau a inovarii; sprijinirea tranzitiei catre o economie cu emisii scazute de dioxid de carbon etc.), inclusiv a conceptului de egalitate de sanse in fiecare afacere finantata prin proiect si implicit in produsele si serviciile furnizate, astfel incat promovarea utilizarii acestor elemente sa fie extinsa la nivel regional, inclusiv catre consumatorii finali. (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project (purpose) is to support investments in entrepreneurial initiatives at the level of the Centre Region, in order to develop the economic environment and increase employment at regional level. The positive effect that the project will generate in the long term is both one with impact at the level of the Center Development Region, as well as at the level of the persons included in the target group and other similar categories of persons. In the long term, this positive effect can be quantified in the following elements: — Increasing the employment rate at regional level and, implicitly, at national level; — Integration into the labour market or professional reinsertion of categories of inactive persons capable of working; — Increasing the chances of immediate employment for students/graduates of higher education; — Supporting the local economic environment through the new SMEs set up and the grants granted; — Increasing the level of taxes and contributions to local budgets through the new entities established and the new jobs/salaries paid; — Increasing the level of professional skills specific to entrepreneurial activities among a significant number of people; — The development of the local and regional entrepreneurial environment through the development of social innovation hubs that will contribute to the dissemination of the project results among other target groups, being structures that will ensure the sustainability of the project; — Developing networks, partnerships at local/regional/national and trans-national level and facilitating the access of young entrepreneurs to networks with experience in the field of activity; — The development of local strategies and policies to support entrepreneurship and its adaptation to the local reality regarding the labour market, priority sectors, obstacles and ways of overcoming, supporting entrepreneurial initiatives, facilities for entrepreneurs, etc.; Social innovation at regional level through the impact of the project, activities and structures developed, in the development of local/rgional communities and the development of actions with beneficial impact on the environment; — Supporting sustainable development, both from the point of view of environmental protection and socio-economic development in the region; — Promoting the use of ICT and innovative elements (e.g.: strengthening research, technological development and/or innovation; supporting the transition towards a low carbon economy, etc.), including the concept of equal opportunities in each business financed by the project and implicitly in the products and services provided, so that the promotion of the use of these elements is extended to the regional level, including to the final consumers. (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Municipiul Alba Iulia, Romania
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    Municipiul Sibiu, Romania
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    Municipiul Târgu Mureş, Romania
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    Municipiul Miercurea Ciuc, Romania
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    Municipiul Sfântul Gheorghe, Romania
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    Municipiul Braşov, Romania
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