Location of storage and archiving hall P, officesP+ 2E and utility connections (Q2745190)
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Project Q2745190 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Location of storage and archiving hall P, officesP+ 2E and utility connections |
Project Q2745190 in Romania |
3,758,592.49 Romanian Leu
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9,354,248.79 Romanian Leu
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0.4 percent
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1 October 2019
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31 December 2022
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Obiectivul general al prezentului proiect consta in crearea si echiparea unei infrastructuri de arhivare moderna, pregatita pentru oferirea de servicii specifice de nivel calitativ ridicat, contribuind astfel la cresterea competitiviatii economice si a productivitatii muncii in domeniul vizat - Cod CAEN 9101 - Activitati ale bibliotecilor si arhivelor. Prin obiectivul general pe care si-l propune si prin rezultatele preconizate, proiectul este relevant, oportun si totodata necesar mediului de afaceri local, contribuind in mod direct la atingerea obiectivelor Axei prioritare 2.2 In stabilirea obiectului general si a obiectivelor specifice s-a tinut cont de concluziile analizei SWOT aplicata firmei solicitante precum si de tendintele pietei serviciilor hoteliere - piata in care se desfasoara activitatea Constructim Imobiliare SRL . Concluziile analizei SWOT sunt: puncte tari - adaptabilitatea echipei la cerintele si nevoile clientilor - preocuparea continua pentru inovare de proces si de servicii; - aplicarea continua a metodelor de cercetare de marketing in vedere identificarii de noi nevoi la nivelul clientilor existenti si potentiali puncte slabe - inexistenta unei infrastructuri de arhivare si implicita a dotarii acesteia conduce la pierderea oportunitatii de dezvoltare a afacerii - resursa umana insuficienta oportunitati - obligatii legale privitoare la arhivarea documentelor amenintari - perturbatii de natura politica si de securitate care pot reduce drastic activitatea firmelor cliente Prezentul proiect de investitie vine sa rezolve punctele slabe identificate asigurand totodata premisele corecte pentru exploatarea oportunitatilor identificate in favoarea dezvoltarii competivitatii firmei. Avand in vedere obiectivele urmarite- atat cel general cat si cele specifice- si alinierea acestora la obiectivele generale si specifice POR Axa 2.2 se considera ca prezentul proeict este necesar si oportun, contribuind in mod direct la cresterea competitivitatii Regiunii Vest/ (Romanian)
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The general objective of this project is to create and equip a modern archiving infrastructure, prepared for providing specific services of high quality, thus contributing to increasing economic competitiveness and labor productivity in the field concerned – CAEN Code 9101 – Activities of libraries and archives. Through the general objective it proposes and the expected results, the project is relevant, timely and necessary for the local business environment, contributing directly to the objectives of Priority Axis 2.2 In determining the general object and specific objectives, the conclusions of the SWOT analysis applied to the applicant company as well as the trends of the hotel services market – the market in which Constructim Imobiliare SRL is carried out. The conclusions of the SWOT analysis are: strengths – team adaptability to customer requirements and needs – continuous concern for process and service innovation; — the continuous application of marketing research methods in order to identify new needs at the level of existing customers and potential weaknesses – the lack of an archiving infrastructure and its implicit endowment leads to the loss of business development opportunity – human resource insufficient opportunities – legal obligations regarding archiving threatening documents – political and security disruptions that can drastically reduce the activity of client companies This investment project aims to solve the identified weaknesses while ensuring the correct premises for exploiting the identified opportunities in favour of developing the company’s competitiveness. Considering the objectives pursued – both the general and the specific ones – and their alignment with the general and specific objectives of ROP Axis 2.2 it is considered that the present project is necessary and appropriate, contributing directly to increasing the competitiveness of the West Region/ (English)
14 September 2021
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Dumbrăviţa, Romania
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